i saw the book review in the tv before and somehow find it interesting.. so, i bought it although i know i might need the electronic dictionary by my side always to understand it.. "Nayamu Chikara"="The Power of Being Distressed"..saje nk test power baca buku yang penuh dgn tulisan kanji.. huhuhu.. baru mula baca 1chapter.. honestly, tak berapa paham sgt.. kihkihkih...bahasa dia agak susah.. kalu dpt paham each words i think this book is good tho
yang nih belum mula baca lg.. tp best ranking.. dah selak2 some pages n i think this 1 is easier than the above one...hehehe
enough about books.. now,let's talk about food...yeayy.. i love foods.. i love to eat.. so,don't ask me how i manage my diet.. cause i'm not on diet... i've never tried to have one.. (well,maybe not yet) .. how i maintain this body? well, thanks to Rayyan.. he helps burn my fat.. that's one of the benefit of breatfeeding.. eat a lot.. burn a lot.. no painful diet or exercise needed..
this is my favourite choc drink.. rich of chocholate and not to sweet.. just nice..
this is one of my cravings while i'm pregnant with Rayyan.. muscat tea.. i can't find it in Malaysia.. even in Japan it is limited only during autumn.. boleh la minum puas2 sblm balik msia.. more reasons to love autumn!!
daddy bought this for buka puasa.. crepe cake,tiramisu cake, baked cheese cake,and sho-to keki(strawberry shortcake)
hehehe.. sorry for the-entah-apa2 update..
Selamat Berbuka Puasa (kepada yg puasa!)
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