remembering the good old days.. back to 2003~2007.. life in Japan
macam mana kenal abg macho ni? actually daddy was my senior back in University.. he was in his 4th year while i was just a freshie who just came to Japan when we knew each other.. this is his sports car.. Toyota Supra(福井300 た 37-97).. nice huh?? bunyi keta nih,sebatu jauh dah bole dgr.. he really loved this car.. mcm bini .. nak naik keta,kena ketuk kasut dulu.. mcm2 laa.. tp sayangnyer keta nih kena jual after he graduated.when he accepted the offer to work 2years in Japan(actually mmg daddy nak to stay..wait for mommy,until i finish study).. tp, oleh sbb kerete tu maintainance tinggi plus nk kumpul duit nk kawen terpaksa la let go..hehheh.. masa nih macho kan? so tell me,how can i resist not flirting with him?? skg nih pon macho lg.. =)
selepas 'arwah Supra' selamat dijual, daddy bought this pink Honda Fit.. why pink? i guess because that time we're so in love that everything shud be pink.. this pink car was the 1st pink Honda Fit (or in Malaysia it's Honda Jazz) brought to Malaysia.. masa tu,kalu naik keta nih mesti ada org pandang2.. heheh..but now, this car belongs to my lawfully brother in law.. *sob..sob*
here are some of the activities we used to indulge while we're a student back then.. every weekend there must be something to do.. there's always activities .. seronok jd student,kan?
ping-pong at game center
Golf somewhere outside the city
snow war during winter at nearby garden

we also love picnic.. each of us bring food n drinks ourselves.. we ate,played like a child,run and relax.. i love picnic during spring.. with sakura scenery
Jungle trekking
Apples picking
Grapes picking
The University Festival.. i miss the roti canai n roti jala we made back then..
bowling match with other universities.. i won The Best Female player while i'm pregnant with Rayyan
Basketball match with other universities
Hari Raya di perantauan with all the dishes we made ourselves.. eventhough it didn't taste like our moms used to cook for us.. we appreciate each others effort of making it a best celebration.

the countless trip that we made.. Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nigata, Fukuoka, Toyama, Kanazawa, Kaga, Shiga etc.. of course not to forget Korea... 
this picture was taken during winter 2005 when i broke my wrist playing snowboard.. unforgettable event of my life.. i had to go through life with 1 hand for about a month n that thing binded on my hand stays for over 3months.. then only i realized how hard it is to live with only 1 hand..
we always drove into the village with no particular destination and enjoy the season.. favourite season is autumn.. daddy n i always spend some time going to famous spot during autumn to take pictures and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.. i must say that kyoto is one of the best place..
autumn in Fukui.. Eiheiji

and of course.. the food was good.. we love just hanging at Joyfull,Seizeriya or anywhere to just chichat n lepak.. eat the parfait, enjoy the drinks as much as we please for one price.. i remember during my last days in Japan we went to family restaurants and hang out until around 2,3am.. doing nothing..
oh yeahh.. one more thing i love is Karaoke.. during 1st n 2nd year bole kata every month 3kali wajib gi karaoke.. bowling wajib every week.. tp kalu dah pegi karaoke tu,syiok sgt nyanyi sampai xsedar masa.. kedai karaoke pulak tutup pkl 5pg.. pernah kena 'halau' balik sbb kedai dah nk tutp..heheheh.. tp skg nih xde dah geng nk berkaraoke,plus karaoke kat msia tak sebest karaoke kat nihon.. karaoke derang update every week.. ada je lagu baru.. pulak tu harga berpatutan.. kat msia blum jumpa lagi tpt karaoke yg besh... huhuh.. i miss singing like an idiot!!
i must admit that i love my life as a student.. everything seems to be easy n perfect.. of course there's also some trouble along the way,but we manage to overcame all of it.. the hard days of sending the report to the sensei.. the final days of graduating.. and some more that i don't like to recall back.. but the good memories are uncountable.. makes me wanna be a student again.
sometimes, i asked myself am i acting like a grown up.. coz deep inside i feel like a child.. it's not easy being a grown up even hard when you know that you're responsible for someone else.. but, i have to try my best.. life don't always stays easy and perfect.. age never stays..
i must grow..
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