Tuesday, November 23, 2010


kenapa yer lately malasssss sssgt2 nk menulis. rasa sayang pulak cerita2 yg tertinggal tak tertulis... esp those regarding rayyan & rifqi..

but the big events are my dearest best friend getting married last saturday ... and my best friend @ baby sister, naz who just gave birth to a baby boy the very next day... 2 great news for me. i felt like crying tears of happiness.... i am nothing but full of happiness that week...with the long trip..from kl to down south balik kampung and then straight heading up north till alor star... meter encik odc kata kami dah jalan almost 1500km++ punggung mmg ketat laa dok dalam keta. heheheh .. yang penting happy!!

setelah memikirkan masak2..saya ambil keputusan untuk mem'private'kan blog ni..sbb xupdate selalu n mcm makin mengarut je isinya makin hari... mungkin satu hari nanti akan timbul balik ke tatau laa. baca blog org pon dah xsempat apatah lagi nk godeh2 gmbr n tulis cerita pjg2 kat sini... lagipon tgh berfikir2 nk tukar nama blog.. or mungkin nk mengarut dgn lebih karut lagi..sbb tu mau privasi...hahahah...

maaf hujung rambut ke hujung kaki

genap usia "Mai Story Chamber" 4tahun pada 29hb nov ni, saya mengundur diri..mungkin untuk sementara waktu..mungkin selamanya..huhuhu..xtau nak kata

Happy 4th Birthday "Mai Story Chamber"


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

no more fever

sorry, really not in the mood to blog. with all the fever, the coughs ... rifqi had his fever for more than a week... i never experienced this..usually rayyan will have fever for 1 or 2days, 3days top. but seeing rifqi clingy with his cough and his fever that goes up and down... very stressful! ini lah susahnyer kalau anak dah sakit...mak bapak pon boleh sakit sekali... seriously, masa badan dia panas, i feel the warmth of the fever spread into my body..dalam hati kata, xperlah kita sakit...asalkan anak sihat... biar la mommy yg tanggung. that's why Allah makbulkan doa, i'm down with bad fever and cough the very next day.Subhanallah.

rifqi sihat hari sabtu lps...nak kata betul2 sihat pon idak jugak, sbb masih ada batuk2. lps lega rifqi dah sihat, rayyan pulak demam...badannyer panas.dr sabtu haritu sampai la ke harini, tak nak makan apa2..selain suplimen and ice cream. nasi selamat masuk 2,3 sudu jer..tp mlm tadi paksa2 juga makan.pagi tadi nampak macam dah sihat sikit sbb kami paksa dia makan ubat demam.payah nk bagi dia ubat sbb dia dah pandai demand kata, "dah cukup".. bila suruh makan sambil tgk tv dia kata,"abiskan cite nih dulu"..amboi2,byk betul cekadak dia...kita kena tunggu dia pulak...dah la xsehat.tp pagi tadi dia dah nk mkn biskut chipsmore..itu pon kena guna reverse phsycology... ckp kat dia xboleh mkn,mama punya.. itu yg buat dia nak makan..kalau suruh makan, hampeh xnak jamah.laku la jugak 3ketul masuk perut dia...alhamdulillah..sekali lagi Allah makbulkan doa lps subuh pagi td....

hopefully, all these fever word will vanish from my vocab for a while this year... ini kali pertama rasanyer kami sekeluarga demam berjemaah. Allah nk tunjuk dia sayang kan...

sorry, entry pasal rifqi kena qada' lain masa,,mommy will try to update when there's time...

semoga anda2 semua Allah lindungi dalam kesihatan yg baik..rohani dan jasmani.mental dan fizikal... semoga kita diberi kekuatan utk laksanakan amanah yg dipertanggungjawabkan dgn sebaiknya...

sememangnya, dgn mengingati Allah hati akan menjadi tenang...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rifqi will be fine, insyaAllah

rifqi has been with fever for the last 4days...jumaat dah bawa pergi klinik biasa.doc kata in 3days he'll be fine.
saturday, his temperature naik balik.39c.. i decided we went to specialist.klinik kanak2 dr. saiful @ kajang. dr saiful kata, panas badan dia. masuk ubat kat punggung n off we went home with a plastic of medicines.ptg tu dia ok..sampai mlm.bgn pagi, suhu badan dia naik balik...bg ubat demam, batuk+selsema,antibiotic..setiap kali nak bagi ubat, kena ready tuala n tisu sekotak kat tepi...masuk sikit2 ubat.he'll cough and vomit along with mucus.kahak yg tersekat kat tekak. soon after that, after fighting with all the drugs he fall asleep..reda sket...later ptg tu rasa mcm panas balik.i measure and resulted 39c back...
mula la hati ni tak senang... i told my hubby that we should bring him to the hospital.just in case it's serious...better safe than sorry right? at 630pm we reached hosp p/jaya. misi check, masuk ubat kat punggung lagi..misi kata jgn pakaikan baju, biar dia berlengging with pampers only.lps tu, amek darah utk blood test... i hold my tears seeing the same size of needle that used to take my blood goes into his tiny veins...and yet, he cried with a low voice..no screaming and shouting.poor rifqi, suara dah tak keluar sbb tekak xselesa...

bila masuk jumpa doc, she said that there's a virus in his blood stream and she can't say it is dengue because he shows no simpton of rashes.i shows the doc the red stain in his pampers..the same pattern that i discovered that morning... she checked his urethra and i saw there's something like a white-ish...she said that his uritheral sphincter is small and that his urine doesn't come out well...patut la pampers dia xberat as usual.patut la demam dia payah nak surut..he can't pee well. most probably, he's gonna 'sunat' awal... it is a minor surgery for babies and i was told to make an appointment with doc in surgery today..i went there this morning and the appointment will be on 8th @ 10am...

rifqi belum sihat lagi...pagi td, around 530am, hubby woke me saying that rifqi's temperature rose back..sebelum tido mlm tu, dah kurang panasnyer..tp nih naik balik..luckily, mil offered to take care of rifqi today and me with running nose and a slight feverish went to work hoping i can cope well until 5pm...

one after another....

i just hope rifqi will be fine soon...i miss his smile, hiss 'cooohh' and ' aaahhh's... his babling

and i hope Allah give me the strength to face all this.

this running nose of mine adn the stress is just a small matter compare to what rifqi has to go thru.
and seeing him being brave really is an unmeasurable pain!