Friday, January 22, 2010

Soubetsukai 2010

hari ini saya sgt gumbira sbb en suami dipaksa cuti oleh HR kilang dia... sbb last week dia keje straight a week including sabtu ahad, di mana ia adalah melanggar akta buruh negara... tp yg tak berapa bes, saya pulak ada kelas pkl 8pg, dan meeting pkl 3ptg nnti.lps tu baru boleh meluangkan masa xpe, lunch friday kan lama... boleh la saya lunch sepuas2nya dgn dua cinta hati saya... weehuu!! tajuk entry harini, soubetsukai 2010(majlis perpisahan 2010) utk batch 27.tahun nih dress code nyer "merah,hitam & putih" formal.itu adalah idea yours truly..hik3... cantek pulak bila amek gmbr... so, mls cite pjg2..let's cuci mata... owh, btw pictures are courtesy of photographer of the nite,kak KB & gmbr cilok dr zoraida sensei... ;)
really2 love the decorations...


Mr & Mrs Izmir


mak buyung sesat..cari meja..hik3
Picture 058 with Toda sensei.. 戸田先生は今年の3月日本に帰る。さびしいね。。


jamila sensei, zoraida sensei, maisarah sensei & fazian sensei


with the beautiful girls


student2 yg bergaya sakan sampai tak kenal sape


zoraida sensei with prince & princess of the nite


Language Teachers


the happy rabu-rabu couple


the students


performance- silat


performance- kurik kundi dance


above:enka karaoke song by Jamila sensei & ambassador of Japan
below: life band - song:haruka


with Yoshikawa sensei..(sensei feveret)


giving away award(remember the parker pen i bought??)

Picture 512

big man of the nite,nazrul(2nd from left) &
the woman with 6th sense,his wife syana(1st from right)


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wut to is my therapy...

after i wrote my previous post(meluahkan perasaan), i decided to give myself some credit and have some time to myself. i purposely stay back the day before to settle the exam questions and went back after 8pm... after class, as usually friday lunch hour starts at 12pm ~245pm... meaning more time to eat n a good chance for those looking to have lunch outside. i quickly print out my exam questions, put some cute notes on it and left it on toda sensei's table.manage to met the students for final reminder before the big soubetsukai dinner gala the next day... around 130pm.. i went straight to my car, thinking that i might not return to office back and called emir saying i need to do some shopping.. i did cried on the phone because i'm not feeling well, felt like fever and the flu is annoying me plus i'm sooo damn tired...but i really need to do something for myself... decided to go to OU all by myself...that was my 1st attempt going there alone... i did it.. i manage to find a good place to park, and the traffic wasn't so bad... first, i get myself n adek some nice sandwich at O'Briens together with strawberry+orange freshly blend juice...sedappp !! it's a good start.then i went wandering around the new wing looking for things that i might need.end up buying a blouse for emirr @ topman, a big ring for 2morrow's dinner @ forever21, a mug from starbucks that i've been eyeing before, a pair of indoor cute shoes,and some clothes from FOS, shoes from padini... when the clock shows 4pm, i know i must make my way home soon, to avoid bad traffic.. on my way, i remebered i haven't bought the gift for the student award 2morrow i make a brief stop at ioi mall n went straight to jusco to buy a nice carved parker pen with myself so contact lenses..berzaman dah tak pakai...mata asek itchy utk dinner tu, kena la, i reached home at 6pm.there u go, a girl who's not feeling well doing some therapy shopping for herself...

canonjan10 032

this boy at the same time pegi outstation ke kuala selangor dgn umminyer...
this picture was taken when we all had choc fondue at home...sibuk amek gmbr dia,lupa snap choc fondue yg cute tu... inila apek kecik bermisai coklat...


Friday, January 15, 2010

trying to be easy... to be positive

i don't really know what's going wrong with me, but i started having the flu back yesterday.a bad flu which needs me carrying tissues or handkerchief anywhere i go... i hate flu! and now, i feel like i'm having fever summore... this is sooo not the right time to get sick. i understand that during pregnancy period, our immune system will drop and that we have to take better care of the nutrien we take... i'm takign suppliment on daily basis.. but last week, i cheated on few days, cause i'm feeling healthily great. little that i know, it wont't be too long to be sick again for not being discipline enough. not only i escaped taking the suppliment, i didn't take food on time..or eat simply for the sake of eating without considering what actually i should eat for the baby's growth and my health. padan muka sendirik... and then, i muhasabah diri...why oh why??? come to think of it, the truth is lately, i'm running almost everything on my own... owh yeah, i haven't told you that i fired my maid due to her lack of sense being a good baby sitter to rayyan.balik2 buat keje rumah yg sama jer tiap2 hari sampai mommy pon naik menyampah...tak yah la citer pasal dia.the point is, she's not helping me at all in terms of taking care rayyan. we decided to fired her on 1st jan.told her that morning itself that we're gonna sent her where we took her and we don't need her service anymore.period! she's ok jerr.. good for us. and now, since there's no maid, meaning no one to be left with rayyan at home... i have to go back and fourth almost everyday to sent him to my MIL's.. well, masa maid tu ada pon, kena pergi balik jugak.cuma kerja2 rumah tu ringan sikit laa..luckily, the distance from both home is not too far..around 16km..masuk tol rm1.60 took us about 15-20mins to reach there.i'm not whining about having to pay the tol, but it's just sooo tiring to do this emirr is soo super-duper bz with his current project which i soon hope to end by feb, i'm the one who has to take the responsibility.everything's on me.sending rayyan to the pil's,it's not the same as dropping your kids to the nursery.believe me..nama pon parents kan, kena la proper sket... itu pon naseb baik my MIL nih jenis sempoi...kalau dpt yg cerewet, lagi la trouble.kadang2, sempat sarapan lagi...sbnrnya, dari awal lagi, dah niat tak nak susahkan parents dalam bab anak nih, yerla masa nih kan masa utk derang berehat lps dah penat jaga kita dulu...tak elok rasanyer tambah lagi dgn masalah anak2 kita skg nih kami dlm kes darurat. i'm thinking of sending him to the nursery but my mil yg xbagi..she said, i take that as a hint that she's fine having to take care of rayyan and at the same time helping us searching for another maid. let me tell you something about my PIL... my mil is not 100% a housewife. she's running her own business and that need her to go almost everyday to places to meet clients.on the other hand, my fil had retired since last year and now he's helping my mil with the, basically they both are helping me with rayyan.i've experience once, tagged along with my mil to her client's house along with rayyan and i witness with my own eyes, how rayyan behaved. mind you, he's a growing little kid with full of curiosity to try this and that.imagine, how to control him and at the same time discussing with the client? luckily, rayyan nih bukan jenis yg degil tak dgr kata... i can say that he respect my mil and whenever my mil said NO, he didn't took long to obey... not that my mil is very garang dgn rayyan, i see her sometimes spoiling rayyan, but she has her own way of educating him... that's why if my mil went out without my fil, i'll get worried and feel bad. i'm worried rayyan will be a burden. but sometimes, rayyan is left at home with my fil, when my mil went out.. i prefer it that way. it's funny to see how my fil took care of rayyan all by himself... and sometimes,in order to meet my class schedule, i have to spend the night at pil's afraid that i'm not gonna have the time to send him the next day... because of that, rayyan became too attached with both his grandparents.sometimes, when i took him home, he'll get bored because i'm too busy doing the housework or taking some time for myself... he'll said, "ayyan nk ummi" or "ayyan nak atuk"... padan muka mommy. does that proves he prefers to stay with his atuk n ummi? jeles pulak bila dia cakap mil said, sometimes when he's bored he says things like that.when he's at atuk's he'll say things like,"ayyan nak mama","ayyan nak papa"... but when in front of me he said he wants his ummi n atuk, i became jealous and annoyed...soemtimes i'm just too tired to entertain him... usually, when we reached home it's already dark outside and i'm just thinking about resting, watching tv or sleeping... when sometimes i forgot that rayyan needs his mommy at that time... yesterday, i even scolded him...he's not just asking for his ummi & atuk, but he's crying out loud at the same time? that really annoyed me.or maybe i just can't hear it has been only 2months and i feel like he loves me less and it is all my fault... the stress of having to burden my parents about my kid, the stress of having to rush to work everyday, dropping and fetching rayyan everyday, the fact that i'm easily fatigue at times, and the work i have to get done on time, the stress of not being able to spend quality time with my other half everyday, the stress seeing rayyan calling his ummi n atuk instead of me... it's all just stressing... and no wonder i got sick easily.... i'm thankful to my PIL for their willingness to help.. i just wish all of this to be over... i wanna enjoy my pregnancy like i used to with rayyan.if u noticed, i didn't talk much about adek... as i myself don't have the time to think about it... i even skipped the regular check-up i should go...sometimes, a month late from that appointment date... and the stress doubled when people bising2 about me being sick while pregnant... i shouldn't caught flu laa... tak elok utk baby... seriously, i know! but i didn't ask to be sick.. and i'm sorry if my sickness cause some trouble to you..or you're afraid that i might carry the bad virus whatsoever that would infect you... but, there are story behind it that you might not understand... do you know i feel when people kept complaining?? i feel like crying but i just don't have the right reason to do so? because these are all my responsibility.. my son, my husband, my home, my job and the baby i carry in me!! enough said! stress do no good thus i let it out, and this chamber is the best place... :) tokorode, esok soubetsukai dinner utk batch 27.mari tenangkan jiwa tgk sekeping dua gmbr soubetsukai dinner last year



last year tema tradisional... tahun nih tema warna merah, hitam & putih...last year dah kena tema tahun nih, but sadly takkan nk pakai kebaya ketat dgn perut ke depan nih..sgt la xcomell... tahun nih pakai baju ala2 baju pregnant la nampaknyer... but, can i wear heels?? nk heels..maybe not too high.. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When do you feel good about yourself?

sungguh la diri ini xsedar diri..sempat lagi menghapdet blog sedangkan kerja menimbun... tp nak jugak tulis, buat kenang2 kenangan... or in other words, feel good about maiself..hahahah.. entry bakal menunjukkan ciri2 masuk bakul, angkat sendirik.. kalau rasa menyampah..sila klik button 'X' di tepi belah kanan or switch to other page...thank you :) alkisahnya, semuanya bermula bila semalam ada org tiba2 anta sms kata, ' ada tertinggal buku teks b.jepun x?' dalam hati kata, 'xperasan pulak aku kekurangan buku... aahh,sudah!' next sms, 'saya tjumpa buku teks b.jepun n ada no awak kat muka depan' dalam hati kata, 'ada ker aku tulis no phone sendirik kat buku teks sendirik? tu laa, berangan lagi conteng bukan2 kat buku..' dgn innocentnyer,ku hantar reply, 'oo,yeker? boleh tlg pulangkan?jumpa kat mana yer? xsedar pulak ada buku hilang' <-- ayat cover kecuaian.. dia reply, 'kat surau.ttgal atas bangku.student ke?' huh?? surau?? bila pulak aku sembahyang kat surau? selalu sembahyang kat dlm ofis jer.. sah! mesti buku student..hampehh,ada ke patut letak no tepon cikgu kat muka depan buku diaa!! siapa la gerangan budak bertuah nih.. dipendekkan cerita, kami pon janji la nk jumpa pkl 12 hari ni sbb dia nk pulangkan buku tu... sblm jumpa dia tepon dulu sbb xjumpa ofis..rupa2nyer it's a guy..igtkan pompuan.selalunya pompuan jer yg rajin buat kerja2 amal camni..after dah janji nk jumpa katne.. he asked me kinda weird or maybe more to inappropriate kinda question, 'dah lunch ke belom?' aku jawab, 'blom' dia kata, 'jom la lunch sama' dlm hati kata, 'huhhh?? giller apa?' tp aku jawab, 'aaa..xperla.saya dah beli lunch.' mmg betul pon dh beli lunch pagi tadi..well, actually pagi tadi rambang mata nk makan roti canai ke, mee,angkut dua2 sekali...larat makan roti canai jer...jadiklah satu lagi tu,lunch. bila kupandang buku tu, terus nampak post-it note kaler kuning yg tertulis namaku dlm katakana beserta no.tepon.. kat cover buku pulak tu.. tgk nama, mmg kenal sgt la student tu... fyi, i didn't give my number to my students. cuma certain jer yg tau... nama student n my name was written in katakana n patutlah dia xleh jer dia mampu baca... rasanyer student nih dpt my no from other person n letak kat buku dia... after that, xkan la nak amek terus blahh jer kan? org berbudi, kita berbahasa... so, borak2 la kejap... tanya kerja kat bahagian mana..rupanyer dia outsider..bukan kerja kat um.kebetulan dia solat kat surau pasum n terjumpa buku tu... arinih datang semata2 nk pulangkan buku..aduihh, baiknyer... pastu berkenalan la, dia tanya, 'nie cik ke puan?' ... sebelum jawab tu sempat pandang perut nih haa.. 'aiks, perut aku besau ni hahh... musti la puan.. kot dia xnampak gaknyer' cuba fikir positif... aku pon jawab, 'puan' pastu dia tanya lagi, ' oo..yeker. dah lama ke jadik puan?' 'aiks, apa pesen soklan mamat nih?? sudut positif mana aku nk tgk?? adakah dia nmpk aku muda? hahah..yer,saya perasannn ataupon dia nih gatal??..uishh,xbaik fikir buruk kat org' aku pon jawab sambil ketawa tak ikhlas, 'hehehe, lama dahhh..' lagi satu soalan pelik dia tanya,'bawa keta sendiri ker?' 'aiks,knp nk tau pulak??' aku pon iyerkan jer laa.. penat dah nk fikir kenapa dia tanya soalan pelik2 siap bg name card..seb baik aku xde name card nk bg... dia keje kat bank.entrepreneur associate..aku pon tak paham keje dia tanya pasal keta tu sbb nk promote dia ada buat insurans keta blaa..bla..blaa... baru kupahamm.. itu sajer kisah hari ni.. bila fikir2 balik..mcm mana agaknyer org tgk diri ni... masa baru2 masuk keje dulu, ramai igt diri nih student... ada satu hari tu, org igt diri nih adek en suami...hahaha..lagi la sukerr...nmpk muda..mmg muda pon dr en suami, tp en.suami buat muka boring jer bila org kata camtu. pernah dukung rayyan kat mana tah, org igt dukung adek...hahaha... tp skg nih, jgn harap la org nk kata diri nih muda..perut membesar dah.. kat kedai2 selalu derang panggil,'akak'..even kalau tgk, rasanyer org tu lagi tua dr diri nih haa... tp rasa best bila org igt kita muda dr umur sebenar..or dr realiti sebenar bahawa kita nih dah kawen n ada anak lagi..tak lama lagi nk masuk 2 dah... org pompuan mmg kena jaga serba serbi... bukan sebab nk kena puji or jaga personaliti jer, tp nk jaga laki..takut dia lari or nmpk bini dia dah xse'cun' dulu(kalau derang tu hampeh kita xkesah pon..boroi pon xper..cayyang jugak!). tp kalau suami nih, even derang tak voice out in words, dlm hati tu mana tau.. mmg dia tak cakap... selalu dpt pesanan nih dr org tua2... n i think we shouldn't take for granted about our beauty n so on... kalau boleh biar kita jalan ngan anak kita nnti, org igt adek beradik... mcm my husband dgn mak igt adik's either, my MIL looks young, or my husband yg look old... dia mmg buat muka nyampah jer kalau org kata camtu... but i think, probably because my MIL looks young... most people say that. even dia bawa rayyan, org igt rayyan anak bongsu dia... so, ayang..xyah la susah hati..u didn't look old... hik3

Monday, January 11, 2010

He's just being Rayyan

~ Rayyan is 2years 5months old ~
~ mommy is 22weeks 4days with adek inside the womb kicking and dancing ~
things that makes him mairayyan yg kadang2 mommy tgk xmacam anak org lain...
  1. xsuka duduk dalam car seat. i always wonder mcm mana anak org lain boleh duduk diam dlm car seat, main dgn toys without the parents having to entertain them all the time... padahal dr baby lagi dah ajar dia duduk dlm bertahan kejap jer... dia jadik boring, n meraung nk keluar.
  2. masa umur 6motnhs above, punya la payah nk bg food is just not his type.punya lah jenuh mommy nih, korek resepi baby food sana sini... blend itu ini.. eksperimen macam2 nk bg baby food dia, apa yg kita makan, itu yg jugak la yg dia nak... rayyan..rayyan.ini masalah besar masa duduk berdua dgn budak nih kat nihon dulu... kena kejar, bersepah satu rumah utk bagi makan.
  3. xsuka duduk dlm baby seat kat kedai makan, stroller pon xleh duduk lama2. baby seat yg mmg utk budak2 tu dia langsung xpandang... akhirnya, mak bapak dia kena la susun kerusi kat kedai tu bertingkat bg tinggi supaya rayyan sampai nk capai food dia... kalau stroller, bila dah ngantuk nk tido jer dia duduk lama..kalu tak, jgn harap nk lekat kat situ
  4. suka meraba especially bila nk tido... meraba tangan org, kaki org..apa2 jer.utk buat dia layan mata. kecik2 xper tau rayyan... dah besar nnti jgn buat pulak... xmacho!
  5. xsuka pakai anything kat kepala. be it songkok, topi ect.. so, jimat duit mommy beli accessories
  6. kalau tido xsuka selimut... kalu kita selimutkan, dia boleh terjaga n buang selimut tu... tolak tepi... plus, dia nih senang berpeluh.kalau kita kategori sejuk kena pakai selimut..itu kira suhu biasa utk dia... terfikir mcm mana kalau pergi nihon waktu fuyu, rayyan xnk pakai selimut utk tido malam... pakaikan dia baju tebal2...hahaha.even masa baby dlm pantang lagi, kalau dibedungkan dia boleh keluarkan tangan dia sebelah dr dlm bedung... punya la dia usaha tarik keluar tgn dia...

maybe ada lagi kot yg membuatkan dia 'sooo rayyan'... apa pun, setiap anak, setiap kanak2 lain caranya... so, these are among the things that makes him, HIM. well, mostly mommy list up the not-so-positive things because these are the things that troubled us as 1st time parents... adek rayyan nnti lain pulak perangai nyer kot... tanoshimi da naa!

gambar disekitar the famous bridge in Putrajaya... lamanyer tak pegang kamera...rinduuu berkarya...ececehh





Monday, January 4, 2010

1st entry for 2010

not too late to wish a happy new year 2010 to all i guess.. may all of MaiStoryChamber frens and family be blessed with a year full of happiness and good things to come... although we've left 2009 few days ago, i would like to highlight some events in 2009
  1. january: visit singapore (1st timefor me & rayyan), auntie ida's birthday, mai birthday(received a basket full of 50 roses & choc @ the office from emir)
  2. february: damai laut swiss garden resort, zoo(1st time too..heheh)
  3. march: reuinion fukuians @ sg. tekala, reunion imfeen @ OU(without fith), finished induksi with flying colours(yeayy!!), got HTC HD touch
  4. april: 6years bf-gf anniv, butterfly park
  5. may: outdoor photoshoot with SN, Krabi(nk gi lagiii!!)
  6. june: BTN @ kedah
  7. july: Rayyan 2nd birthday
  8. august: bz with house renovation, aaj family dinner @ bukit ampang, emir lost his lappy
  9. september: emir got back his lappy n going back n forth to the court, 4th wedding anniv, emir's **th bday, discovered that rayyan's gonna be oniichan
  10. october: move in to our new home sweet home, went to lanchang, trip to jakarta & bandung
  11. november: silver daisy
  12. december: kelantan, aquaria, rayyan went to s'pore, my old maid gone back for good, JLPT

among the most memorable moment was sure to be the trip of me n kekasih hati ke krabi. we fall in love with their islands and wish to go there again. the other one would be about the arrival of adek... and insyaAllah, we'll be seeing adek this year.that'll be the highlight of 2010.

as for 2010, we haven't got ourselves to make any plannings, trips or anything as we have to consider about adek... but we do have some ideas in mind.

soo.. all in all.. i'm happy that 2009 leaves so many good memories for me n my lil family. looking forward to 2010 with the arrival our next bundle of joy to add up the happiness n cheer up our life. hope you guys had a nice things waiting ahead too... as promised before, this is adek's 4D scan pic.. rezeki adek, kami dpt wat 4D scan nih foc. although we had to wait almost 2hours for this, it was all worth it..adek was just nice in position to capture his/her face. we got free dvd n pictures as well... i'm gonna put it in your album as our collection just like rayyan onichan...

scan 4D 002

scan 4D 001

scan 4D 003