Sunday, March 28, 2010

27 Haribulan 3

Syukur, Alhamdulillah...kebelakangan ni, byk dgr berita gembira..walaupun, bukan utk diri sendiri, tp mommy sama2 tumpang gembira..apatah lagi, insan2 itu adalah insan2 yg mommy sayang... ada yg bakal bertunang, ada yg bakal menjadi isteri, ada yg bakal menimang cahaya mata... yang lebih membuatkan mommy happy ialah insan2 ini, adalah insan2 yg sudah lama menanti sgt2 itu... benarlah janji2 Dia.. akan memberi pada yg meminta.kalau tidak cpt, mungkin hadirnya lmbt... kalau tidak diberi seperti yg diharapkan, Dia gantikan dgn yg lebih baik lagi... Maha Suci Allah... ku panjatkan syukur Ya Allah atas kurniaanMu kpdku dan insan2 disekelilingku...

27th Mac 2005~27th Mac 2010

gambar engagement yg xprofesional...masa tu hentam jer kamera biasa2.. xde official jurukamera pon

this date 5years ago, i'm engaged to the love of my life. at 22years old, i was engaged to the man i've loved since i first laid my eyes on his sweet baby face.. of course, at that moment i kept the feelings to myself as i'm afraid that he might be someone's bf, fiance or anything... lucky me, he's single but hard to catch.ala2 gaya macho gitu.dah la si dia senior thn akhir, whilst i'm a 1st year junior. but they always says, love is, masa belajar di aaj lagi dah nekad dlm hati xnak couple dgn kawan sebaya & nk kawen dgn senpai..seriously.. segalanya bermula dgn niat..of course with good intentions laa..heheh..i made solat istikharah just to make sure that i'm doing the right thing..once i confessed my feelings,(yes,i'm the one who made the 1st move.. perigi carik timba?? x apply dah zaman canggih skg ni..don't you think?) he wanted me to be his girl for the rest of his life. i was lost in words to describe the feelings... i was speechless and i cried! Allah made it all easy for me after all the waitings,prayers and just one day,(coz we never talk much before that,didn't really knew much about each other) from a stranger we became couple... and alhamdulillah, became husband & wife, mommy & daddy together to beautiful kids,insyaAllah. inilah jejaka pojaan hatiku
can't believe it has been 5 years since we got engaged. 7years since we knew each other. i guess at this stage, counting to 5 years of marriage, people care less about their engagement date anymore. i remember counting weeks,months being his girlfriend, fiance and wife when we just got the title... silly! i know! and most people do that at the beginning,don't you? hehehe... masa hati tgh bunga2 la katakan.. bila dah bertahun2, tak heran dah.kira wedding anniversary & anniversary declare(penting tu,because it's history) jer..itu pon,selalu risau kalau2 org tu lupa...dah usia makin bertambah,anak pon bertambah,komitmen pon bertambah... hubungan nih kalau kurang baja, kurang air siraman... nk berputik pon payah... kena bg 'boost' once in a while.

why am i babling about this? engagement? actually,few days back,i got a great news from someone i love..she's gonna get engage this saturday, 27th Mac 2010! the very same date with my engagement date... she was there during my purple engagement day.infact,she's always there for me, for good and for bad... she's like my sister i never had.. i want to be there on her engagement day too, but unfortunately it's gonna be held in kedah & with me & my 33weeks pregnant belly, i'm afraid long distance trip is kalau nk sponsor tiket air asia, boleh jer ;) plus, there's gonna be a family 'kenduri' at Malacca at the same date... it's kinda frustating tho.. i really wanna be there to witness her special day.. i'll make sure that i'm gonna make it to her big day!

my BFF, cik Shuhaida Ismail
our trip to Korea celebrating new year 2006
sahabat susah senang
dear best friend,
just ring me if you need anything!! i could be your wedding planner if you want..seriously! if you're reading this,please know that i love you & i'm sooo happy for you,dear! i almost cried when i heard the news... and Mr.X.. soon i'll have to share my precious friend with, do take a good care of her!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Breastfeeding story is back

bila mula pregnant balik, all tof he memories masa awal2 bersalinkan rayyan came back.. kena refresh balik byk info esp regarding breastfeeding as for adek too i would like to commit to fully breastfeeding...insyaAllah. waktu 1st preganancy,mmg bersemangat korek info dr byk website sana-sini, masuk forum, baca pengalaman ibu2 lain... 2nd pregnancy nih, berkurangan.. maybe sbb ada sedikit ilmu didada, cuma kena recall balik, baca entry yg lepas2(inilah salah satu gunanya ada blog)... kalau boleh,kali nih xnak buat kesilapan yg sama, cuba elakkan 'nightmare' kena swollen breast.. bina semula semangat utk pump kat rumah & ofis secara istiqamah.

skg nih dah masuk 33weeks,alhamdulillah semuanya baik. seingat mommy, adek lagi aktif berbanding rayyan onichan dulu... skg nih masih lagi aktif kicking & moving around inside my tummy.kepala masih blom engage kata doc... adek,cpt2 turun kepala kat bawah.mommy taknak kena potong...heheh..cerita pasal adek,teringat blom letak lagi gmbr scan adek...uish2,mommy nihh! macam bz sgt..
anyway, i read this from momslittleone and it is sooo interesting. menambah keyakinan bila baca entry ni, a point of view from a man regarding bf... it was nicely written.

They come in different sizes and shapes; creating quite a stir for some men but they actually serve the most important function to human being that is to breastfeed babies and if possible toddlers. Nowadays, they are more seen inmagazines and television promoting any kind of merchandising including cars,perfume and more that people forget the whole purpose of them. People sometimes refuse to call them their real name but prefer to use their nicknames such as tits, boobs, etc. I thought this was the time that we, men should realize the real purpose and potential of them and acknowledge women by recognizing them by their faces rather than their assets. Although ‘they’ can look very delicious during breastfeeding.

When my wife got pregnant for the first time, I knew I was going to ask her to fully breastfeed our child. I am lactose intolerant. The smell and the sight of artificial milk can easily make my stomach upset. I do not want my children to even have a sip of those artificial milk. I read a lot about the goodness of breastfeeding and have experienced most of it if not all. Let me share with you the advantages of being a dad to breastfed children.

• Breast-feeding helps women get back to their pre-pregnancy state. It contracts the uterus and helps to expedite the healing process after delivery.Advantage to dad; within one to two weeks my wife was already well enough to cook for the family and look after all of us. Save money for eating out.

• Breastfeeding helps women to lose weight faster. Yes, less money to spend on slimming products or classes or treatment.

• The babes sucking, vital for the production of milk stimulates the release of milky hormones, prolactin and oxytocin. These hormones also help a woman relax. Therefore less arguing and confrontation with me. Some argue that its psychology thinking, but still, to me it means a lot.

 • One very IMPORTANT fact for working dads or maybe for some who is being controlled by the queen. We don’t have to wake up at night to prepare milk. Mom’s supply is ready anytime. And while they are at it, they can simply continue changing the baby’s diapers as well. I’m sure most of us men will gladly agree.

• Traveling is easy. No need to bring all the bottles and milk. As long as we bring the ‘queen’ along, we will be hassle free. We only have to worry about those pesky diapers bag.

 • We can save a lot of time and money on buying artificial milk. Breast milk is free. To some, it doesn’t seem to bother a lot, but try think about the free time that you can have by not going to the store every now and then to get those artificial milk, and imagine if you accidentally got the wrong milk instead! I’m sure most of us have faced the wrath of the queen.

 • A breast fed child will be less likely to suffer from asthma, eczema and a whole host of other little goodies; saving yet more money, this time on medical bills. More money for us to buy our toys.

 • Breastfeeding satisfies baby's emotional needs. All babies need to be hold regularly. It is much easier to console a crying baby with breastfeeding. Less crying means less emotional pressure for moms and dads and more time for us to spend reading the newspaper. As you can begin to see and appreciate, anything to do with the breasts shouldn't be rushed or underestimated.
Breast-feeding isn't just about feeding babies. Breastfeeding should be a normal picture to our society at any time, anywhere. A baby sucking is an urge of great magnitude, rather like you. Babies need to suck. With breastfeeding babies expend energy; derive comfort, security, love and warmth. It's their first social exchange. It exercises their jaw and aids the growth of teeth. Demand feeding as we call it in the trade, is instinctive and shouldn't be messed with. We should promote this fact and be in tune with it. Sadly this is a lost art.

One controversial issue with men and breastfeeding is feeding in public. Husbands should not be ashamed of their wives who opt for public breastfeeding (although I can get very fiery when someone tries to look closer). They know what they are doing. Do not aspect your wife to breastfeed your child in the restroom. Would you like to have your lunch or snack in the toilet? If you are ok with it, then there must be something wrong with you. There are a lot of ways to actually breastfeed discreetly. In the market right now, we have plenty of choices of nursing clothes. There are also ways to cover their assets and women usually know about it. And guys ...please mind your eyesight; the mother is trying to feed her baby. You can have plenty of time at home.

Nature at it's best and most beautiful. Breast-feeding for many women is a passionate affair. Place this somewhere safe in your mind and when the time comes to share your life with the woman you adore and you both decide to have children, give her all the encouragement you can. She'll love you even more for it. Passionately, together you can watch your child grow, oh and her breasts too..........

Breasts are beautiful; they also produce milk, the best pre-packed convenience food out there, now that's an advertisement well worth remembering...
credit to momslittleone & Shazly Khan 

Thursday, March 25, 2010


when i was pregnant with rayyan, i love the song 'keep holding on' by Avril & 'Wait for you' by Elliot Yamin

now, with adek i'm so addicted to this song

dedicated to the love of my life, Emir,Rayyan & Adek of course

the lyric is just so schweeett~ let's sing!

Give me more loving than I’ve ever had Make it all better when I’m feeling sad Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad Barely getting mad I’m so glad I found you I love being around you
You make it easy Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only 1 thing 2 Do 3 words 4 you (I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say Those 3 words That’s what I’ll do (I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start Piece me back together when I fall apart Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad Best that I’ve had And I’m so glad I found you I love being around you You make it easy It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4 There’s only 1 thing 2 Do 3 words 4 you (I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say Those 3 words That’s what I’ll do (I love you) I love you
You make it easy It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4 There’s only 1 thing 2 Do 3 Words 4 You ( I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say Those 3 words That’s what I’ll do (I love you) I love you (I love you) I love you 1-2-3-4 I love you (I love you) I love you

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If life was easy, where would all the adventures be?

cute quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

true isn't it?
Rayyan on Monday 22nd Mac 2010. he's not feeling very well & i had to brought him to the office... this is him Photobucket Photobucket
Rayyan yesterday...
alhamdulillah, tak susah nk jaga rayyan walaupun badan dia tak sedap.. dia lebih byk mendiamkan diri. dia tak merengek byk, cuma dia jadi takut bila dia muntah.. dia akan larik jauh2 lps muntah sbb dia takut... rasa nk tergelak pon ada.tapi tak sampai hati..heheh.
wajah yg tenang bila dapat melelapkan mata, merehatkan badan yg letih Photobucket Rayyan this morning... :D Photobucket
alhamdulillah, rayyan sudah genki(sehat). sudah bernyanyi riang bila bangun pagi dgn lagu2 kesukaannya... sudah mahu minta disuap makan.sudah mahu minum susu... sudah mahu bertanya itu dan ini... sudah kembali menjadi rayyan yg ceria! terima kasih atas doa kawan2.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hayaku Genki ni Natte ne,Rayyan onichan!

i can't really remember the last time rayyan had a fever... even if he's not feeling well like having a mild flu or cough he's still active and able to cheer us up. but today was different. he was okay during morning while we're busy setting up our little gardening project, he was busy playing with all the tools and soil too... he was happy because he can get himself in the dirt and need not to worry about us getting mad at him because mommy and dadddy were also playing with dirt... after everything finished, he had his bath with daddy while i'm in the kitchen preparing lunch.He came down from upstairs in nice clothes, with hair nicely done like edward cullen by his daddy, and the smile(yup, that killing-boleh-buat-cair smile)... i smiled and asked him some i-know-the-answers-questions just to tease him. he went to watch tv and i went back to the kitchen. after i finished, i went to see what he was watching... guess what? he was watching p.ramlee's movie. i didn't bother to checked on the title but seeing him so into that movie makes me wonder.he didn't have any specific favourite cartoon charactor unlike some kids who love thomas, barney ect.. apatah lagi tgk cerita melayu which is in plain black and white.i mean, he was sitting still like staring at the screen instead of watching what the movie was all about.macam orang termenung... i sense something was wrong. i sat beside him and hug him. he was boiling! i mean, his body was really hot! but he's not clingy at all. he still gave me his smile... but a silent smile... he refused to have his lunch. didn't asked for milk for the whole day..that's a record although he's not into fm as well. he only wants tea. weird! he had his nap at 2pm and woke up at 3pm... sejam tu sempat la tepek dahi dia dgn cooler pad. bangun tido pon xmoh nasi, xmoh susu... he was not as talkative as he always do. we brought him along to jusco to do a quick shopping. kalau biasanya, sepanjang perjalanan dia akan sibuk tanya itu ini... this time dia senyap jer... just wandering around with zero interest in anything even if we brought the topic up or asked him the questions he loved to be asked, he'll reply with a nod or a word... sepanjang shopping pon dia diam jer.. like a very2 good boy.kalau selalu xnk duduk dlm troli supermarket, arinih bole dia setia sehingga ke akhir shopping duduk dlm tu without any hassle... biasanya kalau pergi shopping, his big interest will goes to the lift which he calls as 'ting tong', kali nih dia slumber tak layan... xmenunjuk minat langsung.owhh, poor my baby!! sebak gilller bila dia macam nih.. i can't believe i miss his menace for a while... why do i refuse to bring him to the clinic? because i know what i'll get from those clinic with typical ordinary check-up which at the end of the day all i get is some antibiotics, fever meds and a bill which didn't do me good. i think i lost trust in public clinics since i came back from japan.i remember when i'm down with bad-never-had-i-experienced fever, i went to the clinic and they prescribe me fever medicines without taking a thorough check up on me whose shivering like *ell.i went to 3different docs but my fever was a 2 days nightmare. i was suffering from swollen breast back then.. and everytime i told them about it, they just say it's normal for breastfeeding mother, no tips given to relieve the pain or anything(or the tips which i already knew from the internet which doesn't help), instead they even adviced me to stop breastfeeding(siap bg pill stop milk production!)..sabar jer laa.. since then i lost trust to the docs. at last, my MIL's advices was the one that helps. i prefer self-treatment,home remedy with some vitamins and suppliments. i'd prefer all these than those drugs medicines... even when i myself fall sick, i only went to the clinic to claim the MC..the medicines the provide usually goes to the rubbish bin.same case with all the medicines which my current doc prescribe for my pregnancy. i just refuse to take them into my system.adik beradik panadol tu jgn kata laa...dah lama sayonara from my life. no offense to any doctors out there... but it's just one of my policy. anyway, alhamdulillah.. at 9pm,after 2failed attempts to give him meals and 2 times vomiting, rayyan managed to take his dinner cheerly without us forcing him. the best part is, he's back to being my cheerful rayyan...humming his favourite nursery rhymes and smiling and riding his bike(in the house of course).. later,my MIL whose just came back from ipoh came over and brougt us some suppliments for rayyan. i can see that he's feeling much better ... he's asleep now. hope to see him wake up smiling next to me tomorrow!
Hayaku genki ni natte ne, Rayyan Onichan!! my cheerful rayyan!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Rockenstein

dulunyer, emir hated Faizal Tahir. lps kes FT beraksi tidak berapa sopan on stage xberapa lama dulu... masa tu, kami baru balik dr nihon..tak kenal sangat artis msia. tp bila dgr lagu2 dia, mommy rasa syiok pulak mamat nih punyer suara.bila dia masuk juara lagu, makin suker dia... dah lama tak ada artis msia yg best utk diminati... maklumlah, makin ramai yg meminati lagu dr seberang.tambahan pulak, kat ofis nih ada sorang sensei nihonjin yg suka gak kat FT.dia selalu tgk rancangan tv msia... sampai kenal ft and tahu lagu2 dia.wahh, bertambah best laa..ada geng. the funny thing was,one day i heard emir nyanyi lagu FT.lagu Mahakarya cinta kot.dia yg dulunya nyampah habis ngan FT,sampai tgk iklan baju(yg ada logo superman bagai tu) kat kedai oleh FT ,dia kutuk2.xnak beli sbb FT modelnya... sabar jer la.sekarang dah terminat pulak...huhuh.tu laa, tak baik benci2, nanti suker! bukan kami sajer, our little Rayyan pon dah terpengaruh dgn FT.last week, he can even sing chorus part for lagu gemuruh. terkejut beruk mommy & daddy dia... okay, bukan sbb kami dodoi lagu FT tiap2 hari yer.. baik bg dgr lagu alif-ba-ta ke.. sejuk sikit perut dgr dia nyanyi... macam mana dia bleh hafal lagu nih?? actually that song is my MIL's hp ringtone. i think you can imagine that businesswoman hp never rest at peace... everytime bunyi, rayyan as assistant kecil my MIL yg akan sibuk tlg amek & bg hp kat ummi dia... betul la, budak2 nih terang hati..senang jer nk far we tried to record Rayyan nyanyi lagu tu, tp lom berjaya dpt the best version.. that's gonna be rayyan's 1st-non-children-nursery-rhymes song he sang well... it's weird but we love it!! suka suruh dia nyanyi ulang2... kalau awal2 dulu kena iring dia nyanyi, skg dah boleh nyanyi sendiri without music nor iringan suara kami yg sumbang...hehehe... soooo very cute how he pronounce all those words... Gemuruh jiwa semangat membara Dari puncak ingin ke angkasa Berkalungkan bintang berkelipan Menyerlah jauh dari yang biasa 2thn 7bulan dah pandai nyanyi lagu faizal tahir.... i wonder what other songs he can sing after this... owh! and one more thing about rayyan. dia sudah punya handphone. i mean, imaginary handphone. using his own cute little fingers. kadang2, tgh jalan2 tu dia bleh 'angkat tepon' cakap 'assalamualaikum'.. blaa..blaa.. klaka betul. the best part is, his phone rings more frequently than ours... arituh,tgh2 sibuk petik strawberi, his so called hp bunyi.. siap kita pulak kena tunggu dia abis ckp kat tepon.and sometimes, dia siap bleh pass hp dia kat kita, konon2 nyer org yg call dia tu, nk cakap ngan kita.he's a bz little man, i guess... macam2 la rayyan nie... but it's super-cute!

little note: i have a little surprise project to be done! :D

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cameron Highland part 2

story on our 2nd day.. 8th Mac 2010
here's the sunrise panorama from our room @ heritage.. as the 3 of us bgn lambat, gmbr sunrise pon xberapa best...hehehe.nama pon bercuti kan?
after had a very heavy breakfast... we started our tour.. 14
the weather was nice... 15
went to ichigo gari(strawberry picking)?? hmm.. tak sama macam kat nihon yg byr an amount 1200yen gurai ka naa,makan sampai xlarat..duduk la baper jam pon... sampai kembung ichigo
kat sini, boleh petik jer pastu timbang...500gram=rm15... xboleh makan kat dlm ladang maybe sbb masa tu,kami bertiga jer dlm ladang tu, abang2la kat situ bg jer kami makan :D
18 cara2 makan ichigo(strawberi) oleh Rayyan Oniichan
19 kemudian, kami meneruskan perjalanan mencari lunch... yg xbes kat cameron nih,restoran melayu yg best xbyk... oleh sbb breaksfast dah mkn berat, we had karipap & tea @ Bharat Tea centre sambil layan tenet
inilah trade mark Cameron highland.. ladang teh!
Rayyan was taking his nap,so mommy posing la sorang2


that's my belly.. 8months with adek.bulat!


all sorts of cactus


Butterfly Park..yg bukan sekadar butterfly tp mcm2 ada...
rayyan loves the tortoise & rabbit

Rayyan helping me shopping... 26

end of the day, we went to Equatorial Hotel... 27 the sunset view from our room @ 8th floor


our 3rd day..

on our way to Boh Tea Centre @ Sungei Palas...

dekat jer dgn equatorial,tp jalan nk naik tu...hmmm,mencabar!


Mommy & Rayyan 30

Rayyan budak busuk yg tak mandi lagi... 31

sampai2 ke tea centre, derang baru nk set up itu ini.. lom bukak lagi.. kami pon posing2

this was rayyan's pose for mommy...sabar jer laa 32

don't do this at home!! 33

canteknyerrr ladang teh... if only i wake up to this scenery every morning :) 34

Rayyan & mommy... dah lapaarr! 35

eventhough the breakfast was a simple one,buns & karipap served with tea(sorang tamak nk minum 2), nikmatnyaa~ yappari,keshiki da ne!! 36

3 soon to be 4! 37

soro2 nk balik dah... 38

babaiii ladang teh.. we'll definitely come again!! 39

and that marks our last trip with mr.white stallion.. thank you for 3beautiful years with no major accidents & trouble... we love you!! *sob2* 20

Friday, March 12, 2010

Cameron Highland part 1

~Rayyan is 2years 7months & 2weeks old~
~adek is 31weeks old in mommy's tummy~
nama jer xrasa mcm cuti sgt..ada la rasa sikit2..kalau dah tiap2 hari masuk ofis pkl 11/12 tgh hari... xrasa tipu la kan? bila student xde, waktu keje jadik lagi fleksibel... tu salah satu sbb cuti itu best! walaupon hari isnin tu ada meeting & souji(kemas2 ofis), daku melarikan diri ke Cameron highland bersama 2kekasih hati.xde pon buat plan, booking hotel sume..pergi sergah jer.sbnrnya,kami nih mengambil kesempatan kebetulan my MIL ada meeting kat sana 3d2n starting monday... tp oleh sbb en.izmir iswandi arifin xboleh amek cuti lama2 kami pergi ahad tu n plan balik hari selasa.. sunday morning, bermalas2an bangun, buat bekfas, kemas rumah, laundry ect...siap sume kerja rumah around 1tgh hari tu, baru terhegeh2 call hotels... niat nak stay kat strawberry park,tp full pulak.. bila tgk kat internet, most of the hotels there have limited wonder la kan... only equatorial offers lotsa equatorial rate 5stars..xmoh la mahal2.lagipon hotel camtu dah biasa jumpa.. alang2 kat cameron byk offers cottage style hotels, apa salahnyer try... mula2 igt nk gi Bala's.. hubby beriya sgt nk stay sana, tp tgk tpt dia cam dalam hutan jer..hehehe.. lenkali pulak laa. at last we opt for Heritage for 1nite ... we started our journey at 2pm.drop by at jusco ioi, bought some sushi & udon for lunch and ate along the way.. mcm ryokou kat nihon pulak... hihihi.kalau berhenti mkn,mahu sejam, we decided to dine in the car instead... as it was sunday, the trip was a smooth one.. no jam and all. we chose to climb up cameron using the Tapah route.that was my 1st time & i wanna say it might be my last! giller pening jalan pusing2 macam never ending journey.asek2 tgk batu tepi jln yg bitau lagi baper km nk sampai tanah rata... rayyan pulak syiok tido.. seb baik on the way tu ada Lata Iskandar.. menceriakan kami bertiga.tgk air terjun, tp kami tak terjun.. infact, tak ramai org yg mandi kat situ.ada la some chinese 2,3 org.. yg lain sumer amek2 gmbr jer.termasuklah kami...


mcm xberapa sesuai utk bermandi-manda... tp sgt gorgeous!!


30weeks pregnant...muka yg semakin membolat? perutku??
nnti kita tunjuk gmbr perut bulat yerr...hehehe


penat mak buyung nih tercangkung2 nk posing...


rayyan yg baru bgn tido, terus segar nmpk air terjun 5 rayyan tgk apa tu?? bukan main jeling lagi


Rayyan & mommy


continue our journey at 615pm-ish..sampai tanah rata dekat pkl 7mlm.check-in hotel,solat, mandi-manda & siap2 for dinner.malam tu jalan2 area tanah rata.. best jugak lepak mlm2 kat luar... balik hotel, mommy & rayyan terus tido whilst daddy sibuk dgn lappy nyer... dinner kat hotel jerr.. malas nk cari tpt mkn kat luar


outside Heritage


kami jumpa pokok kaler2 nih


mcm biasalah, kalau dah nama berjalan tu, gmbr bukan main byk,petik ikut sedap hati.jadiknyer, kena la buat byk part...
to be continue.. xtau bila :)