last christmas holiday we went back to Batu's been almost 3months since our last visit,that was hari raya i,this time we manage to spend more time at my mom's house since we usually went home just for 2days n 1night(cuti sabtu ahad je)..always seems rushing..this time,we're able to relax more and do extra activities... yatta!
selalunya,everytime balik kampung i will visit my sibblings them to cook special dishes for us.kali ni pon sama..derang memang selalu je melayankan kerenah adik bongsu derang nih...heheh...lepak2 rumah derang sambil borak2...gathering ramai2...bawa mak sekali..sbb my mom ni,kalau tak angkut sama, dia tak minta nk pergi rumah anak2 dia...jenis yg sayang tinggal kalau i balik,sure i'll bawa dia jalan2 mana i pergi...kalau dulu dia mmg tak nak ikut,kali nih dia kata,"mak ikut je mana anak2 nak bawa.."hehehe..
balik kali ni rasa seronok sbb kami sempat pergi berkelah ke Hutan Lipur Sungai Bantang di Bekok, sister said i've been there before but i totally can't recall the,i take this as my 1st time..same as rayyan n mom pon.tempat dia,not bad lah..air sejuk mak oii...take time to get use to the coldness.rayyan sampai menggigil2 tp still tak nak keluar dr dlm air...air tak dalam sangat,sesuai utk kids...surroundings ok..bersih.cuma facilities penting mcm toilet tak cukup menampung visitors yg ramai.tempat nih jaraknya dr rumah my mom about 1.5hour.dekat sikit compare to kalau nk pergi Gunung Ledang...but i prefer Gunung Ledang lagi ;p
so,here's some of the pictures taken masa balik kampung haritu...
rayyan, hajimete no taki wa dou?? best tak? mata ikou ne!!
Rayyan belajar berenang
Rayyan's favourite 'lepak' spot

senyum+control menggigil kesejukan

bibir dah biru pon nak main air lagi
remember Qaseh? she's now 8months old and was afraid of the cold water...

Rayyan floating away~
emirr,rayyan,qaseh n my nephew
azam di hati nak update banyak lagi hundreds more pictures to share with.insyaAllah,i'll post it slowly...
just a few more days and 2008 will be end soon.i'm lucky & happy to have written many memories i want to remember here and share it with family and friends.. i wanna thank everyone who's been supporting me and giving me their kind voices even it can't be heard it definitely reached my heart. i hope to continue to share more and more of my little joy with the world in future.
let's enjoy this precious life while we have the opprtunity and keep on creating good memories we want to remember...
ehehehehe.., seronoknya..! teringat plak time kite g gunung ledang lepas PMR dulu.., survivor kan time tu..! eheheeheh..!
seronoknye tgk rayyan men air tu..
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