When you hear the word “MONEY,” which values come to mind?
Here are some examples of money values: Freedom, community, achievement, anger, acceptance, charity, dignity, family, generosity, greed, growth, happiness, honesty, harmony, honor, independence, integrity, identity, joy, power, respect, leaving a legacy, leisure, responsibility, retirement, security, self-esteem, self-discipline, service, strength, spirituality, struggle, success, stress, time, travel, using my talents, recognition, wisdom, trouble, unhappiness, disappointment, discord, and so many more . . . banyak..banyakk..
i'm trying to think of something nice to say about money... i love the idea about,
' don't work for money, make money works for us'
"What we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, money comes to us, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us"
"Go out in the world and work like money doesn't matter, Sing as if no one is listening, Love as if you have never been hurt, and Dance as if no one is watching"
and i love this the most...
"Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping"
ok,don't judge me...hahahha
actually, this is what i'm meaning to write..enough said about money... hehehe.. Rayyan really love to play with my things..be it my handphone,my laptop,my tudung(yg dibuat mcm roti canai),my handbag etc. my handphone,luckily it's still operating eventhough dah dibaling sesuka hati dek rayyan...my laptop,ohoo..yang nih i sensitif sket,almaklumlah baru..so yang nih i bagi dia usik sikit2 je..xleh lebey2...bagi dia tgk slide gmbr dia or cartoon. my handbag...yang nih paling dia suka sbb dalamnyer ada banyak benda dia boleh 'explore'...the one he love the most is my wallet..tak pernah jemu dgn benda2 nih..and this is what he did...
open the button first
and mak nyer hanya tgk je laa..lps tu kena kemas balik... but,before bagi dia main wallet tu kena make sure all the coins doesn't comes out.sekarang nih,kena letak handbag away from his reach sbb pantang nampak..siap la dia capai n kirai semua isi..tau2 sedar dah sepah satu bilik.
sekarang nih kami dah mula ajar dia menabung...suka sangat kalau dapat masukkan duit dlm tabung..suka sangat tengok jari2 comey tu pegang duit..he's trying to make sure the money doesn't slip from his fingers...alaa...sangat comeyy...mommy tak pandai simpan duit.but,at least i'm making an effort to make sure that my son does.... hehheh...
so,i'm warning sape2 yang jumpa rayyan...jgn tayang depan rayyan handphones(especially yang canggih manggih,yg baru beli,yang harga ribu2..bahaya!), handbag and wallet(dia pandai buka handbag xkira la zip/button/buckle..dia dah practice dgn mommy's collections kat umah), laptop pon! kami tidak bertanggungjawab di atas segala kerosakan caused by this eager little boy...
tokorode,hari ni kami ada high tea di Hotel Legend...nak makan puas2...hehehe...will update more stories later...maklumlah tengah takde kelas...
Happy Holidays!!
amboi sakan rayyan men wallet mommy yea, mula2 atas katil pastu tengok dah kat lantai dah..
tu masih ok.ada gak dia bawa jalan wallet tu satu rumah bersepah dgn isi wallet..tah mana2 pergi segala kad n duit...ehehe
hahaha.. bijak anak hang mai! takpe rayyan, nanti aunty kasi hp aunty. sila rosakkan...
dengan harapan uncle akan kesian dan belikan aunty yang baru.
hehe. rancangan yg baik kan rayyan-chan???
Heylo dear,
if interested with replica designer handbags (good quality and an affordable price) feel free to visit
ade LV, Anya Hindmarch, Coach etc.
no prob aunty syana..hehehe!
thank you
wah.., agaknya peringkat umur dorang nie mmg nie kot keje dorang..! same je dgn amsyar..,
FYI anak aku baru je lepas buang duit aku yg diambil dr wallet dalam toilet bowl.., nasib rm20 je..! tapi tu duit gak kan..! ergggggghhkkk
wahh2..amsyar lagi advance..heheh..kat rumah nih pintu toilet kena tutup selalu.budak nih pantang dpt masuk toilet,asek main air.amsyar,jgn buang duit mama tau..amek masuk tabung amsyar.. ;p
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