Friday, October 29, 2010

Aydeen is almost 1/2year old

xlama lagi rifqi dah boleh mula makan...even skg pon kalau kita makan, mulut dia gerak2 gaya nk jugak...seronok nk jamu rifqi makan, bagi dia experience mcm2 mungkin sikit2 kot.. skg nih tgh ulangkaji study mcm mana nk sediakan makanan baby..hehehe...mcm xde pengalaman jer. dah lama tinggal, lupa dah... plus, dulu ada org tolong buat..mommy tolong bg resepi jer.skg nih semua atas bahu sendiri...kalau nk masak tiap2 hari rasa cam xsempat jer... ada yg cadang masak sekali utk satu minggu punya stock...simpan dlm freezer.bila nk makan, baru panaskan... mula2 dgr rasa cam,"boleh ke?"... tp tu laa..kena cari maklumat lebih lanjut, belajar dr other mommies esp working mommies like me yg anta anak gi nursery... anyone with experience or have any idea, please do share with me... really2 need help on this...

right now, rifqi is still exclusively bf.alhamdulillah, i manage to cover the first 6months of his age fully with my own hard-earned product.pheww..seriously with not-so-well-disciplined pumping schedule, with the here & there stress, running back & forth from equine to nusaputra every working day, lack of rest n sleep... i reached my 1st target... 2nd time is harder!! masa 1st baby, mmg meriah hasil susu... skg nih, sad to say cukup2 makan jer... maybe i shouldn't delay giving him solid... bg adek chubby,tembam,debab,dobot balik...

skg nih badan rifqi susut sket... mungkn sbb skg nih rifqi kurang sihat..semalam badan dia panas sket, tp alhamdulillah doc kata panas dia xde sampai tahap demam thing that troubles me is his coughing. batuk berkahak pulak tu...risau la budak2 kecik batuk mcm tu.kesian...hidung dia pon tak selesa.doc said, he'll recover in around 3days... because his lungs is clear...mommy risau giller semalam sampai tak nak pergi sbb ***  xboleh nk cuti kot.. terpaksa gagahkan diri pergi keje. of course sampai nangis dlm keta... hati ibu mana tak sebak tinggalkan anak yg tak sihat pd org lain... seb baik daddy bleh tolong antakan pergi klinik... mommy pesan kat daddy, kalau doc ckp rifqi demam, mommy ttp nk cuti gak! how am i suppose to do my job if my mind keeps on thinking about my sick child? dok buat keje pon kepala otak pk pasal anak... nangis lagi... bab anak mmg sensitif!

this coming weekend nak buat something yg menyeronokkan laa..semlm dah belikan kolam kecik utk abang, selama nih dia dok berangan nk jadi baby balik, mandi lompat dlm tub mandi rifqi yg kecik tu...kalau dulu payah bebenor nk suruh mandi, kena paksa-ugut bagai baru nk masuk bilik air.skg nih siap angkat tangan kata "rayyan nk mandi kolam laa.."..esok, dpt la dia debush2 dlm kolam plastik kat luar rumah.xtau la besar mana kolam tu..main beli jer...

aktiviti menjahit, photography terpaksa ditinggalkan seketika..insyaAllah, bila Allah bg kelapangan masa nak sambung balik.igt nk jahit something special for someone tgh cari idea.fabric dah beli siap2..tangan jer tak bergerak lagi.

kesimpulannya, few weeks nih mmg semput dgn mcm2 ceritera.i'm thankful that i'm surrounded by people who really cares.. tak dpt tlg, dpt jadi tpt utk mengadu pon dah terlerai sikit beban dibahu.terima kaseh kpd insan2 itu...semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kalian yg telah membantu dlm urusan hambaNya yg lemah ini.


Allah tidak menjanjikan hidup ini tidak pernah susah, bersuka-ria tanpa kesedihan, Panas tanpa hujan tetapi ia memberi kita kekuatan,menenangkan kita semasa kesedihan dan menunjukkan .alan yangsebenar-benarnya..

insyaAllah nnti nak buat entry 'Rifqi's Special'..antara gmbr2 hot yg belom dipaparkan sepanjang 6bulan usianya... tanoshimini!

gambar rifqi ni mommy yg amek, tp tau sape edit??
abang rayyan!
dia main2 hp mommy,tau2 dah edit siap save sekali


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Abang Rayyan & Adek Rifqi

~Rayyan is 3years 2months old~
~Rifqi is 5months 2weeks 1day old~

emir sudah selamat terbang ke Taipei jam 9pagi tadi...
selamat terbang dan semoga dipermudahkan urusan di sana nanti

i guess he read my blog coz smlm after work dia sibuk offer nk beli kasut ke tak..hehehe
sukanyer last minute dia kena stay at work sbb ada keje kena siapkan
saya redha jer laa... xpe
shoes can wait,right?

pastu pagi tadi dia tanya nk kirim apa?
i said,"xnak apa2... nak awak!"

maybe i should consider writing mai wish list here..kih3

apapun, i have these 2lovely boys to accompany me

alhamdulillah, rayyan sudah sedar diri mengaku dia abang
these pictures was taken quite some time before

baik punyer parking kat tangan adik dia

rifqi buat muka berkerut, tangan kena himpit

rifqi buka mata sikit usha

but later they keep on sleeping soundly


Monday, October 18, 2010

Taiwan for 4days

in less than 24hours we'll be apart..for a be precise, 4days!
alaa..4 hari jer.. kejap jer..pejam celik dah jumpa balik...

is it???

ask anyone who had experienced long distance relationship.
has it ever been easy?
well, maybe i'll keep myself busy with all the work loads in the office and at home
although we'll most probably be staying at in laws for that amount of days
so that i can use some hands to handle 2boys
..and at the same time keep me sane

yeay, i can go crazy without him around
because he's my other half
it's challenging to survive with my other half 2004.10miles aways from home

or am i just being childish?
did i hear someone say,'oh please, grow up!'

deep in my heart,
i feel that it's fine to feel this way..i'm allowed to be childish when it comes to him

so, ayang
can i get a new pair of shoes to at least feel happy wearing one to work on that 4 long days?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pangkor Island Beach Resort Part 3..ok abis dah!

lagi..lagi gmbr pangkor... last episode :)

hobi kami, berendam!

tolong siram rumput

mama & rifqi

rifqi pon nak mama xberani takut rifqi sejuk :)

 mengamuk xnak pergi pantai


rifqi nak maen??

sampai matahari dah terbenam

last day...time to go home
@ hotel lobby

babai laut, babai ombak

dlm bas nk ke jeti

jumpa lagi nnti~

mai boys

for future references & for those who're looking forward to experience a trip to pangkor island

hotel : Pangkor Island Beach Resort
this hotel have their own private beach(which you can see in most of our pictures).. masa kami naik teksi pink ke pekan, on the way tgk pantai2 ada jugak yg mcm xberapa, kena hati2 waktu book hotel unless you don't mind walking or having to ride to go to the our case, the beach is 2minutes away from our room...and it's a stunning one!

we stayed at Pacific Wing for RM250 per nite.(for max 2 adults & 2children/ 3adults -exclude extra bed)
the amount doesn't include breakfast and we booked online which is cheaper!

ferry fees : RM19 per person pergi balik(for pangkor island jetty). kalau yg biasa rasanya RM10 kot
taxi fees: RM20 one way per taxi(to pangkor town).so pergi balik RM40.

thank you for the beautiful memories!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

"YES" @ "NO"

***** seriously.... like seriously, i need a break!*****

i've always hate it when it comes to making simple as to decide what attire to those big-hard-to-make-kalau-silap-HABIS decisions. life is about making decisions..sometimes we have the slightest idea of which is the right one and what not to opt for... most of the time, it cause STRESS which is not good for sure! the more responsibility you have, the more decisions you have to make.(and soon more stress will come)... have to admit it..that's part of the deal being a human.

i have faced countless time in making hard decisions.but this is the 1st time in my life... i feel like i don't have any options...i've just been given the answer by question..or should i say, a request. haven't you come to a question which sounds like there's answer in it already??? there's no way to say 'NO'.. a hard-solid 'YES' hiding in the Q. bak kata pepatah melayu,' ditelan mati mak, diluah mati bapak'? either way, i'm stuck!

aduh, sakit perut fikir ...heheheh.

Allah duga kami lagi...

all i can do is ASK from HIM... may he guide our heart to make the best decision.

boleh jem kepala berfikir...dah la hari nih rasa badan cramp setelah seharian jadi jurugambar utk seminar. penat rupanyer jd photographer nih yer..walaupon kerjanya tala kamera n tekan button jer..seb baik balik umh ada org sudi urutkan...ada tpt nk bermanja.sambil2 tgk cerita woo!! rayyan pon layan sama..aduhai, rasa cam xlarat jer nk sambung amek gmbr esok...but again, responsibilty...
suddenly..tgh2 borak dgn 'tukang urut' tiba2 rayyan bersuara

rayyan : ... itu mama ke?
me : huh?? tu?
papa : ha ah..mama la tu
me : *blushing* sambil ketawa bahagia

guess what? rayyan said evelyn salt a.k.a angelina jolie is his mama.hahahah..okay, i bg lesen gelak! tp encik suami sokong kata, mmg ada rupa cuma tang bibir jer kureng sama....cett!

itulah nikmat ALLAH bg... anak penawar gusar di hati! and for that, i know He never left us out =)

lately, perut nih selalu sensitif... tak tau mana salahnyer..salah makan ke, alergi ke... risau la pulak takut effect kat rifqi since he's fully bf... aduhai perut, kenapa dgn kamu?? sejak bila kamu jadi sensitip? mungkin kena bertapis makan.... mmg skg nih makan xterjaga.main taram jer apa ada dpn mata... kesian perut jadi mangsa.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pangkor Island Beach Resort Part 2

2nd day... @ breakfast

the hornbills also having breakfast

seronok layan burung nih sambil breakfast... jinak betul ..lupa nk shoot gmbr merak..

after breakfast, we went to pangkor town to buy some souvenir... my mil pesan beli ikan bilis kalau mcm xmurah mana pon..but i bought some anyway. most of the shop owned by chinese...xde satu pon kedai melayu yg berniaga ikan bilis. org melayu bukak gerai makan jer... for me, pangkor town xde apa yg best pon... kecuali kalau org mmg nk borong junk food n ikan bilis,ikan masin, etc... kami nih beli buat syarat jer.after lunch, balik semula ke hotel...both boys dah melepek tido kepenatan... next time kalau pergi pangkor lagi, tak pergi pekan dia kot... xde apa yg menarik bg kami. better dok kat hotel main tepi pantai, korek pasir, terjun pool, round island, nature walk, play with hornbills n peacocks and at pangkor island beach resort they even have kids center where you can leave you kids there with bunch of activities while you have a nice walk by the beach with your other half..of course, we didn't leave rayyan there... sat lagi meraung pulak... angkut jer la pi mana pon. dia asek sibuk nak main 'panah'..bukan panah 'pasir'+'tanah'='panah'... penat dah betulkan sebutan...itu jugak yg disebutnya...hehehe
balik dr pekan, kami rehat2 di bilik sementara tunggu budak berdua tu tido... bangun jer tido, terus ke pantai...

play was around 6pm

sibuk angkut pasir pantai tabur tepi pool..uish2, anak sape la ni

bukan main suka main takut laut...

The  Malay-style architecture Villas... next time, we wanna stay here =)

Rifqi 1st beach...

 Rifqi tengok jer..

don't do this at home...(at least not everyday)

kaki comel rifqi & kaki giant papa

ok laa...sambung lagi nnti


Monday, October 4, 2010

Charming Rifqi

I'm 5.....months today!

I can't wait to get on my feet and chase rayyan onichan...

(nama model telah ditukar..sorry yer adek! hihih)


Friday, October 1, 2010

Pangkor Island Beach Resort Part 1

so, here's some pictures as promised. xsempat nk upload semua..ini pon, curi2 masa edit, upload... ada lagi seketul kelas lps nih..esok lusa confirm bz.sudah ada agenda menanti... insyaAllah, gmbr2 yg lain akan menyusul kemudian...

 feri yang kami naiki untuk ke pulau pangkor... diberi nama 'Naik Selalu' ..huhuhu..comel kan?

Rayyan & Papa on board

Leka tgk kapal2... mula2 nak naik ferry dok menjerit,'Tak nak naik boat'...

Rifqi & Papa, sebelum feri bertolak

kami yg seronok tgk laut

Sampai sudah di jeti khas utk tetamu Pangkor Island Beach Resort & Teluk Dalam Resort

kenderaan yg belah kiri warna putih itu ialah bas hotel..foc :)

View from our room... i wish i could have this view everyday

that night, i woke up at 5am( it was my alarm clock that woke me)... couldn't went back to sleep...amazed by the sound of the wave ..maklumlah, dok bandar mana nk dgr bunyi2 alam... we spend the next nite sitting at the balcony together chit-chatting till 4am..

more pictures coming...