and so we headed to Hakone at 2p.m. and reached there around315p.m. Our 1st spot was the Susuki Grassland. Susuki is one kind of a grass.. kalu kat msia,i wonder if anybody would like to visit this kinda place as for my eyes it was like 'semak-samun'. Apparently,it is cultivated as an ornamental plant and it can grow to heights of 1~2 m. Susuki is considered an iconic plant of late summer and early autumn. It is mentioned in as one of the seven autumn herbs..
here's what it looks like..
see.. macam masuk dalam semak kan? and it's not just us.. =)

but, i think this is nice.. if only there's horses to decorate this place, wouldn't it be more interesting?
next, is the National Park Hakone,Owakudani. Actually, we could see the view of Mt. Fuji with Hakone mountains but unfortunately the weather is not so fine. Mount Fuji was hidden somewhere behind the clouds and bad weather.This place is most known for the volcanic landscape created 400 thousand years ago. what's so special about this place is the Kuro Tamago(Black Egg). We took a walk up to where they made the Black Egg and Oh My God, the fumes is really killing us.. mcm bau telur tembelang pon ada.. it is actually the common egg we use at home but boiled in the hot sulfurous mud water up there. The Japanese believes that this Black Egg has the effectiveness of prolonging life.. eat 1 black egg for adding 7years to your life, 2 for adding 14years to your life.. huhuh.. macam2. but sadly, we didn't get the chance to taste it at all.. the black-egg-making ended at 5 and when we went down the store, all sold out... tak sangka bole sold out.. heheh tp xpe la.. tak dapat la mommy 'extend' sket umur mommy.. =) 
so,here goes the picture of the so called famous Black-Magic-Egg.. 

The sulfurous mud water where they boiled the egg
Rayyan n daddy 

The view from above. the small house there is where they make the eggs and send it down to the stall using a small cable car specifically for carrying eggs.. 

see the smoke behind.. that's the bad fumes. and yes, Rayyan can walk by himself now.. hoooray!!

tak dapat makan Tamago, dapat amek gmbr depan replika pon jadi laa..
by the time we were done at Owakudani it's already 5p.m another hour to berbuka.. we headed to get our stomach feed. But, the traffic jam was really bad that we're still stucked in the traffic at 6 when it shouldn't take an hour to get to where we planned. luckily, i brought along some tamar and buka dalam kereta je laa.. we arrived at the soba restaurant at around 7-ish and had Soba for dinner.. this is the most expensive soba i've ever taste.. it cost 1500yen for plain soba which usually cost below 500yen.. i had Soba with Kamaboko Fried (1900yen) . naseb soba tu sedap.. tp kalu dah mkn free, apapun sedapp... Rayyan had Yaki Tamago and Age Doufu( fried egg & Tofu). 
this is the restaurant
it was their plan to go to the Onsen( hot spring) before going home.. so we headed straight to Daizan Onsen somewhere in Odawara. Daddy and his friends went into the onsen. mommy and Rayyan waited at the comfy rest area provided. i'm not very interested with onsen unless i was given a private one all for myself.. here, they share. i'm just not comfortable seeing those japanese girls and women naked, or almost naked. for them, it's a common thing. I once tried the onsen somewhere in Kagawa-ken during the school trip. the japanese were all making a weird face seeing me and my 2 other friends (malays) wearing towels inside the onsen. they asked us why.. and so we said we're shy (of course laa).. they said all women have the same things, so there's nothing to hide.. huhuh.. iyerlaa tu.. 
dlm budaya derang,anak perempuan yg dah masuk sekolah pon boleh masuk ofuro (tub mandi)sama2 dgn bapak. likewise the boys with their mother.. both naked.. but,maybe when they reach certain age they won't be in the same bathroom at the same time... but i'm not so sure when.. tp tgk dlm cite Chibi Maruko-chan tu, kami yang tgk nih pulak yg segan...hehehe
before going home..
lepas derang abis berendam, it's time to go home.. Ogawa-san hantar sampai depan rumah lagi.. we reached home at 11pm.. 
the next day, saturday 14th September.. the 3 of us went to the Karaoke.. heheh.. 2jam je.. cukup la buat lepas rindu.. Rayyan bole sempat tido tunggu mommy n daddy nyanyi.. dah lali bunyi karaoke kot.. masa pregnant dulu puas masuk karaoke.. hehehe
ok.. that's all about this weekend event.. another 2 weeks left before going home.. =)
p/s: selamat pulang ke Malaysia untuk Auntie Ilyana n hubby.. have a safe journey! jumpa masa raya nnti,okies!
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