Sunday, May 29, 2011

Handmade Fabric Book Cover

i'm not a book lover... i only read books either someone i know said a particular book is great or it is a bestseller or recommended by the store. and to be honest i'm a slow reader... it takes a month or more to read an inch english book(provided the book is interesting)..except for twilight which only took, i always carry the same book around for's quite embarrasing to be frank..apa tak abih2 baca buku nipis camtu kan? and the fact that i don't like others to see what i'm reading(novel cintan ke kan) i always cover it with papers...usually A4 papers or newspapers...but these things are not interesting right..make me even boring to just open the book..hehhe(alasan!)

in japan i've always seen they read books/carry books with fabric covers..they all look cute and smart.but during my uni years lagi la xbaca buku2 novel..buku teks pon xabis khatam...xde la minat nk amek tau pasal book cover tu..since balik malaysia and starting from last year, i think..THINK(or perasan kot) i love reading books particularly motivational know those self-improvement books have those big titles like "How to be a good listener", "How to influence people" and so on(no, i don't have those books by the way)...hehehe..agak segan untuk mengangkut buku bertajuk begitu utk jangka masa yg lama...teringat balik kat book cover yg comel2 nmpk kat jepun dulu..i wanna make 1 for maiself...

i've been eyeing on book cover tutorials for some time..dah lama study baru mlm ni ada keberanian untuk memotong kain...i followed several tutorials, some from japan..wanted this for sooo long.. ada jual kat MPH harga nak try buat dulu laa..kalau tak jadik baru pi cari balik kat kedai...Alhamdulillah, my 1st attempt was not bad at all... i'm not gonna give it a 10/10..there's some adjustments needs to be done in sewing the next book cover but i'm loving it!! now i can carry the same book anywhere anytime.. this time people will be eyeing on my fabric book cover, not my book title ;)

the best part is that, it is reversible, washable and adjustable complete with bookmark!!  

the other side with different pattern

and one more thing i bought recently is this cute tiny little LED mini lamp at mph..price was i can read in the same room where my boys are sailing in their dreamland..

owh and btw, MPH is having a 30% off on selected items(which is quite a number) now..can't remember until go and grab your books to read!

wanna make more of this in smaller size and cute-r fabric pattern


gonna test my book cover n mini lamp now!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beautiful words

KITA adalah himpunan daripada tahun2 yang berlalu
tahun2 yg berlalu adalah himpunan daripada bulan2 yg berlalu
bulan2 yg berlalu adalah himpunan daripada minggu2 yg berlalu
minggu2 yg berlalu adalah himpuann daripada hari2 yg berlalu
hari2 yg berlalu adalah himpuanan daripada jam2 yg berlalu
jam2 yg berlalu adalah himpunan daripada minit2 yg berlalu
minit2 yg berlalu adalah himpunan daripada saat2 yg berlalu...

masa adalah usia kita..jika kita membazirkan masa, maka kita sedang membazirkan usia kita yg Allah kurniakan... jadi sama2 kita pastikan setiap masa kita dimanfaatkan ke arah kebaikan dunia akhirat.dalam satu hari Allah mengurniakan kepada kita 86 400saat..seperti Allah memberi kita RM86,400 untuk berbelanja...

Dunia ini tertegak pada 4perkara;

1.Keadilan pemerintah

2.Kedermawanan orang kaya

3.Ilmu para ulama

4.Doa orang fakir

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mandi air hujan

 lamanyer xmenulis... keje dah mula serius..eceh, sblm nih xberapa serius laa..budak2 xde kan..kelas dah mula...balik semula mengajar mengeja dan mengira mcm kanak2 tadika.. saya dah naik pangkat( xde naik pon..saje nk poyo) jadi ketua blok..maknanya saya tak jadi cikgu saya kena manage sekali 2kelas punya jadual dan budak2..hehehe... kerja dah masuk tahun ke-4, mmg patut pon dapat keje susah sket kan..sampai bila nk keje takuk lama saya cuba yang terbaik...

borang2 utk training hampir siap.tadi pergi medical check-up, x-ray, blood pressure, urine-test, blood test bagai... masa amek darah, tangan sebelah xcukup..darah xkuar sangat..doc cucuk sebelah tangan lagi..fenomena biasa bg saya..dulu pernah pitam lps amek darah..pastu, waktu check sugar level..doc kata bacaannya agak tu saya sarapan roti+gula n air milo..malam sebelumnya encik suami masakkan ayam madu..sedapp sangat..huhuhu..lps nih kena jaga makan & lebih byk bersenam la nampaknyer.. arituh baru mula jogging tapi tipu2 sket..lari kejap, jalan banyak..hehehe...

the boys

rayyan semakin petah bercakap...there's so many moments when he do something, say something that made our days...if only i can record each and every moment to look back... i just post some on fb..can we track back from there? huhuhu...

this is one of the best moment
it was raining around 5pm that day... i was at home.. rayyan was getting boring being in the house all day.. so, i took out their mini pool..tadah air hujan..rayyan was so excited..he's never seen i did that before..selalu tadah air paip kan...when the rain stopped it was around 6pm..

rayyan got out and check on the water level...

then i heard him said clearly," Terima kasih hujan!!" dengan sengih berjelaa..

ok,sedia untuk berendam!!

jom adek! 

mula2 mama xnak masukkan bila adek buat muka seposen, mama masukkan adek join abang rayyan ...

seronok la abang rayyan

jirus menjirus

ajar rifqi main fish

tolong jirus rifqi

dua2 xnak naik walaupon air hujan tu sejuk mak aih..

dah lama xbawa budak2 nih pergi mandi pool...rayyan asyik sibuk nk lompat air..hehehe..

seronoknyer bila anak2 dah pandai buat macam2...especially rayyan laa..bila dukung rasa mcm dah masih lagi mama dukung jugak kadang2... rayyan mmg pandai memuji...antara ayat2 pujian yang selalu dia cakap;
- wahhh...cantiknyer..bestnyer..
(pernah juga dengar dia cakap "best giller", kids are good at immitating us,right?)

-mama/papa HEBAT laa! (xtau la tang mana yg hebat sbb dia puji even buat benda simple je..perkataan hebat tu mmg sound like a big deal laa)

-rifqi budak baik kan?(bila nk something from rifqi)

bila pandang muka rayyan mcm xsangka je dia dah besar...almost 4years old.. and one of his biggest achievement is staying diaperless in less than 2weeks training... the best part is, masa training siang, malam pon dia xpakai pampers and baru terlajak satu kali jer... lps tu mmg selamat dah... one thing i learned is that we parents must continously puji anak2...even the simplest, small deeds they say thank you for everything they do for you..(sampai kat hujan pon dia kata terima kasih)... kalau anak2 buat silap, jgn besar2kan... tp bila dia buat baik, raikan!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tote bag with a little something

managed to sew a few projects & orders these 2days off. a bag, a BIG cushion cover and a gps pouch..

this one is a tote bag pre-ordered by k.niza
she picked out the outer fabric from mai collection..i chose the lining for her

it is an A4 landscape size tote bag

when i finished the bag, it looked too plain...kinda boring actually
so i put a little something to make it stands out..

a ribbon!

with 2pockets inside

you can turn it around if you want a little different( no ribbon)

i think i want one too


Monday, May 16, 2011

Rifqi & Qaseh's birthday

it was celebrated on 24th april.. my sis was celebrating her daughter's 3rd birthday n we decided to celebrate rifqi's birthday too..

here's some great memories ;)

the birthday cake i sponsored..beli on the spot kat secret recipe,xsempat order..

tetamu yang hadir

yang diraikan..rifqi aydeen & qaseh sofea

rayyan & his bestfriend kat kampung, qaseh

qaseh & ayah

antara jamuan dihidang..lauk2 kampung..yummyy!

my birthday gift for rifqi

btw, today is Teacher's day..

Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers out there...!!

psssttt... arinih saya cuti ;)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

AAJ Family day & Rifqi's 1st birthday

'Rajio Taisou' - senaman radio

Rifqi during rajio taisou

inside Rimba Ilmu

both my boys hate anything on their head


anyam ketupat..seriously it was very hard to teach people how to make one..


kenangan dengan tour guide

idrus sensei & Aidan

Papa & Rayyan


tiup tepung ke makan tepung?

tangkap bulu tangkis

cute Shouma

Rifqi & mama

Boling sepak takraw

pengadil Rayyan

Rifqi & Tok Ma

Rifqi's 1st birthday cake..sedapppp..choc+coffee

thanx everyone for the birthday song

alhamdulillah dapat celebrate birthday rifqi

Rayyan tunggu kek

we had fun!!
