Thursday, December 31, 2009

miss you...miss you..miss you

rindu sama budak nehh..tak balik2 lagi dr s'pore...
smlm mommy & daddy dah selamat tgk sherlock holmes... best!! puas hati... nak tgk lagi...ihih




my addiction... cherry (which cost RM14 per 250gm) and strawberry (RM8 per pack)


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Selamat Naik Pelamin

december is the month of wedding, i can say... lots of invitation but very few i managed to attend... bila hari cuti sabtu ahad, mmg usually my schedule is full... i wanna apologize to iza for not attending their wedding both side... i'm really2 sorry but i looked at your photos and you both look stunning and gorgeous. congrats!! and also elah n dayot, can't attend you receptions too... but i'll always pray may both couples have a nice wedding and happy life ahead together...
last saturday, hubby was working in the morning. he came home around 130pm and off we went to my senoir in fukui, man's wedding... met some fukuians and the lovely couple looks beautiful in turquios(betul ke eja nih) . congratulations to them and cpt2 wat babies.. kitorang dah nk masuk dua nih... hihihihi

4 copy

2 copy

thank you k.rina for the pix!

lonely..i'm mrs lonely

i miss him sooo much... his cheeky smile, his incomprehensible talk, his everything!

i miss rayyan

... right now, my mind is floating.. and doing some thinking...

  1. about rayyan.. how i wish rayyan was here 'wrestling' me... talking to adek... watching tv together...
  2. that it's almost time to say goodbye to 2009 and soon it's time to say hello to 2010 and a brand new adventure with 2kids..insyaAllah
  3. what to give elah for her wedding... yesterday is not enough to catch up with all the stories
  4. what's nice to have for breakfast tomorrow
  5. has ida arrived from umrah? i miss her too... :D
  6. why rayyan's dad is late? always?? why feb felt soo far away?
  7. next week classes will start... can i manage a class with several weak students... i wanna help them pass...
  8. performances for the dinner next month. are they ok?
  9. i have a lot of dvds here but sayang nk tgk sorang2... plus,i hate watching movies alone...
  10. is that him??? there's a light from outside...he's home!! yeayy..i better stop 'thinking' now...

... that's why i hate being alone ... too much unnecessary thinking...

Monday, December 28, 2009

saya mahu cuti lagi...

udah seminggu cutiku berlalu.seminggu ber-bulan-madu dgn buah hatiku,rayyan & of course en.suami,walaupon dia sebuk..sebukk manjang.unfortunately, no holiday for us... en.suami janji tahun depan pulak, around feb... sila note that my tummy is getting bigger,ye dear? tp tak kira, nak jugak jalan2..infact dulu,masa pregnant rayyan 8bulan masih lagi ke cameron, masih lagi naik boat and main sampan kat putrajaya.hihihih.. walaupon sudah seminggu ku bercuti, blog nih baru update sekali jer..sungguh xproduktif.byk citer ... byk benda nk cerita nak share... tp bila dah dgn en.rayyan, xboleh nk bukak laptop,sebuk nk buka dianyer site jugak... mommy dia tak puas nk menaip,asek kena replay, search lagu utk dia. smlm pergi wedding my senpai kat fukui, man dgn pasangannya yana kat shah alam.jumpa balik ramai budak2 fukui. gambar tarak sbb our pinky D50 sony,tak dpt dikesan. yabaii... tahniah buat man dan isteri. bila jumpa balik fukuians nih, selalu la terfikir bila nk buat gathering balik... last masa picnic kat sungai tekala tu... rindu la korang!! arinih dah masuk ofis semula dgn harapan nk siapkan analisa soalan tatabahasa & buat komen student. tp satu pon tak mula lagi.rindu kat blog dah... baca blog kawan2 yg byk entry saya terlepas... seronok baca cerita2 derang.student masih lagi cuti sampai, no class till then.sukerr... pastu tiba2 dapat pelawaan utk join sama2 ke grand bluewave hotel for food tasting.bagai org mengantuk disorongkan bantal laa... mmg perut tgh lapar bekfas koko crunch jer pagi tasting toiu yorimo, makan sampai xlarat nk jalan dah... ayam,daging,ikan,udang,sotong,sup tulang rawan,gado2..giller byk makanan masuk.mmg ber'gado2' dlm perut.hahaha.... tp alhamdulillah, se~dap... food tasting nih adalah utk majlis makan malam aaj bulan depan... tema kali nih, merah, hitam & putih... and seboleh2nya, boss besar,en.nazrul kata elakkan pakai baju kurung... i'm thinking of a dress... dulu kat nihon ada la beli dress labuh kaler ntah mana campak, bayang pon xnampak...semalam daddy dah belikan mommy dress...wuhuuu....sgt sukerr!! love it!! tgh berfikir2 nak stay atau tidak kat hotel tu on that day..flat rate dpt rm207 nett+bekfas for 2... nak ke tak nak ek?? kalau stay sana boleh la bersenang lenang takyah rush...boleh rayyan mandi kolam..balik dinner terus bumm tido... hehehe malam nih plannya nk jumpa elah n naz.. tp mcm biasa kena tgk timing en.suami..boleh atau tidak dia balik awal.. kalau tak, terpaksalah mak-sedikit-boyot ini bawa rayyan ke midvalley tu.i hope sgt daddy boleh balik cpt... boleh pegi sama2... mau makan sushiii... eheh.. owh yer, remind me i have a 4d scan picture of adek to show you.. nnti2 pulak ek... nak cuba buat keje... jya ne~
gambar lama... rayyan umur 43hari.. i love his expressions... a lot of expressions. i wonder what adek looks like... hehehe

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rayyan Oniichan wa...

~Rayyan oniichan is 2years 4months 3weeks & 5days old~

~Mommy is 19weeks & 3days carrying adek~

alhamdulillah, i'm recovering from flu and so as rayyan. i think this is the worse flu he's ever caught. i know i'm the one to blame. but, luckily he has no fever,not clingy and cranky. the funny part was, he's immitating all i do.. when i'm sneezing, he'll laugh and act like he's sneezing too. when i put the tissue on my nose, he'll do the exact same thing.siap hembus2 lagi... aduhai.copy and paste betul budak nih. in fact, skg nih kitorang kena berhati2 dgn segala tingkah laku.even kalau drive pon pantang driver seat kosong.siap la dia lompat nad act like a driver.dia pandai pusing handle, buka signal,wiper bagai... betul la ada pepatah jepun kata,"kodomo wa oya no kagami" = anak2 adalah cermin kepada parents nya... anak itu ada lah refleksi dpd ibu dan ayahnya.

this whole week i'm on leave. budak2 cuti,so sensei pon boleh la cuti.lgpon, kesian kat Ummi rayyan. plus, it gave me time to spend more quality time dgn budak kecik nih.although sometimes kami 'gaduh'. hahaha... semalam masa mommy dia tgh syok baring2 tgk tv,ada ke patut dia lompat atas pinggang mak dia yg pregnant nih.mengucap panjang. seb baik xde apa2.risaukan adek jer.. pastu suka sgt nk gigit org.uish2..tiru perangai mommy dia yg suka gigit daddy bila geram/tension masa pregnant dulu..kih3

so far,alhamdulillah... i enjoy being a full time mom even for a while. apatah lagi rayyan makin lama makin petah bercakap.kadang2 rasa amaze pulak tgk anak sendiri dah pandai berinteraksi.hehehe... seronok melayan dia ckp.sambil tu kena la masak jugak. seronok masak sbb rayyan skg nih tgh selera makan.dah pandai makan sendiri..pandai amek lauk sendiri.cuma ikan tu kena la kita amekkan isinya.oleh sbb ada maid yg tak pandai jaga rayyan & masak, tugas lain tu bg dia buat. hampeh sungguh minah indon nih, buat air gula pon xreti...uish3...ada ke kacau pakai air biasa..bila nk larut gula tu dik oii..sabau jer laa.. my MIL dah sound dia, kalau cukup bulan nih rayyan x ok dgn dia,akan dihantar balik.. mommy ikut jer..lgpon, maid nih duk umh bukan ada keje sgt pon.seronok kot dia duduk sini sbb xyah jaga budak n keje sikit.pastu tepon asek bunyik mengalahkan tepon maam besar nih haa... mula2 tu rasa bengang gak,sbb tak suka maid yg suka malas nk tegur, as long as dia buat tugas dia, xbuat benda bukan2 n tak melawan..i consider it ok.lgpon, i don't think she's gonna stay long with us.

lately,dah jarang amek video rayyan. bukan apa, tiap kali keluarkan kamera tiba la dia nk posing serius. so,kena sembunyi2 kalau nk catch video secara candid. i'd really like to take his video sembahyang. dulu pernah amek sekali but this time he has improved. gaya takbir,rukuk,sujud,duduk antara dua sujud n beri salam dah ada...ikut turutan pulak tu. chou-kawaiii.. kalau bawa gi surau/masjid pon dia behave n ikut sekali sembahyang. i witnessed it once masa kat airport sukarno last time we're in jakarta. and 1 more video of him talking on the phone immitating his ummi..siap cakap2,gelak2..n b4 ending the conversation ckp "bye,assalamualaikum,bye"... soooo my MIL.

and now, he can sing

1) burung kakak tua

2)twinkle2 little star

3)baa baa black cheep

(apart from lagu tema tv3 and jgn lupa lirik..heheh)

this is his latest picture wearing my snow cap while 'helping' papa rearrange the store room.



Thursday, December 17, 2009

keeping myself sane

rezeki tu milik Allah..siapa lah kita nk argue ? infact, tidakkah kita akan dikira sebagai hamba yg tidak bersyukur sekiranya kita sering merungut dgn kekurangan yg kita ada? kalau sesuatu punca rezeki itu Allah takdirkan bukan milik kita, maka ada hikmahnya. mungkin waktu dan keadaan itu tidak sesuai dgn kita. Mungkin juga, Allah ingin memberi peringatan kepada kita dgn cara yg halus? apa2 jua yg kita miliki di dunia ini, sesungguhnya hanyalah pinjaman yg sementara. harta, kesihatan, paras rupa, mak dan ayah, pasangan hidup, anak2..Mengapa kita tidak bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada malah meminta2 lebih apa yg kita tiada? bukan maksud meminta itu salah, tp seharusnya kita syukuri dulu nikmat yg Dia bg.. hari ini, dugaan datang menduga aku yg lemah. menduga hati yg seadanya rapuh. mencuit sanubari yg mudah tersentuh. tanpa kusedari aku menidakkan ketentuannya. aku lupa seketika Qada' dan Qadarnya. Astaghfirullah... walaupun, mcm2 dugaan dtg kebelakangan ini, aku cuba kuatkan diri menghadapi satu persatu kerana kadang kala aku rasa sangat sendiri... kenapa? tak baik buruk sangka dgn ketentuanNya.Dia Maha Adil. itu yg nyata.Allah tarik satu punca rezeki. tp hari esok Allah bukakan 10 punca yg lainnya. InsyaAllah... on the other hand... i'm worried about my pregnancy. I'm 5months pregnant. i weigh only 42.5kg during 4months pregnant.. last check up my weight increase a bit, 45kg... actually 45kg is my pre-pregnancy, i'm kinda worried. i lost my appetite often. skipped meals when i don't feel like eating. i'm suffering from severe flu for like forever.last time when i'm pregnant with rayyan i experienced the same thing, but it was winter so i guess it's normal and the doc gave me a shot that made me immune to flu for about a flu at all... but the prob come back now and it's really bothering me.. with the H1N1 and all... i'm worried about my baby's safety. but then, many things happens around me that made me neglect my health for something else. especially rayyan prob with the maid. maybe i got stressed easily. tell me how to not be stress?? inspite all that, according to the doc, the baby is doing fine. he/she's now 265gram. next week, insyaAllah we're gonna go for a 4D scan.. it's free actually.their doing a demo at my current clinic. so, hope baby is doing ok even mommy's not. on the other hand, my best friend is going for umrah today. i wish her a safe journey through out her umrah. tak kesampaian hajat kami nk pergi bersama.. insyaAllah lain tahun. and today, my family from johor is coming to visit us here... finally!! i have to go home early... prepare all the things to make them comfortable. i hope they have a pleasant stay with us for 3days.. moga aku terus tabah.... melancholy hati

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

no more ' Tiff ' .. but ' Fish '

~Rayyan oniiichan is 2years 4months 2weeks & 5days old~

~ Adek is 18weeks & 5days in mama's belly~

As you all might already know, rayyan really like fish. luckily, now he can pronounce "fish" correctly compared to before which sounded as "tiff"... so, off we went to Aquaria last month on Sunday around 11a.m to show rayyan more species of fishes other than the one he usually sees at home(ikan yg dah siap masak) or fish at the market..

Rayyan onichan, ready to learn more about fish


this is what happened when u asked him to smile for the camera


the entrance fee to Aquaria is RM28(with mykad) for adult and RM22(with mykad) for children aged 3 and, it's free entrance for Rayyan..yeayy! if you love watching those fishes and wish to go there more than once, better get the triple entry pass as you can visit Aquaria 3times with only RM50..of course for mykad holder .
as we entered, we get to experienced touching some fish...
ada belangkas, ada ikan jerung kecik ada belut.. u get to experience the texture of the fish skin.. rayyan gelii
kyushuk menatap ikan.. ikan nih yg peliknya, semua jalan sama2 satu arah...mcm perbarisan


more fish




ikan nih nmpk mcm rupa nenek tua


chotto yasumi


apa nama ikan nih??


it's called Lion Fish


big tube of fish


not only fish... we found this too


nih apa?? Uni..bahasa melayu apa ek? org jepun suka mkn uni ni mentah2


spider yg macho


singgah sebentar di jeti


this is the most interesting part... terpusing2 kepala rayyan(and papanya) tgk ikan :)


Rayyan yg kepenatan tgk fish


trying to make the 'peace' sign


Rayyan & Papa


lps muak tgk fish, we feed ourselves with some Kenny Roger's meal
like father like son


all in all... it was an exciting trip... but aquaria reminds me of Port of Nagoya Aquarium and Osaka Aquarium(Kaiyukan) which i think were much more interesting. i remembered watching the dolphins show... i was so moved that i shed tears watching their performance... mcm mana makhluk seperti dolphin tu boleh buat persembahan yg hebat... ikut arahan manusia.
dalam suizoukan tu pulak byk tpt2 yg boleh kita duduk lepak2 sambil tgk ikan, it was like a large tv full of fish to entertain us. the place was so large. berbaloi bayar sampai 2400yen(rm70++ masa tu). teringin nk bawa rayyan gi situ... itsu ka naa??
all pictures are taken using sony digicame hence the bad quality of the pictures. it was very challenging taking pictures of the fish as they move constantly(of course la kan) and the poor-light environment was making it even harder... btw, u're not allowed to use flash in there ;)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kuala Krai is not a stone away.. i know

~Rayyan is 2years 4months 2weeks~

~mama is 18weeks &3days pregnant with adek~

this adek's picture from previous check check up was scheduled last week but we're too busy with abang rayyan.pergi balik umah ummi everyday... it's very tiring ...abang rayyan, plis be a good boy and stay at home with k.yan will you?

as for adek, he/she is doing fine in mama's belly.. i can feel adek kicking now.. natsukashii.. lama dah xrasa baby kicking from inside my womb... but, haven't had the chance to have rayyan experience it too as the kicking is not very obvious.only a soft kick.tunggu adek besar sikit lagi...

now, i'm entering my 5th month, and when i'm pregnant with rayyan, we can already know the baby's sex by now... maybe during the next check up, that's if adek is in good position :)

so, adek keep on growing dear. we can't wait to meet you in person!!boleh temankan abg rayyan yg makin hari makin ngada2 nih...

in this photo, doctor said that adek nyer hidung nmpk mancung...hehehe.. can u all see it?


next, is the story of us going to Kuala Krai for Auntie Naz & Uncle Bashir's wedding. we started our day at 630a.m,amek uncle totoq,auntie ida, had breakfast at ampang first. then, started the looong journey at around 8a.m.arrived there at 2:30pm. it was raining when we reached there and the happy couple were having their makan beradap... although the pengantin perempuan nampak kami terus excited giller, hilang keayuan pengantinnya...hahaha..sasuga Naz! xboleh nk cover..even diri sendiri jd pengantin.masih dgn perangai kebudak-budakkannya.. the thing that makes me mengucap panjang ialah, pengantin pompuan lompat tangga.. hahaha.. sabauu jer la budak kecik nih...
apapun, she looks gorgeous in purple although i expected the theme to be in pink..she's a hello kitty & pink freak, no?? and it was a simple ceremony although we only got to witness the photography session and majlis potong cake...
abang rayyan


abang rayyan & mama


i-m-n... miss the other f-e-e


us & the newly wed


rayyan & the cake


and the must-make-mess


my boys.. look at rayyan gedikness


congratulations Naz & Bashir... i forgot to tell you that, i met both of your names side by side in the al-Quran... it's just like you both are really meant for each other.. it reads something like,"Naziran wa Bashira".. have a nice honeymoon in UK and don't forget our souvenierssss... for adek too ok?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Trip to Jakarta & Bandung

gambar2 yg drpd trip ke indonesia bulan oktober dulu... baru masuk dlm pc n baru ada kesempatan nk update kat sini...

i don't know if i've mentioned this before but i don't really like jakarta...the air is bad, i mean not like kl's air is sooo very clean but you can actually see with your own eyes, asap,habuk, haze maybe.. btw, we stayed at ibis mangga tatau la area lain kat jakarta. tp mangga dua tu mmg teruk dgn traffic jam, pencemaran air sungai yg melampau n org berniaga dekat dlm traffic... bila tgk situasi mcm tu, mmg tak boleh lari dr muhasabah diri, bersyukur sbb duduk kat malaysia nih...even kl is much more better i can say. walaupon jakarta tu kategori bandar besar.

bandung is okay..maa ala2 cameron highland.byk scenery cantik2..sayur2 n buahan2 segar yg dijual tepi jalan pon nmpk sedap. tp byk kedai jual sate kelinchi(arnab)... fyi, i didn't try it.. didn't dare... tatau halal haram.. pasal makan pon susah gak kat indonesia nih.sbb bukan semua islam kan..muka semua sama jer.. tp agama mana nak tau..kalau tanya sah2 dia kata halal sbb nk suruh kita beli.lagipon, dr pengamatan i, susah la nk caya org2 kat jakarta nih..takut kena tipu.. baik berjaga2. so sepanjang kat sana mmg tahan tekak jer.. mkn roti tu pon bawa dr msia n maggie. paling lalu pon mkn kat hotel tu sendiri. sbb dah check statusnya dulu.. makanan kat jakarta tu, kalau kat shoppign complex mmg mahal gilller.even makan kat dia nyer food court, harga melampau. maybe derang tau kita pelancong n kenakan harga mahal2. kitorang kat sana asek makan nasi padang jer.. nasi padang nih dihidang dgn mcm2 jenis sayangnyer most of the lauk tak menepati citarasaku. nk try pon takut..sbb takut tak sedap. lagi la dengan tekak org mengandung yg ngada2 nih..kalau salah masuk makanan silap hari bulan boleh terkeluar balik...

apa yg best? shopping la, apa lagi! hehehe.. jakarta sesuai utk shopping baju2 trend terkini n handbang tiruan jenama terkenal mcm LV, gucci etc..melambak2 dijual dgn harga 50,000rupiah(lebih kurang rm20). tp paling best shopping kat bandung. baju kebaya mcm2 pesen. oleh sebab yours truly nih bimbou ryoko(pelancong-poket-rabak), beli sikit2 jer... lgpon, makin lama perut makin besar, jadi kena sedar diri... nak kata kenangan menarik pon xde la sgt..jln2 kat tangkuban perahu tu jer laa.. tu pon xbesh..tak semena2 kena hiking dlm hutan tu...xde dlm plan pon nk hiking.. igtkn dekat, sekali tgk dekat 10km kitorang jalan kaki... gilller! dah la yg pegi sume kebanyakan kaum lemah, me:preggy, moyang rayyan: org veteran yg xsesuai naik turun bukit,my FIL:yg kaki dah tak kuat, and of course rayyan: yg xnak jalan sendiri, asek nk dukung manjang... scenery all the way mmg la cantik tp penatnya SubhanAllah sumpah xnk dtg situ lagi dah! hahahaha

ok,enjoy the pictures! all pictures are taken at bandung.jakarta takde gmbr because of the reason stated above.. kih3

on the way ke bandung


laluan keretapi.. tinggi kan??


inilah tangkuban parahu.. kawasan tpt gunung berapi.ala2 hakone, japan


moyang rayyan, ummi rayyan, rayyan & atuk rayyan


dlm gmbr nmpk kecik pulak


moyang rayyan yg tak larat jalan... dipimpin oleh tour guides


rehat sebentar, amek gmbr..perjalanan jauh lagi ni...


pasu tu diperbuat drpd batang pokok. design tu mmg naturally dr pokok tu sendiri bukan dicat atau diukir.. cantik kan?


pokok nih terbelah dua... tp masih tegap berdiri dan tumbuh subur..


rayyan yg clingy


tujuan mendaki turun naik bukit adalah ini... nk turun bawah situ laa kononnya


sebelum turun, ini scenery dr atas


ini la kolam air panas tu.. sape nk melecur boleh rendam tgn dlm tu..


mcm kat hakone,kalau rendam telur mentah biasa, nnti dia keluar jd kaler hitam kan?? kat sini takde.. kuar sama jer masak laa


kami :)


lepas penat mendaki, kita isi perut.. apa lagi kalau bukan nasi padang...


sekian... laporan lawatan ke jakarta-bandung indonesia