Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 20 & Majlis Iftar AAJ Family

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

benda tak berfaedah yang membawa padah...




alhamdulillah, projek raya no.2 & no.3 sudah siap! yesterday was indeed a very productive day...dr pagi sampai petang non-stop dgn project raya. pkl 5 terlepek atas sofa mencari tenaga nk masak utk berbuka pulak... siap masak pkl 710pm..seb baik sempat... apakah project2 itu?? cerita kemudian la ye..sbb ada byk cerita pending yg kena didahulukan... maklumlah, weekend bukan hari berkepit dgn laptop.

alkisahnya, minggu lepas 21hb ogos..kawan2 seperjuangan di AAJ telah beramai2 memeriahkan pondok kecil kami untuk majlis iftar & meraikan Kak KB yg bakal berangkat ke Jepun untuk kursus beliau selama 6bulan. tahun lepas, utk k.fuza kami buat di Bukit ampang. i've written it here.memandangkan tahun ini, kak KB pergi dlm bulan syawal, maka celebration terpaksa dibuat dlm bulan ramadhan. nak pergi berbuka kat luar mmg byk tpt yg menarik tp rasanyer buat kat rumah lebih meriah n boleh lepak2..xpayah terkejar2... plus, with baby rifqi n non-stop wandering rayyan...xlarat mak nak kejar askar2 ni.

walaupon majlis nih buat kat rumah kami, makanan ditaja oleh kawan2.we served the drinks and i just made some banana walnut muffin and dadih perisa keladi.byk makanan malam tu..seb baik dah pesan kat depa siap2, bawa bekas utk tapau..

enough talking..let's see some pictures by kak kb...hehehe..yg diraikan jadi photographer pulak yer

sebelum tu, mohon ampun sbb tayang gmbr food...ini utk kenang-kenangan

nasi kerabu yummy by zoraida sensei
ikan siakap special by jamila sensei
ayam goreng berempah by syana & cik yoi
udang goreng berlada by kak niza
ayam rendang by kak ju

sup tulang by fazian sensei

strawberi dr ladang kak kb
popiah by zoraida sensei
karipap sedap by syana & cik yoi
muffin by yours truly =)

dadih keladi..sonang jer buatnyer... satu singgit kalau kat pasar ramadhan
habis licin siap depa tapau bawa balik..

muffin...syiok sbb jumpa cup yg sgt cute dan murah di ikea
ini pon licin...seronok tgk org makan sampai abis

the kids @ kids zone while waiting for berbuka time.
seronok sakan la rayyan mengeluarkan segala khzanah dpd stor mainan dia tu

Ainura & his baby brother Aidan

another extension of Jamila sensei family, Aihana

Fatin nechan

cheeky syasya

kawaiii Opie chan

Rayyan and his 3rd birthday present from his atuk

test drive

Rifqi & his mak, Zoraida sensei

bacaan doa selamat utk kak kb oleh idrus sensei

menjamu selera selepas solat jamaah beramai2
kaum bapa

kaum ibu

kids @ playland

tergolek2 opie baca buku..
"jgn la amek gmbr saya"


rayyan & his lil hut

haa...baca nii

masa untuk membelek anak2...

fazian sensei with aihana

Rifqi & mama

future sumo member...hik3
Aydeen Kun

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 18 & Day 19

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.

Kalau Allah melarang dan melaknat sesuatu perbuatan itu, maka ada sebabnya di situ...jadi, kenapa nk ingkar lagi??  actually, xpaham kenapa ada org gay...

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

tanpa agama, hidup mcm tanpa buku panduan. takde arah tujuan or shall i say, xde matlamat. I'm lucky to be born as muslim. nikmat terhebat kunianNya.

politics? never  a fan on that? tanya la menteri apa pun, most probably i can't answer who is what... infact, baca suratkhabar pon malas... heheheh...yer,sy selalu ketinggalan.


sedang mencuba untuk meneruskan projek raya no.2 & no.3 harini. dengan bantuan en.suami.plan hari ni nk balik berbuka puasa di melaka...oh, sempatkah??

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 17

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something..

i've wrote it here...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 16

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.

eh,mcm banyak jer... to name a few,
  1. kucing - dulu2 suka kucing, tp sejak ada anak..xde kucing pon xpe..
  2. Cik pinky, my laptop- sejak ada hp yg bleh access internet, xpandang sgt dah penting utk update blog..
  3. since being a bf mom again, handbag main campak2 jer.. beg pam dah jadi handbag baru.sumbat segala wallet n hp dlm tu. so, there goes all my handbags into the closet maybe until i have the mood to dress up again...until rifqi is 2years old??
  4. segala gadget yg boleh disumbat dlm hp sudah tidak diperlukan lagi... calendar, calculator, mp3 player, buku tiga 5(utk tulis note..hahaha.dulu2 pakai woo), address book ect... hp is my bestfriend!
  5. i could live without a sister or brother...eventhough i have a sister & a brother..they exist only in name... but who cares! i love being my mom's baby and being raised as the youngest in the family...


wahh..sudah 2minggu ramadhan... persiapan raya xmula lagi. nasib baik baju raya dah siap.arinih nk pergi amek. tahun nih baju raya xde tema...tema hentam jer baju apa2. emirr recycle baju tahun lepas..rayyan blom beli baju melayu, ada gaya recycle jugak. rifqi nyer baju melayu dah beli...ntah muat ntah tidak..budak nih cepat betul membesar...beli sblm puasa lagi.heheh...esok terpaksa cuti sbb nursery rifqi cuti... hopefully boleh la buat sikit2 projek..opss, tp bahannyer xbeli lagi..adehh! xlarat dah la nk gi shopping memalam. kita korek je la apa yg ada di dapur tu...

mcm mana persiapan korang?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 15

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.


budak berdua ni, kalau xde rasa xcomplete. sunyi... definitely,irresistable. couldn't imagine my life without them...


of course, kekasihku
i couldn't live without him even for a split second. i've tried living without him and seriously it's ugly. pergi kedai pon nk gi sama2..hehehe.. gila! kalau tertido kat sofa, he'll carry me into the bedroom...hahah,imagine naik tangga carrying me? dah 5thn kahwin pon masih lagi sama... hopefully, sampai akhir hayatku =)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 12 ,13, 14 & Sunway Lagoon

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

must be my drawings!! i have no talent in drawing, even sketching... hahaha.. bila tgk org pandai lukis rasa kagum! mcm mana imagination tu boleh pergi ke tangan dan akhirnya ke atas kertas mmg sesuatu yg dr dulu lagi kukagumi...

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Ayumi Hamasaki,Linkin Park, Fort Minor, byknyer...mmg suka dgr lagu.bila dah suka dgr byk2 kali sampai bosan..tapi lagu paling tangkap leleh lagu ayumi ..most of her songs tp yg lama2 laa..

have to write letter ke,syana?? hehehe

ok, just a note to ayumi

"あゆみ さんへ、

to ayumi, thank you for making such a beautiful songs with nice lyrics that give warmth to my heart during my hard days... i wish you all the best and please continue on making more and more songs that touch many hearts! (ok,translate mungkin ada sedikit lari...hehe..mmg lemah bab translate)

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

hero saya?? yg mengecewakan... xde, alhamdulillah~


 (so, no letter la kan?)

tu dia qada' terus 3hari..mohon ampun weekend yg lepas amat2 sibuk sampai terlepek kepenatan..en hubby sampai demam... tp semuanya tak dpt menandingi keseronokkan hari sabtu malam itu.. will update later, insyaAllah



pictures time!

here are the pictures on our splash day at sunway lagoon...
celebrating a whole day with rayyan for his 3rd birthday

rayyan wandering around..xde pool pon??

muka seronok dpt lompat air

the best part!!

takut tapi mahu..huhu

nak lagii

muka sedey nk balik

tgk apa tu???


perut lapar, diisi donut all time fav donut with yin yang coffee
love the message on the tissue quote "Don't loose your idea, quickly write them down!"

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 11

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

don't know if it's is a compliment or not but people always says i look like anak mami, mix, arab ect... i take it as a compliment. hehehe... i would like to make a statement that i'm not mix,anak mami jauh sekali arab. at least, that's what i know... but you can keep on calling me aisywarya rai...hahaha,perasan!

ok, enough with that..

as i promise looonnggg..loonnggg time before

my newly dressed kitchen!!

alhamdulillah... tercapai sudah sebahagian impian~

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 10

before that, jom layan Lenka...currently loving this song and Lenka too

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

siapa yer?

someone i wish i didn't know -> that person i mentioned in Day 08

someone i need to let go
i can't believe i'm saying this but it's true. there are these times in my life when i have to let go of the person that meant the most to me. something comes up, misunderstanding and jealousy caused the pain and letting go is the best solution. they're my 2 bestfriends... well, at least they used to be. i don't know what went wrong but i lost 2 of them... people say, it's better to stay friends with people rather than to be bestfriends. if i get the 'bestfriends' word translated right, they are friends who gonna be there through your ups n downs and be frank with you with whatever things that is happening...

at one point if felt like....
i guess...

and ...

but again,

how i wish we can talk endlessly about stupid things and end up laughing at each other without no one getting hurt or feeling bad...

how i wish i can turn back time

and maybe make this M.O.U


apart all that, please know something

that i still care for you!

now, i miss my bestfriends, imfeen!!