reached krabi airport at 12:25(1:25pm msia). the airport was small but nice. not too many people.just us from AK804 flight. went to the taxi counter after claiming our baggage and straight away headed to the resort.on the way, we asked the taxi driver where to buy boat tickets and so on.later, we made a brief stop at one of the travel agency to make our island trip arrangement.
- 4 islands by long tail boat (22nd may, 2:30pm~5:00pm) 1800baht for 2person
- phi phi islands by speedboat (23rd may, 8:30am~4:30pm) 1800baht for 2person
we left the agency at 1:30pm and our 1st island hopping was scheduled at 2:30pm. hehehe.. 1:45pm sampai kat hotel.

kami dgn semangatnya pon ikut la pakcik driver tu.tiba2 dia lintas jalan,lps tu gi pantai...kami dah pelik jer...rupa2nyer kereta pakcik tu parking kat pantai..hehehe.sungguh adventure.kena meredah pantai nk sampai ke long tail boat pakcik tu.tp seronok + jakun! hehehe..boat kami yg belah kanan sekali tu.. baik punya parking
bertolak la kami dengan sampan panjang yg ada enjin menuju ke Laut Andaman.this is our first time exploring andaman sea.cantekk..kanan kiri penuh pulau..destinasi pertama kami ialah chicken island. kenapa chicken island? sbb mmg batu kat situ rupanya mcam ayam.ada kepala n badan.

next, Poda island. pertama kali menjejakkan kaki kat Poda island nih, yg meniggalkan kesan di hati kami ialah pasirnya yg sangat2 lembut.seriuss!
yang kat belakang tu kalau xsilap itu la phra nang cave...
pkl 5:00pm kami bertolak pulang.sekali lagi,kena redah pantai nk sampai ke hotel...best2!
our chartered boat

that nite, we had a fine dinner at aonang buri restaurant. ordered some nice thai food.i'm a big fan of thai food. tak igt nama menu, but u can look at the pictures.we had chilli fish,shrimp salad and mix vegie...each with different taste that makes me more in love with thai food.
kami tergelak bila waiter tu serve nasi bentuk hati ni.mmg honeymoon mood betul
the drinks was also different. i had a lime juice n emirr oredered orange juice.lime juice ada rasa masin2+manis+masam=sedapp, emirr's orange juice was actually made from buah limau yg buat mkn mcm jual kat pasar malam tu...tp bila buat juice,sedapp pulak rasanyer...orange juice pulau! hihihi
dah selesaii..bukan saya makan sorang yerr ;)
lepas makan,kami jalan ke bandar aonang..halfway jer sbb xlarat.lagipon esoknyer full day penuh aktiviti...
to be continue...
p/s: sorry kalau ada ayat yg belit2. xlarat pk nk buat ayat skema
~yang masih dalam mood pulau~
waa,tanoshi sou~
and mai thanks for the passport info, baru ku tau.
tu laa..aku pon tatau.ramai gak yg tatau..xpernah hirau pon psl tu selain dari amek tau expiry date dia.kena dah kali ni,boleh la jadikan pengajaran.tp xper,we had a blast!
Bestnya,cantik sungguh pantai kat sana ek
cantek fith...tp ada lagi gmbr pantai yg lagi cantek..tunggu ek.mai xsempat nk sambung cite lagi... :D
wah syok nya.., rase cam nak g gak je..! huhuhuhuhuhu
bestnye, rase nk pegi jugak!! aiyakk tak tau gak pasal rule pasport cenggitu.
pegi2 jgn xpegi..besh!
tunggu zayyan besar sket,leh bawa dia gi tgk ikan comel2... :D
haa..lps nih kena check passport betul2 kalau nk gi oversea.
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