no more riding bicycle to get to the mall
no more walking by foot to the train station
no more train trips
no more being with rayyan 24/7
no more fulltime housewife
no more this.. no more that..
and we're gonna be back to our routine like 2months before
in less than 24hours, we'll be on our way back home.. we'll meet the people we missed..we'll have the chance to go to pasar ramadhan to buy the food we're longing to eat..insyaAllah.. and the best part is, we're gonna celebrate hari raya with the people we love...
in some ways, going back is good.. as i'm missing my job,my students and my income..heheh.. miss our cars.. miss the weekend window shopping and the weekly movies just mommy and daddy.. miss having the time for just the 2 of us.. knowing you're safe with someone i trust..
but i have to admit, i learned a lot from this 2months.. i really appreciate this 2months holiday.. i enjoyed all the activities we did.. and i'm satisfied to watch your growth this couple of months.. the new tooth, watching u walked your first step.. supporting you while you're walking.. teach you many things... and i haven't mentioned this yet,about your first step to the cinema.. your first cinema was the one at Ebina Warner bros .. daddy was so looking forward to watch The Dark Knight.so we decided to give it a try.. it was dark in there of course and u kept making noises talking to yourself..somehow it felt uncomfortable and it's a nuisance to others so we walked out and end up wasting our money on the tickets.. mind you, skali masuk wayang kat jepun harga tiket 1000yen (rm30).. that day we paid 1700yen (~rm50) per ticket because it's weekend.. but daddy didn't regret at all.. instead he laughed.. he said mommy n daddy deserved it.. mana la budak umur 1tahun pandai duduk tgk wayang.. let alone to be quiet? huhuh.. yeahhh,i gues we both deserved it.padan muka ktorang!! the picture of u n daddy at the Ponyo poster was the day of ur first cinema... agak2 kalu tgk cite Ponyo, Rayyan bole duduk diam tak??
skg nih.. packing n kemas rumah dah siap 80%.. brg2 mainan rayyan byk yg kena tinggal,brg2 dapur yg tak habis, periuk kuali sume siap dibungkus utk dibuang.. still masih byk juga barang yg kena bawa balik.. takut over weight je nanti.. malam nih berbuka dgn menghabiskan makanan2 yg ada.. although mommy was thinking nk mkn soba for the last time.. eheheh
i guess, this is my last entry from here.. insyaAllah jumpa lagi next entry.
before going home.. mommy nk ambil kesempatan untuk ucapkan;
Selamat Hari Raya,Maaf Zahir dan Batin
kepada semua yg baca blog nih.. sama ada yg mommy kenal atau tidak..kepada yg tak dapat balik kampung.. jangan sedih2.. semoga semuanya gembira menyambut Syawal yg bakal tiba tidak lama lagi... selamat melaram dengan baju raya yang cantik2.. selamat makan kuih raya.. selamat beraya ke rumah sedara-mara.. berhati2 di jalan raya.. semoga selamat semuanya..
Malaysia.. here we come!!
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