i'm getting lazy day by day... but i have to fullfil my promise to complete the story about our trip.so, here comes more pictures... enjoice!
the next day, we boost up our energy with simple breakfast at aonang buri restaurant.then, we waited for our tourist guide to come pick us up at the hotel.not too long after that, they came with a bus...which is an open-aired bus..lori yg diubahsuai jadi bas.
this is us on the bus with other members on the same boat

15mins later we arrived at the jetty.well, not so much of a jetty...a place where all the boats load the passenger.sampai2 kat situ,nmpk a few thai people with big cameras taking our picture.macam gaya paparazzi...i wonder why.than emirr said that, they're gonna sell it to us later when we come back.i'm not sure i believe that but,it's true. when we came back from the sea, they open a table an into my surprise, our picture was there..with a nice sand-made frame and our picture was also nicely taken. they sell it for 100baht approximately rm10. so, i thought ..let's buy it.we're not gonna develope our tons of pictures straight away anyway.it's nice to see a real proof of us there in hand to bring back home.
anyway, we got into our boat,named Beluga.i don't have any idea what that means.this is me on the boat. a good seat in front of the boat with a nice view 360degree ;) it took us around 50mins to arrive at the main area for the day...50mins in boat ride, wass not easy for me

our 1st stop was Koh Mai Pai island. we did a little swimming and snorkeling.but nothing really catched our eyes, because we're afraid to go deeper...saya cautious bila kaki tak jejak tanah...huhuhuh
that's my handsome guy and our boat

prior leaving Koh Mai Pai island..isn't it beautiful?? the water...

our next stop was The Viking Cave,from which there is a thriving bird's nest soup industry
The Viking Cave...
making our way to our most awaited spot... i miss the water already :(
so, guys... this is Maya Bay. remember Leornado De Caprio starring in the movie The Beach. this is where it took place.the water was heavenly gorgeous,the sand was soft and the big gigantic rocks was just nice in place.
Mr & Mrs Emirr at Maya Bay.
i was beginning to feel sick at this point. the boat was too fast making its way through the big wave..making me felt dizzy and fyi, i did throw up somewhere by the bush at maya bay... yerp,i leave my mark there,alright... but, it didn't ruin my mood at all.
after that, i felt better and ready to get to the next check point.luckily, it was lunch time.lunch was included in the package so we don't have to pay a penny. the lunch was superb.after throwing up, the appetite grow plus it was my favourite menu. Seafood tom yam,mix vegies, spagetti,fried fish with lemon and some more i forgot. we ate together with other member like a family. the Thai people were so nice, they help served us..maybe they saw this serabut lady with pale face was not feeling very well..hahhaha..
after lunch, mesmerized by the beauty of phi phi don
a very nice place for lunch...
after some refreshment, at around 130pm we continued our mission.it was again snorkeling.this time, it was more fun...why? just look at these pictures...
me...even i can't land my foot on the anything,i felt secured enough to play in the water. the fishes are too cute to resist...they are like thousands of them and they're not afraid of me.i can't find nemo by the way.. :D
emirr is actually afraid of the small fishes..can u see the distance between the fishes and him??he said,they bite him!! ada patut??...
remember i told you about buying the instant underwater camera.well,turn out i manage to get my hands on the underwater digital camera casing for rm98 on that wednesday.so here are some of the pictures taken underwater...
mirr and a fish :D
him & 2fishes... the coral was just so stunningly beautiful.i've snorkeled in japan before but i must say, this is more.i stepped on one of the big coral and the colour of the creatures in the water amazed me to the max!
we reached our room at 130am..and sailed to our dreamland. we don't wanna miss our flight tomorrow...hehehhe
last picture at Nopparat beach
we had a good time spoiling ourselves surrounded by mother nature and experience different things in other country. we just love travelling. eventhough we call it, " Bimbou ryokou" (cheap travel), we really had a nice time together.

after that... the dizziness was back to haunt me. i got into the boat and laid down covering my-already-burned face from the sun and try to ease the spinning inside my head.not long after, they all move to the next spot, Monkey island for another snorkeling activities. emirr went down into the water.i heard somebody said they found nemo, but i just can't bring myself up. i'm far from able to stand. i tried to but then i felt like throwing up again. this time in the middle of the sea where people are having a fun time down there..i don't dare throwing something from inside me there...so, i laid back down and somehow able to sleep... :)
monkey island was our last stop. we make our way back and by that time i was feeling a lot better. they served us with fresh local fruits like watermelon and pineapple.i felt relieved... i ate a lot of fruits.then,they treat us with cakes and juices.there's also soft drinks and water. you can have anything.it was all included in the package... nice rite?
the trip was awesome except for the fact that i don't feel good on and off.a 900baht per person(rm90) package is a good deal. with 50mins return tickets for boat ride+lunch+refreshment on boat+snorkeling equipment+guide+many stops to nice places that some i can't even remember=a very beautiful journey and unforgettable experience(including the throwing up part too).
that is why, we planned to visit again,someday...along with rayyan insyaAllah :D
that night, we had a long walk to aonang town. i think about 3~4km.did some sovenir shopping.balik tak larat nak jalan, so we took a mini tuk-tuk( a taxi) there. mcm beca cuma bukan dengan basikal,tp motorsikal..hehehe..

the next morning, we had our last morning meal with the eye catching beach view.at 930am sharp, our driver arrived to pick us up for the airport.we booked the taxi with the same travel agency masa buat arragement for the island hopping.senang.pulak tu,same driver yg amek kami dari airport masa sampai arituh.he was very nice.kat sana teksi sume cantek2..toyota altis mostly.pastu derang suka tekan honk... hihihih.
nih la teksi dan driver kami ;)

our flight back home..babaiii krabi.see you again, insyaAllah~

there you go... hope i somehow trigger some of you to experience the calming nature and adventures activities offered there. it was really a memorable experience for both of us. maybe you all should try it too someday ;)
lps nih cuti2 malaysia pulak lah...
Maya Bay,cantikk sgttt.Subhanallah.
A-must-go place ni tsuika!
Thanks for sharing=)
waaaaaaa...cantikkk bangattt pantai dia...hehehe
sila masukkan dlm top list kamu...destination for honeymoon nnti maybe ;)
air laut dia mmg sgt cantekkk... nnti kita pegi wat rombongan aaj gi situ nak? agak2, jaafar sensei approve tak? hihihi
cantiknyaaa tempat2 tu! I love beach n island. sumday boleh consider la utk pegi. tp kiter penakut air hmm cmner la tuh :P
ps: aih mai br honeymoon dh muntah2 ni. kidding je kay hehehe ;P owh tetiba baru teringat nk check passport. thn dpn kot expired erk!
mai pon dulu penakut air.apatah lagi kalau kaki tak jejak dasar.tp sebelum pergi arituh,mai prektis kat kolam renang..byk kali gak pergi utk belajar menyelam,berenang(baru pandai sket), and buka mata dalam air...susah woo nk buka mata dalam airr...sakett! tp pakai google la senangg+xsakit..hehehe
muntah2 tu mabuk laut ina, tp kalau muntah2 yg itu pon,apa salahnyer..MAHU! :D
yg mengenai passport tu,org kat airasia tu kata,kalau nk keluar malaysia yg masalah kalau xcukup 6bulan.nak masuk xper rasanyer.tp better confirmkan balik ;) kang xpasal2 jadi cam citer The Terminal..huhuhu
wow..ini ke pantai yg dlm movie "The Beach"..baru gue tau
inilah pantainyer... cantek kan? :D
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