Saturday, March 17, 2012

back in Malaysia

I'm back in Malaysia...

it's good to see the own home... the home-meal and all

it's nice to be in malaysia warm weather and drive my own car

i must confessed, i love and excited to be back in the office but sadly, there's no students around because it's end of semester holidays and 1st year are scheduled to register around may..that's toooooo longgg!! i guess i have free time till thinking how to spend the time.. i need something to distract me from thinking about my thousands-miles-away husband... counting weeks to meet him!!

and this blog has been abandoned for like gazillion years. am i that bz or have i lost the mojo to blog...maybe now that i'm having many spare time, i could spend writing back..but again..maybe!

i just wanna put some pictures here..of course pics of 2RA..

gifts from Papa for Adam & Aydeen

they love it!!

miss their happy faces and laughter

aydeen about to sleep sambil peluk baju tido ummi

outing with auntie ida & uncle totoq..soon to be mommy & daddy!!
xlama lagi Adam & Aydeen nk dpt geng!
aydeen seems to love uncle totoq but refuse auntie ida...hmmm,wonder why??
kat dlm peyut auntie ida ada baby boy kot..hehehe..kalau girl mesti aydeen nk kat auntie ida

met naz & ida..
hope to meet fith & echo!!

let's meet up aunties!!
maybe we can go picnic somewhere~
with alllll the boys & lil miss raisha!

owhh btw,
Adam is 4years 7months 2weeks
Aydeen is 1year 10months 1week