do you appreciate yourself for anything or something you do? how do you do it? why do we have to do it?
i appreciate my hard-days-non-stop-working
cheewwahh with shopping. yeah,very typical i know..but i specifically love shoes.i think i can never have enough stock of shoes.i can't see a shoe shop without stopping by or at least make a brief peek to see what they have.i think it is good to do it once in a a token to be better or work harder. betul tak? melancong pon bagus jugak utk menghargai diri sendiri...pendek kata,mcm2 cara boleh buat.pernah tak beli hadiah utk diri sendiri? yang mmg dalam bentuk hadiah? i did! sekali la dgn cik ida tu..pernah dulu,dia beli utk kita, kita beli utk dia...pastu bendanya sama,cuma lain kaler..rasanyer dah 3/4 kali jugak la buat kerja seronok woo..nak2 kalau kat jepun, utk wrapping service free...mmg besh laa.hentam minta reben la, kad la...pastu siap tulis ucapan utk diri sendiri sekali.pathetic? i don't think so..i think of it as a way of self-appreciation.for once, just get out of your body and see yourself from the'll see just how much you should appreciate yourself.
last week,it's my pay, i decided to give myself credit for .... well, you name it..heheh..i went to charles and keith because i wanted to try their heels. i bought one that look something like this
.( i can't find the exact picture from their website) . it is so comfortable and stable i can even run in's about 4inches high. i love to wear heels to work.ramai tanya kenapa suka pakai kasut tinggi, tak kurang juga yg menunjukkan kerisauan..heheheh..i love heels when i do something that don't involves walking around much.kalu gi keje nih,setakat gi kelas 2kali turun naik jer..xjalan jauh2, i think kalau pakai baju kurung dgn kasut bertumit lebih nmpk anggun...ececehh.. bukan nk kata diri sendiri anggun, tp tgk org lain pon camtu.. suker..lagipun, bila lagi nk merasa pakai kasut tinggi kan? masa masih muda laa..mcm la muda sgt pon.

as for leisure, i prefer flats... paling suka yg mmg flat these... i have one red steve madden yg sgt2 suka...sbb dia sgt merah n sgt besh.
tp xjumpa la gmbr dia kat tenet.. kalau keluar dgn rayyan especially,xkan nk pakai kasut tumit tinggi.sgt la tak sesuai...nak kejar2 dia satu mall lagi..baik la pakai flats.selamat dan comfort.and of course,kalau dah duduk kat mall tu, mana ada satu jam..mesti berjam2..

this year, i got this handbag from hubby for my birthday. from Charles & Keith too.i love handbags..but it falls to 2nd place in my list.because i'm kind of fussy when it comes to handbag...kalau yg tak suka tu,mmg xpandang la..terperuk dlm almari..byk jugak yg org bg tp tak pernah pakai...hihihi...paling suka coach.kalau boleh nak yg baru lg komitmen lain thn ni.kena
puasa handbag.lagipon harga handbag mak datukk..gaji berbulan2 boleh habis.tak mau la membazir..ramai org kat luar sana xde duit nk mkn pon.setakat beg,sekali sekala xper laa kalau nak mahal...hehehe..this one down here,i love it to's been my daily bag to school.very spacious.i can just dump anything and everything inside and still it looks stylish from the outside :) tq, en suami! do you appreciate yourself?
Yer saya setuju,hahaha.fith yg tak keje ni pun kdg2 nak jugak kasut n handbag baru,bukan utk apa pun,demi kepuasan yang mmg tak pernah puas,hihi...
fith pun suka pakai high heels,rasa lbh berkeyakinan dan best sgt sbb diri ni kan rendah,hahaha.
yer hargailah diri sendiri!
xper fith..rasanya wanita perlu terapi camni.walaupon tak keje,fith kat fulltime housewife.appreciation as a hardworking mother and wife! you deserve it...tgk jer la berapa rajin mama rafiqh nih memasak..salute kat fith!
mmg betul kata fith,bila pakai high heels lebih rasa berkeyakinan and in my case,jln lebih sopan.kalau pakai flat tu,langkah besar2 jln nk cpt2 jer.. :D
suka heelssss!!!!! walaupun pakai shirts sahaja kerana malas tapi bila pakai heels, puhhh sendiri rasa best. hehe
to appreciate myself, anything i bought with my hard earned money. selalunya gi makan best2 sket.
kalau materials, selalunya bag or shoes or baju or skincare or makeup. pi mai, pi mai tang tu jugakkk perempuan kan.
but now, rasa nak aprreciate diri sendiri dengan barang kemas sikit2 pulak. boleh jadi warisan anak cucu. hohoho sungguhla makcik aku ini :)
setuju sesgt gak.. nafsu shopping ni membuak2 tapi kadang2 gune sekali jek pastu simpan. tapi rasa puas kan camtu.. ni la pompuan. tapi kite tukar, ni bukan nafsu tapi present atas penat lelah kite menjaga anak2. boleh tak, hihihi
makan sedap2 tu mmg selalu buat.. sbb mmg suka makan!
pasal barang kemas,bagus jugak,pelaburan tuh..xde la makcik sgt.lain la kalau pakai mcm cite anak mami..hihihi.
boleh sgt murni..u deserve it! sebagai hadiah jd ibu mitahli :D hehehe..perasaan puas bila dapat sesuatu yg susah nk dpt,mmg sgt luar biasa.boleh tambah keyakinan diri.
btol2,pakai heels mmg rase best!!
tak sabar nak beli bag baru ni sbb mcm dah lama tak shopping bag=)
let's appreciate ourselves with new bags^^/
kat nihon besh shopping kan? nak2 kalau dah sampai kat outlet..rambang mata! sila la beli beg baru..hadiah kat diri sendiri sbb dah jadi tunang org ;)
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