MyRayyan is 1year 5months old
hmmm...sejak dua menjak nih,asyik teragak2 je nk update blog nih..tgh berfikir2 utk 'pindah'kan this story chamber but i'm still considering it. ada juga niat nk privatekan blog nih,sbb nak tulis benda2 yg lebih 'private' kononyer(actually nk meluahkan segala isi hati nurani yg tulus mulus ikhlas be it,melepaskan geram/meluahkan perasaan/mengeluarkan pandangan yg merapu meraban dan yg sewaktu dengannya).tapi macam tak sesuai la kat sini...this chamber mostly about Rayyan's milestone & my motherhood experience along the way...another blog?? satu pon dah tak larat jaga...dou ka naa?
but anyway,at the mean time i'm gonna jot down some events i wanna remember although there are actually tons of it ;p got a few entries that gonna be backdated.this time i wanna tell about our outings last saturday n sunday. as usual,saturdays n sundays are our outing days.. we couldn't stand sitting at home,strecth our legs n play with rayyan around the is a must to go out even pergi pasar borong,pergi kedai mamak sarapan,pergi mengeteh kat old town... we just have to get out of the house and enjoy the breezy air outside...heheh..dah terbiasa dgn college days yg mcm tuh...asal cuti je,mesti nk buat something...mesti nk pergi somewhere...ok,enough elaborating about how we spend our holidays normally...
Last Saturday,my bestfriend N*z came and spent the night at my house.we went to Sunway *iramid to watch Four Christmasses...God,i love that movie.something to learn about's kinda cute too..and i think i laughed too much watching it.u all should watch it! before that we had our dinner at Delifrance. i ordered my all time favourite Salmon *eriyaki and Naz had a Sambal Shrimp Pasta.not to forget an apple pie with vanilla ice cream topping as a dessert. i made a new glasses (new year maa..4nen buri no megane).we had a well-spent night! :D
fyi, today is my bestfriend's dear-sweet-warmhearted-cool-perasancomel friend,SHUHAIDA ISMAIL...hehehe. dia tak baca kot entry nih sbb dia blom pasang internet lagi..she's 19days older than me and we used to share so many similar things back in college.baju sama,kasut sama,jam tangan sama,makan sama2,dr A*J sampai la duduk di university yg sama,dalam satu course yang sama dan dalam lab yg sama...macam2 la yg sama.cuma boyfriend je la tak sama..hihih..owhh yeah,btw she's single & still available datte! hahahah...saper2 berminat boleh la bitau... ;p so,yesterday we went to The *ardens to kinda celebrate early birthday mini-party for her except she's the one who's paying for the dessert..which is a 'Baskin *obin fondue' replacing the normal birthday cake for this was super yummy! maklumlah orang belanja.before that we had lunch at Sushi Zanmai..sangat seronok bila dapat makan Japanese foods dgn kawan2 lama.Rayyan also seemed to enjoy sushi..apa kami makan sume dia makan jugak...seronok layan lagak dia sambil makan.and of course the food was delicious and nice...ini pon orang belanja...thank you to the Big-Pocket-Miss Na*irah!! after feeding our stomach with amazing food we move on to peeking into stores on sale...usha2 je..tak beli pon.rayyan pulak asyik nk main lif...sibuk ajak main area lif nk tekan button.mcm kat umh sendiri tak jumpa lif..tiap2 hari turun naik lif pon tak puas ke big guy?? after desert we went home...
i miss this kinda outings..even with me having emir n Rayyan along...we get to spend a blast moments together..i love spending time with the people i love! the more the merrier..fith,elah,echo bila nk join the group? imfeen outing! how's that sound?
and so,without further adue i now present to you the kodak moments.
Naz & me @ Sunway P*ramid
my boyfriend & me
The boy who brings joy to the sweet couple above ;p
while waiting for auntie ida,rayyan spent some time at The Borders... it's Story Time!!

Rayyan enjoying his lunch..salmon maki
devilishly delicious salmon
Unagi (eel)
Kitsune Soba...always my favourite.
but the kitsune(similar like tahu tp leper and a bit sweet) wasn't as nice as the one in Fukui
Naz & Ida yang khusyuk makan...
our dessert...Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Fondue...
owhh,i just can't get enough of it..nak lagiii
3 of imfeen & one baby imfeen=imfeen family :D
Thank you Ida & Naz for treating us last weekend...Rayyan,mommy & daddy had a great time! looking forward for our next outing...errr,shopping spree maybe,just us girls?? (bawa Rayyan susah nk pilih kasut..dia pon nak try sama) ihihi
p/s: mlm tu sambung shopping with my MIL @ io* mall..azam baru nk kasut terbeli sunglasses baru juger....kopak laa~ lps shopping,kitorang berdua lepak kat mana lagi kalau bukan Old Town Coffee..i had the Old Town Ipoh nantoka mee...roti bakar is a must & lime juice...kalau keluar dgn my MIL mmg best.mcm kuar dgn girlfriends...haritu kami shopping tudung sajer habis sampai rm500++,before that shopping tudung jugak around rm400++...kalau ingat2 balik mcm wat keje gillerr jer...tudung kat rumah dah macam kedai jual tudung.kitorang tgh giller fesyen tudung skg nih.lucky both of us share the same interest in many things...we share tudungs,accesorries,baju sometimes i pinjam jugak...hehehhe.she's also my fashion advisor & my mentor in you mama!!
okay,rayyan nk titon dah...c ya next time~
hugs & kisses; -MaiRayyan-
Hai My,
bestnyer!!!bila laa nak join korang jalan2 shopping2 makan2 gelak2 ek,hihi.really miss all of u.
btw,fith akan balik bln 6 nanti,kita buat reunion ek.dah lama tak jumpa si handsome rayyan.
take care ya.
yeke fith?? nk balik?? yeayy!! sure2,kita ajak echo n elah elah tak sure la by then dia dah balik msia ke blom...wahh...can't wait for the six of us to rock again!!
hepi besday auntie ida, mai nanti kem salam kat ida ek. hugs n kisses for her. geramnye tgk rayyan, maira sampai ckp baby boy kakui ne bile tgk pic rayyan..
kakko ii ne~ heheh..tunggu maira,tak lama lagi dapat adik lelaki,auntie sure kakko ii jugak!! ;)
aaa.. nak pindah blog pandai2la inform aku tau!
wah , mai dah bertukar to munawwarah eh. new year image?
btw this post makes me HUNGRYY..ekeke
pinky angel;
insyaAllah... ;)
ehee..ala2 image baru utk year 2009 gituh.. skg tgh giller pesen tudung2 camnih.. munawwarah, anggerik, ariani etc...hehehe..ok tak cik yam, mai pakai camni?? ;p
of cos la OK! hehe lagipun senang nak pakai kan main sarung je. nanti la tunggu baby kuar kot nak tukar2 fashion nih. skang nak dressup pun tak lalu.ekeke
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