Seronok juga bila cakap pasal topic nih,tp saya takdelah alim sgt nk cerita panjang.hanya ilmu yg sikit nih je,utk igtkn diri.bila kita cerita kat org lain,secara tak langsung hati kita juga akan terkesan dgn kata2 sendiri.sama juga bila2 masa I motivate my students,I'm motivating myself at the same time…pesan seorang guru yg sangat saya hormati, kalau nak menyampaikan ilmu kepada org lain, biarlah sampai ilmu itu kepada hati pendengarnya..baru kekal dan berkat…untuk jadi mcam tu kita sendiri kena bersih hati dan ikhlas dalam menyampaikan ilmu… **peace**
Okay …enough with all the not-very-admiring stories from previous entry… alhamdulillah,hari ni dah mula bekerja semula. I regain 88%of my strength..another 12% is the part that is still living inside my breast. Kind of hard to make it comes out. Sampai sakit tengkuk dah sekarang ni sbb asyik tunduk2 masa nk pam susu and make the lump soothe. Sakit tengkuk yg agak teruk. Tp takpe,ameltz yoko-yoko kan ada…hehehe. Hari ni nak tukar angin la pulak. Terasa rajin nk menjawa tag yg dah jadi jeruk… dear Dandelion, here's to you… and of course to you too,the one who's reading this right now ;p
something u might not know about me ;p
What were you doing 5years ago?
5years ago---> 2003. I'm 20years old. mudanyerr...
- Grad from AAJ and flew to Japan on 23rd February the same year.
- I'm single… no commitment… no boyfriend...looking forward to find 1 there.hihih..(tanam niat awal2).
- Being on a plane and travel overseas for the 1st time in my life…
- experienced so many new things in Japan. The food, the lifestyle, the surroundings, the seasons, the school n lectures & many more.
- Met the love of my life for the 1st time… declare as a couple 2weeks after we knew each other.
- 2003 – a year full of love and happy things ; )
What were the 5 things on your to do list today?
- Play with rayyan
- Prepare ebm for rayyan
- Watch movie?maybe (emir nak sgt tgk Body of Lies yg ada Leornado De Caprio tu..)
- Makan ubat & suppliment
- Try to ease the pain
- Fruits… almost any fruits..Strawberry, Melon, Mango etc
- Salad
- Waffle (always chocolate +peanut butter)
- Roti bakar
- Juices, green tea, cendol @ ABC ..owh! dan air muscat tea kat nihon yg ada bila autumn saja..
What are 5 jobs you've had?
- Jahit hidung patung doraemon...hahaha...tak tipu.
- Keje potong benang and packing baju
- Jadi minah kilang..operator pengeluaran lps SPM
- Baby sitting
- Praktikal kat kilang Jepun. Merasa wat keje engineer, QA & operator. Sgt xbesh
People I want to tag?
I don't really have anyone in mind. Sape2 yg nak buat,silakan… sesuai dibuat bila time xde idea nk tulis apa kat blog.
Hehehe… have fun! chinamini,

tahniahhh sebab berjaya jawab tag! wah rayyan bercita2 nak jadi joker ke lawan batman? hehe :D so funny. happy dia ye puas hati dia ye dapat hancurkan mekap mommy dia hehe :D
peknen ni suke sgt gak kat muscat tea tu. dulu tak suke. sekarang masih ade agi jual kat combini. mintak2 stok tahun ni lambat abes. kang susah nak carik time aki jek ade..
comelnya make up rayyan,kelakar betul...ingatkan dia sendiri yang taruk,ayahnya punya kerja ya,hahaha...bertuah betul...
Ina;terima kasih juga kerna tag saya..first timer ni..hehehe..btw,mekup makencik kena letak tpt tinggi2..kalau tak pecah ranap laa.. menangiss makencik woo..
saya mahu muscat tea itu..murni,baik ko stock up siap2 sblm dia urikiri..kang xpasal2 ko ngidam nak cari mana?heheheh..
ayah dia mmg suka menyakat Rayyan..ada je dia nk kenakan...hehehhe.
haha, mai, kalau ini pekerjaan ayahnya, kalau letak tinggi2 pun boleh jer capai dek ayahnya.
mr rayyan, awak doa ape dalam gambar terakhir tu.. hihihi.
tulah kan, bersyukur dengan masa yg lampau kerana membentuk kita pada hari ini for at least u have rayyan to compensate the past.
mmg betul syana..kalau ayahnyer pecahkan bole minta ganti,kalau si kecik tu..duit sendiri kena keluar..hehehe
and yes you're right.. i believe my past has made me who i am today... He takes something from us and gave us something better in return.. alhamdulillah.after all, He knows best! :)
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