Thursday, December 27, 2007

Rayyan 5months

ライヤンちゃんへ、 semalam genap my hero nih 5months old.rasa cepat je masa berlalu.quick update about this precious little guy;
  • dah pandai meniarap (yeyayy!) - but wouldn't want to stay in that position for long.kejap je. tp bila betulkan balik position dia nk meniarap balik..agaknyer dia suka the challenge from telentang ke meniarap
  • pandai dah gelak besar.kalu dulu riak muka mmg macam gelak besar,tp suara xkeluar.sekarang nih dah meriah rumah dgn bunyi2 dr mulut comel tuh...suka!

Monday, December 10, 2007

along the way..

ライヤンちゃんへ、 something we discover yesterday..Rayyan dah pandai salam.hheheh memang kebiasaannya,sebelum pergi kerja i'll make Rayyan kiss me and salam.semalam,seperti kebiasaan selepas balik kerja..mesti terus menerjah si kecik ni and masa tgh2 main nih,hubby saje2 suh dia salam..n dia sambut tangan tu.of course dia blum bole lagi salam dan cium tangan,but for's a big thing.syaratnya,masa nk suh dia salam tu,letak tangan depan muka dia where he can sees our hand and then wait for a while.he'll grab it...grab dengan gaya yang hendak bersalam tauu.. macam mana yer nk describe perasaan seorang ibu bila tgk perkembangan pada anaknya.semalam mmg rasa nanka bahagia...rasa hilang tension.rasa bangga pon ada.yerla,so far Rayyan been doing fine and great.walaupon last week seminggu meragam sbb demam... i still can't seem to be mad. instead,kalu terasa nk marah,gi marah hubby pulak..ihiks..marah tp shayang laa.. seminggu dah tak bawa rayyan jalan2.lately,ke mana2 berdua je.sbb Rayyan dah pandai menjerit2 dikhalayak ramai.not crying but that shouting make other people stare and tot that he's crying. dis week ingat nk bawa dia gi somewhere..ピクニックにしようかなあ。。それとも、買い物に行こうかなあ。。とりあえず、どっかへ行こう!! じゃ、仕事に戻るからあなたたちも何とかして! ラーラーラー。。。私はハッピー ママより

Friday, November 30, 2007

memory of a mother...

my 1st entry for this post for oct n nov..been bz with work and of course,my sweetheart Rayyan. =) just finished watching The Forgotten.the truth is i've watched this movie for like 3times,and this is the 1st time i watched it till the end...jalan cerita ni mula2 mmg agak lembap n of course la agak xlogik,sbb ada action yg org kena tarik naik ke awan tiba2 tu...made me kureng minat sket.but,bila dah tgk sampai habis...ada sedikit tersentuh naluri keibuanku(eceh..maklumlah,dah jd mak) so,basically,this story is about a mother who's memories about his son has been deleted from her mind.people keep telling her that she doesn't have a son and that she's been delusional.walaupun begitu,dia sentiasa yakin bahawa dia ada anak and the memories of her son keeps playing in her,cut to the end of the story...there were these weird people who're making experiments apparently towards mothers to see if it is possible to erase their memories about their children ... well,as always it must be a happy ending where the mother got her son back and they live happily ever after(i guess..) well,i'm interested with the idea if ever it is possible to erase a memory of a mother towards their see, dalam cerita tu...walaupon org jahat tu dah gagal nk padamkan memori yg ada dlm igtn wanita tu,including the first day the mother lay her eyes onto her son...he forgets the nine months the mother carries that child in her. syahdu sungguh hati bila scene tu td.menggambarkan bagaimana kuatnya sayang seorang emak kepada anak yg dikandung dan dilahirkannya...walaupun cerita itu tak mmg tidak dapat dinafikan kekuatan seorang ibu. daripada pengalaman sendiri juga semakin lama terasa diri ini makin kuat,cekal dan sabar .. kekuatan yang datang secara senyap dan tanpa kita sedari. itulah kuasa Allah..nikmat yang Dia bg.syukur sangat dalam hidup ini yg terasa sungguh bertuah.dikelilingi insan2 yg menyayangi dan dapat menyayangi mereka kembali.alangkah besarnya nikmat ini... kalu dulu,mmg xpernah terbayangkan aku akan mengandung dan melahirkan nyawa ke dunia ni.maklumlah,cerita yg didengar selalu yg ngeri2 belaka... xrasa aku mampu Tuhan Maha Kaya,dia bg kita dugaan disertai nikmat. bila dah mengandung tak pernah wujud rasa menyesal,rasa kurang yakin itu mmg la aku percaya aku bole lakukan. sehinggalah tiba due date...and Rayyan masih seronok duduk dlm perut...aku yakin semuanya akan berjalan lancar.Alhamdulillah,berkat doa dan kekuatan yg Dia bg,semuanya selamat.walaupun di saat2 melahirkan itu Allah datangkan dugaan...Denyutan jantung rayyan waktu tu semakin lemah,doktor risau dia lemas plus dah over a week from due.lps tu,masa dalam labour room mmg puas meneran nk keluarkan Rayyan tp he's not coming out.yg peliknya aku xde rasa spt nk meneran as they always says.lgpon,bukannya amek any bius sampai xrasa nk teran...itu yg aku xpaham till today. nk di vacum pon susah nk kuar. sehingga lah odc ke-3 dtg(that is the big Boss) masih igt jelas dlm ingatan aku nmpk dia lipat lengan baju dia...pegang alat vacum tu and then my blood splashed all over his coat.then,i shut my eyes(horror).kalu sblm nih,semua org gelakkan aku kes aku pengsan sbb terpotong jari masa siang ikan,skg nih i can be proud of myself. no more needles fear,medicines fear,blood fear etc(masa kecik2 i even fear to just step into the hosp...hehe) well,itu lah salah satu sbb kenapa aku kata aku dah kuat skg nih.walaupun dilahirkan oleh seorang wanita dan dibesarkan oleh seorang emak yg lain,aku bersyukur sgt2 dgn apa yg aku ada skg,siapa aku skg dan di mana kedudukan aku skg.tidak di atas tidak juga di bawah...takkan kulupa perit wanita melahirkan dan jasa emak membesarkan. 2 perkara yg berbeza di antara melahirkan dan membesarkan..cabarannya juga berbeza.setelah melalui kedua-dua pengalaman ini.. my personal opinion,bringing a new life into this world is not as hard as to make that new life a good human in this world... hey,after all this is my personal opinion.u can tell me yours... apapun...memang seronok jd mak nih.benarlah kata org tu,kalu tgk muka anak hilang rasa penat lelah dan tension yg melanda. senyuman comel dr bibir yg kiut itu mampu menjadi penawar seribu satu sakit dlm hati seorang ibu... so,Rayyan... do smile a lot for mommy kay!! ummmuahhs

Thursday, September 27, 2007

reminiscence of 'Muhammad Rayyan Adam'

coming soon...

rayyan 2months young

yesterday you turned 2months's been 2months but i feel like i've known you forever...heheh smlm kena inject and ummi kata rayyan nangis kejap je...kuat betul la my lil' hero nih..ummi berlagak sebagai mama rayyan semalam..sbb malas nk jawab soalan orang2 disekeliling.tergelak2 mummy dengar cerita ummi.. talk about tergelak nih..teringat mummy kisah masa kita celebrate daddy's 27th birthday kelmarin.lagi satu kelaka..gelak sampai keluar air mata..mana tak nyer..dah la kena pasang lilin sendiri..pastu ajak paksu n abah nyanyi sama derang xlayan..last2 daddy nyanyi sendiri..nnti bila ada masa mummy letak video kat sini...heheh back to your story.. i wanna say things about you..what you're capable of so far;
  1. smiling(of course you got the sexiest smile i've ever seen..hehhe)
  2. making noises(so much noises esp when you wake up from sleep n when you're full)
  3. able to hold your head steady for few seconds(walllaa!)
  4. able to focus on object far from you and track them as i move it side by side
  5. always glance at your own hand as if examining it(experts says this activity is the first stage in reaching out and grabbing things)
  6. hugging me when i hold you...or during breastfeeding..(love it..loveee it!)

seems like my lil guy is growing weigh 5.5kg yesterday.ketinggian xukur lagi...

bila dah masuk kerja nih,masa yg mummy dpt spend dgn rayyan mmg terhad..kalu 2months back i got to see you 24/7..sekarang nih rasa sekejap sgt bole main sama2.i don't wanna miss your every "firsts"..i want to be on the front seat to watch you watch you achieve every new be the one who tells the story,not the one who hear it from others...insyaAllah

may my lil guy have the best from this poor mummy...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

mana ada baby tak tak?

some of the comments or shud i say compliments about my lil guy that warm my heart...thanx to all... elah: bahaya ni my...rayyan tu bakal menjadi heartbreaker with that hensem little face of his hehehehe....abihlah parents dia pening nnt hohoh. echo: hehhe.rayyan sgt comel..tak sabar nak balik jumpee.. naz: wah dah ensem ek rayyan skang. syana: alololo... comelnya rayyan~ geramnye tengok dia senyum sebelah camtu Mai!~ :D teh zawani: Rayyan Adam is soo kawaii~!! maiza: congratssss!!!best nye dah ade baby "RAYYAN ADAM" handsome...take care ur family there.... azizah: Uwaaa. Rayyan. Nak datang dekat situ dan cubit pipinya. Gemas! pokcik yoi: rayyan! tgg nanti pakcik yoi bawak hadiah! kekekeke :p suriana: comelnye rayyan adam.. mapley: omedetou to both of you!!! yappa kawaaiiissuneee! farahiah: congrats mai! baby rayyan is sooo cuteeee.. take care ok. ayu shamza: waah..cutenye..can't tell he's more to your face or hubby radin sri ayu: congrats mai..comei nye baby boy ko.. shufarah: congratss!!n nama baby pon shedap.. murni: comelnye baby boy ni. leh booking wat menantu tak. shima rpkj: mai....omedeto...kawaaii nyer lahai bb mai...nk cubit2 rase... jt: congrats...comelnye comelnye...... muamua kt baby.. yusliza: wow...i laikk...muahhss kat baby nurul awek mamat: congrats sister...wa....comelnye...nak pggl ape?? adam ke rayyan? syiwi: mai-----congrates..chumil baby.. ima: omedetou mai!!comel sesgt baby.take care ok. aza: congrats mai...comel nye baby miza: mai..kawaii nyer baby ko..omedetou! dayot: mai~~~congrats on your new born~~~ so chumellll. goodluck and take care ya!!! atikah: Mai..congratzz... So adorable!! zaidah: mai,congratsss for your gorgeouss little man!! all the best for motherhood n many hepi returnss yaa;P and so,i feel bless..mummy luv you rayyan!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

cloth diapers

lately,been reading about cloth diapers.mmg teruja la tgk diaper nih..kekadang ragu2 juga,btul ke dia mcm disposable diapers yg selalu pakai..kalu ikutkan mmg la save on money for the long term and not to mention,environment friendly..but does it worth it? i mean,not just the money,but time and baby's concern(rashes and discomfort)? daripada pengalaman other mums,i'm sure this thing is good.. nak mencuba pon,i don't know where to start.just reading it from the internet from mums who's been using it..but still no confidence.nnti bila pergi baby shop nak try tgk laa..kalu before nih mmg la i got the idea of using the old style cloth diapers yg square shape tu..but mana larat nak tukar everytime he poops and pees..bila dah terbaca about this modern cloth diapers,bole la give it a try..but tunggu ibu balik sini dulu laa..why?because i don't have to do all the washing thing..biar bg ibu keje lebih,dia mmg pernah suruh guna pon the old style's just me who refuse to waste time on washing those kain... alang2 dah ada yg canggih,apa salah mencuba so skg nih,i'm gonna seek as much info as i can ..after that,tell my hubby about it... i really loveeee this cloth diapers idea and really hope i can use it one day... who don't wanna save the world,rite?ekekkeke tokorode, esok dah bermula la bulan ramadhan..alhamdulillah,diberi kesempatan menyambut bulan mulia ini dgn ditambahkan nikmat lagi..that is,kehadiran rayyan.semoga syawal nnti lebih meriah..heheh..posa lom lg sebuk nk raya..almaklumlah,this year dgn org baru..hopefully,baju raya utk rayyan nnti ada...kaler merah tema thn nih..merah mak ngah gitu.. ok laa...selamat menyambut ramadhan..selamat beribadah.may we all be under His blessing to gain the strength during this month.till then...c ya!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

rayyan 48days

so far byk perkembangan rayyan..sekarang nih kalu bangun tido je,mood mesti baik..senyum2..kalu diagah kadang2 ketawa and pandai menegur balik.he made such cute fav is when he coos...bunyinyer..aa-coo...comey sangat.kalu menguap tu,mengalahkan org besar..mcm penat sangat bunyinyer..pastu skg nih kalu dibiarkan sorang masa mood dia ok..meaning-perut kenyang+lampin kering,dia pandai dah main sendiri..bole la kalu nk tinggal wat kerja kejap.
another thing is rayyan dah pandai tgk mainan..skg nih mainan yg gantung pusing2 ada melody tu mmg dia suka..leka je dia tgk patung tu..bole la kalu nk alihkan perhatian dia kejap2..pastu,masa tido pon dah agak tetap..senang la sket nk budget masa utk uruskan kerja2 lain..

rayyan masih xpandai lg nk naik stroller,or maybe masa bawa dia naik stroller arituh mood,dia xmoh duk dlm tu seat pon xsuka..huhuhu..kena ajar jugak..kalu x,camne nk jln2..hihihi..mak dia nih mmg igt nk jln je...kekekke
ok..rayyan's calling..ehek2 bunyi dia..daaaa...

Monday, September 10, 2007

susu oh susu

jom jalan2..rayyan bawa mommy n daddy laks

hari ni berat rasa hati nak tgk mir pergi keje..rasa mcm nk suruh je dia malangnyer cuti suamiku dah hampir habis..asek2 cuti je

weekend baru nih balik ke bp..everybody was happy to see rayyan..i'm happy too..for being able to give them the little sweet to see my mom sleep together with rayyan..everybody surround him and play with him..many people to "dodoi" him..i feel just happy... inilah nikmat adanyer anak..alhamdulillah

kalu sebelum nih semangat utk exclusively bf rayyan agak merudum,skg nih dah naik balik..bila dah jumpa geng yg ada matlamat yg sama..berforum(eventho i only read their experiences),semangat ada sikit ada a few probs still..
1)xcukup tpt nk simpan stok ebm(expressed breast milk)
2)kadang2 malas nk pump sbb xde tpt nk simpan
3)nk beli fridge baru,xde tpt pulak nk letak

hmm..satu lg yg merisaukan is that xlama lg puasa..bulan puasa nnti cukup ke susu nih?

story about your delivery kena postpone lagi..*sigh*

Friday, September 7, 2007

wish for boy or gal?

Dr. Hamid Arshad's ovulation guide for baby's gender Excerpts from Dr.Hamid Arshad's Q&A article: Puan bolehlah membuat pengiraan dari tarikh puan datang haid. Contoh pengiraan adalah seperti dibawah, :- KALENDER KESUBURAN BULANAN (cth;sekiranya haid Puan jatuh pd 1hb) Hari Haid : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (10hari) Hari Subur (Anak Lelaki): 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 (7 hari) Hari Subur (anak P'puan): 18,19,19,20,21,22,23 (7 hari) Hari Tidak Subur: 24,25,26,27,28,29,30 (7 hari) Berdasarkan kalender diatas Puan bolehlah sesuaikan dengan tarikh terakhir haid Puan bagi mendapatkan tarikh yang sesuai untuk bersama suami bagi mendapatkan anak perempuan. Sekiranya haid Puan jatuh pada 23hb, maka sesuaikan dengan kalender tersebut di atas. Tulislah tarikh tersebut dengan tulisan kecil di bahagian atas kelender tersebut, supaya Puan mendapat tarikh yang sebenar untuk bekerja keras (bersama suami). Walaupun masa haid Puan hanya selama 6 atau 7 hari, tetapi telur akan mula berfungsi selepas hari ke 10. Jadi pada hari ke 11 hingga 17 (Puan di dalam keadaan subur yang amat sangat dan kemungkinan untuk mendapat anak L (lelaki) adalah cerah. Mulai tarikh 18 hingga 23, adalah hari-hari untuk mendapatkan anak perempuan. Untuk itu, saya sarankan agar Puan menggunakan masa (tarikh) ini sebaik mungkin untuk mendapatkan anak perempuan. Bila tiba pada hari tidak subur di atas 24 hingga 25(lagi seminggu nak period) puan akan rasa sakit2 badan, sakit kepala dan moody. Itu salah satu tanda puan akan didatangai haid dalam masa seminggu dan masa Haid semula akan jatuh pada 30hb (selalunya akan tercepat atau selewat sehari)dari tarikh period terakhir. ALL THE BEST & GOOD LUCK!! INSYALLAH

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

10 prinsip sayangi diri

10 PRINSIP Tanyakan diri anda hari ini, "Apakah perasaan anda terhadap diri andasendiri?" Sebelum anda bertanya soalan tersebut bacalah 10 prinsip di bawaini. Lebih baik jika tiap hari anda menatapnya sebelum anda ke mana-mana. (1) Jangan sekali-kali berfikiran negatif atau bercakap negatif tentangdiri anda, yakin dengan sepenuh yakin kepada Allah, Pencipta kita semua. (2) Ingat tentang kekuatan yang telah Allah kurniakan kepada anda danbelajar untuk memberi semangat kepada diri anda sendiri, orang tidak akanberbuat demikian untuk anda. (3) Jangan sekali-kali membandingkan diri anda dengan orang lain. Andaialah ciptaan Allah yang unik, hanya satu di dunia ini, dan asli. Jangancuba meniru orang lain. (4) Fokus kepada potensi anda, jangan fokus kepada kekurangan anda. IngatAllah senentiasa bersama kita! (5) Kenalpasti apa yang anda suka buat, buat yang terbaik, dan lakukandengan cemerlang. (6) Punyailah keberanian untuk berbeza. Cari keredhaan Allah, bukankeredhaan manusia. (7) Belajar untuk menanggani kritik. Biarkan kritik membina anda, bukanmelemahkan anda. (8) Kenalpasti nilai anda dan jangan biarkan orang lain menentukannya.Mereka akan mengecewakan anda! (9) Jika anda punya kekurangan lihatlah dia dalam pandangan yang tepat,ingatlah kita masih dalam tahap senentiasa memperbaiki diri. (10) Setiap hari fokuslah kepada keyakinan anda kepada Allah. Dia menjawabsemua doa kita! Associate Prof Dr. Ismail AbdullahInstitute for Mathematics Engineering,UniMAP, 02600 Jejawi, Perlis.Tel: 04-979 8357, 017-3556017; 019-3860824, Fax: 04-979 8910

Friday, August 24, 2007

my lil prince

arinih,my lil prince Rayyan genap 30hari..alhamdulillah..Rayyan,mommy n daddy dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik...although things got out of hands sometimes..we manage to go through 1 month..semoga diberi kekuatan dan kesihatan yg baik utk meneruskan hari2 yg mendatang dgn rahmat dan hidayahNya...

isnin nih Ibu nak balik endon..mommy kena survive alone without her..taking care of rayyan alone..mama i know she'll be bz..hope she can give some help and don't stress me with the household works..i really can't manage the house when i have to take care of you alone..sape la nk masak mkn tgh hari utk mommy? sape nk basuhkan baju rayyan? kalu sweetie n boboy(kuceng2 mama) poop or pee,sape nak handle..definitely not me..awal2 lagi dah sound..

anyhow,mommy n rayyan kena help each other..rayyan xmoh la asyik nangis2 je..cuba dok diam2 main ke..tdo nyenyak2 ke..lately,rayyan selalu aje nangis,esp kalu dibaringkan..asek2 nk didukung je..tu pon lom tentu rayyan diam..waduh2!

xperla..let's try our besh dear!

daaa...selamat jln ibu..jgn lupa balik sini semula tauuu...mommy xnk anta rayyan gi nursery..huhuhu

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

mommy's back..not really on track though

hello rayyan.. that u are here..mommy can call u by that i've already chose since b4 we conceive you..i always want a baby boy,somehow knew i'll get one..and here you are fulfilling my dream..can't describe how much i love you dear! right now,mommy is trying to addapt to a whole new life..whole new routine to get everything done..sememangnya hidup sebagai seorang ibu mmg mencabar..terlalu mencabar..inilah pertama kali dlm hidup mommy terasa kena kuat..byk sabar..kadang2 rasa give up pon ada..down..jealous when other people adore you more than i do..macam2 feeling..i know i can never be the perfect mommy,but i'll try my best to give you the very best..i want you to only have the best,even i have to sacrifice many things... skg nih mommy berusaha gigih utk fully breastfeed rayyan..from the moment i got pregnant i always tell myself,i'm gonna breastfeed you exclusively..I CAN DO IT & I'M GONNA DO IT!! i set that in mind..i read many articles about it..that mother shud breasfeed their child exlusively until 6month..and can only give baby solid food when they are 4months and above.. but,who knows the challenge i have to face to succeed in this.. all in all..malas dah nak pk apa org lain kata..skg nih dah malas nk argue apa2 as long as my son is in good health and happy..i'll cont breastfeeding him...aside MIL bg dia air sket2 ..yg lain2 tu nnti dulu..ok la..utk menyedapkan hati dan menambahkan semangat utk memberi yg terbaik utk rayyan..i treasure this..hopefully semangat murni nih xterkubur dan surut...moga Allah bg kekuatan kepadaku.. Saya kasi tips skit untuk banyakkan susu badan, sebenarnya psikologi kita aje rasa susu tak cukup...sebenarnya ALLAH memang dah jadikan susu badan ni untuk baby kita InsyaALLAH kalau kita berusaha ia akan kekal n cukup untuk anak kita... Tips: Pemakanan: lobak putihikan semua jenis ikan ikan yu (tak penah mkn lg) ikan sardine, tuna, salmon kurma ( jantung pisang (tk penah try) kucai +tauhu+tougeh petola kentang rebus longan kering roti biskut marrie daun turi susu/ soya halba (msk dlm nasi & air rebusannya minum) pegaga cheese sawi kacang buncis Minuman: air masak susu soya nestum oat horlick milo jus buahan buahan betik/honeydwe rebusan buah pala spirulina air kelapa rebusan air halba suuplement yg perlu ambik: omega 3 obimim kalsium vitamin c Utk urutan plak: 1) sikat setiap hari, baca selawat pastu sikat dari atas keputing....kanan dan juga kiri 2) cuci dengan berus gigi puting2 tuuu takut tersumbat liang2 puting susu 3) kalau sblm mengepam tuuuu, ambik kedua belah tangan urut dari atas terus lurutkan kebawah...(bc selawat dulu)...insyaallah itu salah satu urutan utk BF Masa pengepaman: 1)cuba pam sekerap mungkin, lagi byk kita pam...lagi byk pengeluaran susu cthnya 3jam sekali 2)mlm bagi baby isap kerap ....sebab bila mlm kalau kita bg baby isap boleh membanyakkan pengeluaran susu juga 3) bila pam, pam sampai susu tak keluar nanti t*t*k kita akan produce susu baru istilah yg kita selalu guna mcm kita 'buang sampah sampah dah penuh, kita buang dlm tong sampah pastu kita ganti dgn plastik sampah baru' gitu jugak mcm air susu kita bila kita dah habis pam, dia akan mengeluarkan susu baru 4) sblm pam minum air suam dulu....lepas pam pon minum jugak. 5) jgn minum air sejuk/ais nanti susu cepat kering Cara-cara Lain 1) baca surah al baqarah ayat 60. sambil baca letakkan tangan pada breast tu. 2) Sapukan sedikit minyak kelapa pada daun sirih. Kemudian layurkan pada api sehingga layu. Setelah suam, tekapkan pada buah dada. Lakukan setiap hari. 3) tuam tuala suam ke atas payudara 4) urut belakang 5) urut kat payudara 6) urut t*t*k pakai sikat·mcm sikat rambut 7) sentiasa berfikiran positif 8) invest pada pam susu yg berkualiti (recommended avent, medela, spectra) 9) Kerap menyusu bayi 10) kurangkan stress, jangan fikirkan perkara yang menyusahkan hati 11) doa 12) Tawakkal

Thursday, July 19, 2007

overdue blues

dearest baby.. it's your due date today according to msia's doc calculation(japan's was 21st july).but anyhow,i think you should come out la dear..u didn't give any sign that you're checking out from 'there'.i've given you such hospitality that u feel comfortable inside huh? please..please come out soon.i don't wanna be induce,if possible(people say it hurts much than normal labor without one) plus,mommy dah penat nak jawab soalan; - aiks,xbersalin lg? -dah bersalin belum? -my,bila bb nk kuar? etc first sibuk fikir takut nk bersalin..skg nih dah sibuk pk takut xbersalin..sampai bila nk kena tunggu nak bersalin..blaa..blaa..bluess..bluess apa2 pon,mommy just harap baby sihat bila kuar nnti,but again don't wait for too long kay..sume org tunggu baby.nanny nak gi kuching lusa nih..she tot u shud be here by 21st..but u didn's seem to..ntah2 by the time nanny balik dr kuching pon bb still inside there...uwaaa!!!..hope not! here's the song yg mommy layan...
"Wait for you"
by elliott yamin
I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you
& I'm wishing that you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go? You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone,
Girl you could have stayed
but you wouldn't give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more then i can stand
And all my tears they keep running down my face
Why did you turn away?
So why does your pride make you run and hide?
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you want it to be
So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else i can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for youIf you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you
It's been a long time since you called me
(How could you forget about me)
You got me feeling crazy (crazy)
How can you walk away,
Everything stays the sameI just can't do it baby
What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is
& it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me, your still in love with me
Don't leave me crying.
Baby why can't we just start over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance I can love you right
But your telling me it wont be enough
So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else i can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for youIf you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you
So why does you pride make you run & hide
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it's a lie what your keeping inside
Thats not how you want it to beBaby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for youIf it's the last thing i do
Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don''t know what else i can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life
Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you
I'll Be Waiting.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


hye baby, kalu ikutkan due date,lagi 28days je kita akan jumpa(kalau dipanjangkan umur..) woww...xsangka cepat je masa berlalu kan...pejam celik dah tinggal 4minggu je lagi.preparation pon blom complete.sejak mula kerja,masa pon semakin terhad.kerja kat sekolah nih makin byk perlukan perhatian.maklumlah,baru2 je mula..benda baru pulak tu.banyak nak kena belajar lagi. skg nih every week pegi check up.selasa lps check up xscan pon baby.doc just dgr heart beat..check baby nyer position...urine test,blood far,everything was fine..alhamdulillah. as for mommy's job as a teacher,as bz as a bee laa..kena cari bahan nk mengajar utk satu kls selama 50min next week.baru2 ni makan masa la nk cari..even the simplest thing.pastu kena buat report..kena buat laporan persediaan mengajar.hehehe...cabaran. kadang2 terasa gak sakit sikit2..xsure sakit tu nama apa?braxton hicks ke?or sakit sbb lama duduk xde la teruk..masih bole dikawal. ok stay strong n healthy ok?mommy byk keje have to u with all my heart.gimme the strength to stay strong.. p/s:arinih daddy demam.panas jugak badan dia mlm daddy still went to work.byk keje katanya..gambatteru na,daddy! he's really a strong man...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

mommy recent update

hi baby, just a quick update.mommy dah diterima sbg sensei di AAJ... ママと一緒に頑張ろうね! this is daddy, daddy skg tgh taihen xpe,ビジネス頑張りますって。good luck daddy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

32weeks and counting..

my dear baby,

minggu nih dah masuk minggu ke-32 we've been far,mommy is're doing fine..actually byk menda nk share,byk masa nk share(if i want to..)it's just that bila masa byk terluang nih jadi malasss je..nape yek?dulu sibuk2 masa kat nihon rajin pulak nk menulis every single detail.bila dah balik msia nih makin malas jadinya.dah la kerja2 rumah semua diuruskan oleh ibu(soon-to-be-my,she's mom's).kerja mommy the first months masa balik tu,mmg merelakskan diri..tgk tv..makan..makan..dan makan lagi.disebabkan dah ada kerja menunggu mommy pon xde la risau2 pasal xde far as i'm concern,i should enjoy this one month.

and back to you dear,

baby macam mana kat dalam tu agaknyer ye?dah masuk minggu ke-32..makin aktif nampak anak mommy yg sorang nih..pusing2 kat dalam tu..tendang2 sampai benjol2 nampak kat mommy enjoy u doing that..feel the bonding...makin lama rasa makin xsabar nk tunggu baby kuar..eventho.makin dekat dgn labour nih,macam2 perasaan ada..bercampur baur..takut,risau,gembira,excited..everything was blend and making me more eager to hold you in my stay healthy okay..sayang anak mommy yg duduk baik2 je dlm perut nih..xmenyusahkan mommy..hopefully,bila dah kuar nnti pon jadi anak yg baik ye..i love you with every beat of our heart!

gambar mommy n daddy naik pelamin,again!with u in my tummy...heheh

gambar daddy dgn sepupu dia,maisarah khairunnisa..jgn jeles ek,daddy dukung dia jap je..

Monday, May 28, 2007


  1. masa contraction dah kuat tuh byk igt kat baby jer ...dah 9 bulan tunggu just a few push..i can see my baby
  2. Bykkan baca doa nabi noh dlm perut ikan tu. Laa..ilaha..illa anta ..subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin..
  3. dah peknen sampai nk bersalin,mesti la kena hadapi..semua org bole do i!
  4. try to be as relax as possible.think about the baby who also struggling to see his mommy and daddy
  5. must bring camera @ video camera..
  6. tgh fikir

Thursday, April 26, 2007


hello my dear baby..i missed you sooo much..i miss seeing u in the scan screen..but,u always entertain me by kicking from inside..i love it..makes me smile...

so,this is the picture from the last check up we did in Japan..i can't recognise which part is which in the 2nd pic..but thanx to Takeuchi sensei yg rajin amek gmbr scan byk2 masa last check up..

bila sampai sini,mula2 mommy nk wat check up kat one of the private hosp in town but then,bila pk2 balik..since kita berdua sehat alhamdulillah..xde prob...doc hosp kata klinik2 biasa dah,mommy ajak daddy gi klinik sakit puan and mengandung kat putra permai..dekat dgn where we're living.naik keta xsampai 10min dah sampai..utk bersalin pulak,kitorang booking kat hosp putrajaya...after nanny wat some calls to some of her frens for recomendations of which hosp is good and treat well during labour...we decided to go for hosp Putrajaya..dekat pon dekat..half government half private..i hope they treat me this is my first time..i start thinking of all the negative things i've heard about government hosp treat towards pregnant ladies in labour...cuak gak..mommy doa semoga semuanya ok..and mommy dapat deliver baby normally,amin.

and this last pic is the pic taken from the clinic..Klinik have grown..and during the scan we can clearly see ur sex .. alhamdulillah..

can't wait to see you in person...ummuuahhxx!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

welcome home to me,hubby and baby!

hello..hello baby! welcome home for the first time.. so,alhamdulillah..setelah berpenat lelah(esp my hubby,me just tlg tgk n sapu2..heheh) mengemas segala harta dlm rumah,menghantar sampai ke yokohama port..terlepas flight for the 1st time in my life..kami telah selamat sampai ke tanah air terchenta..yeayy..syukur alhamdulillah.. banyak benda nk kena buat sebenarnya.sebelum terlupa kena listkan dulu; 1)buat report lawatan ke ibaraki arituh n emel ke sensei b4 end of dis month 2)buat appointment dgn doc kat sini..ichiou maybe pergi ke Pantai Medical Center 3)kemas baju yg melambak2 n cari almari baru 4)balik Batu Pahat,Atuk rindu kat mommy laa..heheh daddy dah start keje the very next day after arrived.mommy sampai isnin ptg tu..masa di kansai airport berkenalan ngan sepasang suami isteri yg nk stay kat msia for 10years under Malaysia 2nd Home programme...soyoko nishimura n koji nishimura san..they were very friendly...semalam pon jumpa tolong derang wat urusan kat bank..maklumlah..dia xpandai lagi english n malay language..mommy tlg jd translator kat bank..hehehe.ngan 'nanny' hahaha..that's rite..i think nnti baby kena panggil mama mommy --> NANNY.. mak mommy kat batu pahat cam biasa la,panggil -->ATUK.. skg nih rasa xsabar pulak nk jumpa baby...this is the 23rd weeks..gmbr arituh xsempat lg nk upload..sorry.. btw,baby mommy nih kuat betul kicking...sampai kadang2 wat mommy asik rasa nk gi kadang2 tu bila dah masuk toilet xde apa2 pulak..false sign ka?hahaha.. semalam on da way balik amek daddy from work,ada org jual dorian tepi jalan...teringin pulak.pastu daddy gi beli..3biji RM50?!!mak seb baik sedap sehingga menjilat jari..mommy makan relax je..pastu bila dah abis mkn baru teringat nk tanya,bole ke org pregnant mkn dorian??! opss..dah berbiji2 mommy telan..pastu tanya kat Puan,katanya kalu badan xpanas jgn byk2 sgt..hehehhe... pastu ibu kata,nangka pon xleh..favourite mommy tu..cempedak goreng pon nk jugak..heheh hmmm..skg nih tgh pk bila nk balik BP.dis week daddy janji nk jd tourist guide utk boss dia yg baru sampai from Japan..Ahad kena gi Ipoh,sepupu daddy nyer wedding..14th Mac auntie Ilyana nk tunang,nk balik BP week nak balik bole x?pastu next weeknyer lagi pon nk balik lg..bole x daddy??mommy rindu kampung Parit Besar... ok laa..sampai sini dulu.mommy bushuk nak gi wangi2..mlm nih nk ajak daddy jalan2 cari mkn sedap2..asik mkn je sampai sini..dah risau takut2 nak jugak mkn.. i love you dear! love you sooo healthy and strong ok.. p/s:dorian smlm sedap x?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

baby 1st kick..

actually,i kinda felt it before(tuesday nite 20th feb),but it was not as obvious as today..because u kicked 3times..i really felt it..and,'s hard to say how i feel.. maybe baby letih main badminton td,after we won two games over uncle jun n dugong today..or baby nak main lagi?? hehehe..cukup la tu..mommy dah sakit2 bahu nih haa..kaki pon dah sengal2.. xjd nkgi shopping arinih..sempat ke uniqlo je.i just bought mine..i'm not ready to buy yours until i comfirm ur sex..hehehe..we'll know by next week..can't wait.. ok..just wanna write about ur 1st-obvious-kick...can't wait for more..for daddy..ummuuahhs!

leftover life as a student...

dearest baby of mine,
how are you?hope u're doing fine in there? keep active and healthy..
lately,berat bdn mommy semakin i'm, 47.7kg..heheh..belly also getting obvious..maternity pants is a must now..kalu x..nnti xleh mkn byk2..=)
so,this is ur pic during 2nd last visit.17 weeks..we had u on video too..did u see that ur hands are both near ur eyes?hehe..mcm2 gaya ada baby mommy ni.. u're 10.3cm long..

the last visit was the time when i suffered stomach ache..the pic with me lying in bed and cik ida beside me making jokes...huhuh.i've told u on previous post about it rite..the nite when the doc had to rush to the hosp to check on me..
so,after all my thesis n presentation were over..i wanna make this leftover time in japan counts..for us of course..
i've made plans for holidays..short trip..etc..
last weekend we had a really great time.friday nite,we went bowling just mommy n daddy..bowling date! daddy kalah with us.guess i'm not doing so bad in sports even with the day,we went shopping at kanazawa..jln2 doraibu sambil dating2..mlm nyer pulak gi karaoke with the boys..and sunday morning,drive all the way to a strawberry farm at Gifu.mkn strawberry sampai xlarat nk mkn..but,mommy really loves strawberry..xpernah bosan..kalu la that farm was mine..tiap2 ari mkn fresh strawberry.. beshnyer... plus,strawberry kaya dgn folic acid..good for u too..
this coming 1st n 2nd Mac,we'll be off for ibaraki by flight dgn sensei n kawan2 lab.lawatan sambil belajar melawat nuclear energy plant kat sana. saje je nk jln2 skali sbnrnya.balik tu kalu sempat nk menyinggah ke tokyo.sensei dah bg green light utk amek last flight..yeahh!cool huh

okay la..sampai sini dulu..till next post.
love u u love u..and endless love for my big baby,emirr! u rock my world,dear...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

i carry your heart with me..i carry it in my heart

I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart. I am never without it. Anywhere I go, you go, my dear. And whatever is done by only me... is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate... for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world, for, beautiful... you are my world, my true. Here is the deepest secret no one knows. Here is the root of the root... and the bud of the bud... and the sky of the sky of a tree called life... which grows higher than the soul can hope... or mind can hide. It is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart...

Friday, February 9, 2007

kuatkan aku utk menjaga amanah-Mu

hye my sweet pie.. kali nih mommy xsempat lg nk upload gmbr latest baby.maklumlah,kesibukan sedang melanda still nk memblogging..nanttene! =) masa check up hari rabu,everything was fine.doc tanya pasal any changes in me..or any problem..i said i was doing great..daddy pon ikut sama masa check up..but he seemed blurr...klaka pon ada..he acted like the doc..when the doc asked me,he looked at me like he don't know what's happening to me.padahal tinggal sebumbung..itulah daddy.sometimes he can be 'blurr' lps lama sket..after looking at you in the ultrasound screen,he became excited.apa lagi bila time doc kata dah bleh tgk jantina.bukan main suka lg..i just let him enjoy the moment.mommy relax je..but then,doc kata still xleh nk confirm betul2 your sex,asik doc dah ckp la kemungkinannyer..hehehe..mommy dah agak dah..=) all in all..sume day,pegi sekolah agak awal.kalu dulu pegi pkl 11/12tgh hari balik pkl 4/5..skg nih pegi pkl 8/9pg balik pkl 8/9mlm..pkl 1030pg, mommy gi exam applied komen about the xm..tawakal je skg ni..mommy dah usaha semampu yg bole..yg lain serahkan pada Dia.but,actuallynyer,mommy stress sbb ada soalan yg mommy bleh jawab tp silap.atau kata lainnyer,masa tgh exam xterfikir..bila dah abis baru tau camne nk who can bring back time..yg dah lepas,biarlah lepas..u'd think..huhuh asyik jugak fikir pasal exam tu,even dah abis.tgh hari tu,tetiba rasa sakit2 blkg and perut rasa lain buat relax je..maybe penat sbb smlm tdo pon lmbt..but,masa tgh tanya2 dgn horiuchi san,sakit makin dahsyat..terpaksa gak keluar gi baring kat kerusi sblh meeting room..baring sampai tertido.sejam lps tu baru balik kenkyu semula.nobody realized i'm gone(kalu ler pengsan dlm toilet ke..xde sape tau..cuak gak) mlm tu,pegi makan kat luar macam biasa.tgh2 mkn tetiba dtg balik sakit td..uish,xleh jd.terfikir dah yg,mommy call hosp n derang suh dtg utk check up.sampai hosp doc xsampai lg.syian doc kena dtg mlm2 nih.nurse amek darah,wat urine test..doc dtg wat ultrasound lg utk tgk baby..alhamdulillah..xde masalah ngan baby.heart beat is normal..doc kata sbb contraction.after borak2 ngan doc he gave me prescription.. and we're free to go. tetiba rasa bersalah pulak.mommy terpaksa bawa baby gi kenkyu n study.bila mommy stress sbb exam n got the effect somehow.not enuff sleep..xmkn ikut masa..*sigh* i'm sooo nak xnak kena hadapi.. mommy doa agar baby sentiasa kuat sama2 dgn mommy, semoga Allah berikan kekuatan utk kita berdua diberikan kesihatan,dikurniakan petunjuk dlm setiap kesusahan, dipermudahkan usaha dan diberkati-Nya know that i love u..and i treasure every second with you

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

as bz as a bee

lama nyer xupdate blog..actually,skg nih tgh lapa ..tunggu daddy amek nk gi mkn luar.saikin asik mkn luar je..mommy bz ngan exam n final presentation n thesis yg selai pon xde lg...'s gonna be one of those unbearable weeks coming...sabar ye baby..mommy knows its not good for you..but we have to strive..have to fight!(coz we already had a lot of honeymoon already,rite?) tomorrow,next doc appoinment..hope you're fine..dah lama xcheck how you're doing in there as i don't feel anything(don't feel pregnant).sometimes,i'm worried i do harm to you unintentionally..i do prefer going for check up every 2 weeks rather than once a month..nnti doc kata ngada2 laks.. ok laa..gtg.daddy's here. c ya soon sayang.. ummuuaahhss p/s:new song from movie The Guardian.we love that movie..n of course this has beautiful lyrics

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


mommy's dearest, how are you?i'm still missing you..but i have a lot of work to do this 4coming weeks that i have to concentrate.. urghh...thank God i'm not alone.. as today is mommy's 24th birthday.kalu org selalu wat azam baru bila masuk tahun baru..mommy wat azam baru evertime i celebrate another year of my life..i can't think much of what i wanna do this year except that i'm gonna try to be the best as i can as your mother,insyaAllah and be a better,kalu selamat grad and balik msia nnti,mommy nk selalu balik kampung BP melawat atuk n family and spend masa kat sana byk2..azam once a month...insyaAllah. for mommy's frens, thank u for the birthday wishes..thank you ida for the JPG perfume..minus 1 from my wish list.thank you to elah and echo also,for the cutey little teddy+buckingham palace omiyage and not to forget the tiny thingy.i can't fit in it..for another 7/8 months i guess..but that's cute of both of far..rasanyer birthday kali nih mcm xberapa nk celebrate coz byk sgt menda nk kena buat.dgn exam n ronbun..aduhaii..xtau la sempat ke x..all in was great however..considering i got gifts and my beloved husband got me cake and oh,not to forget..accidently,gave me the same birthday card just like last year..without even realizing it..hahahha..lawak giller..but this year,nanka lebih special..maybe sbb ada baby in me kot..huhuh..hopefully next year i'll have the chance to celebrate with baby and hubby(hopefully not another same birthday card..again),family and you all.. semoga Allah iringi segala usaha kita dgn redha-Nya dan dipermudahkan segala urusan kita semua.. love u baby..and thank you daddy for the 'surprise'..u did well dear.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

hit list

interesting things during my pregnancy.. hit songs: 1)Arigatou(SMAP) 2)Sorafune(My boss My hero theme song) 3)Irreplaceble(Beyonce) 4) Never Let Go(Bryan Adams) hit movies: 1)Eragon 2)Casino Royale(xtgk lg) 3)The Holiday(tgk kat umh je) 4)The Guardian hit news: 1)banjir kat kampung mommy-johor including batu pahat(dikatakan daerah paling teruk dilanda banjir).tp umah atuk selamat 2)aishwarya(mommy's fav actress) got enggaged with Abishek Bachan(son of the famous Amitabh Bachan) actually,this is not the global list or something.just some few things that i'm attracted,much more of 'MAI hit list'..heheh

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

i miss you..miss you..

hi baby! hope u're doing fine.actually,i missss u sooo much.hmm,is it weird to miss someone who is really near to ur heart? well,only one in pregnant-land knows.. kalu sebelum nih(1st trimester),i'll have the chance to see u every two weeks,but now only once a check up will be 7th feb 2007.lamanyer that time,how big will u grow?can't wait... last week,mommy received a gift from mommy's dearest friend in France.Christian Dior's Pure Poison perfume set.really love it..thank u to that person..=) malam kelmarin,mommy and daddy was sitting together reading pregnancy books together.the book said that i shud keep a journal or a blog about us and my feeling during said to keep two:1 for the good feelings and happy moments and another for all the worst moments and bad words i wanna write..and then,when u're old enuff..or when it's ur turn to have a baby,i shud hand those to you...interesting huh?but i just keep one..i hope u'll have the chance to look at it when the time comes... now i'm in the last week of the 1st trimester.i really like to jot down my 'like and dislikes' during this trimester..but nothing in particular to write except that i always felt fatigue and lazy.foods? hmm..hard to say,coz sometimes when i see the food i don't feel like eating it,but when i start eating it..turn out i like it or sometimes..just seeing the 'mitame' of the food makes me loya2..and the most obvious thing esp now,is that i always have the mood to eat..even if i'm not hungry. ohhh! i know..last few weeks i always drink muscat tea.i remember one time i even drank two pack(2x500ml) a day..does that count as my fav during 1st trimester??hehe.. and i thank God n you coz i don't feel extreme nausea,morning sickness etc.. lot of people said i'm lucky.. my belly is getting bigger esp after meal.i really need new pants,but i'm not thinking of buying maternity clothes now.maybe wait for a while for those loose and cozy clothes.but really..i need new pants.. hmm...books says that i'll start craving certain food while entering the 2nd this time,i always crave for fruits..esp melon.but during winter it's kinda hard to find melon and if there is the price is like unbelivable...melon,melon,melon...kalu kat msia..puas dah makan.. gud,ok.this two months,gambarou! lots of love, -mommy-

Sunday, January 14, 2007

my baby diary..not mine

my dear are you sayang?i miss u already..if only i could see u everyday..u look beautiful u know..even in there..u look just beautiful..

last check up,i saw u moving ur hands like playing with something.aktif betul anak mommy..pandai posing pulak mommy's eyes i attached along your're 55mm long..mommy dunno ur weight,tp berat mommy naik sket walaupon mommy xmkn apa2 before the check up,45.3kg..0.3kg(i tot i didn't eat enuff..)but the doc warned me not to gain too much weight.not good for me n you.

another new news;my blood test.actually,i'm really looking forward for the result.i never knew my blood type all my life..also wanna know if there's any complications with my pregnancy...well.u know what??turned out i'm B type(rhesus+)..just the same blood type as your dad..guess u'll be having the same blood type choice,sorry.hehehhe..

other test turned out fine and my pregnancy is normal.the doc said,there's nothing to worry.i just have to take care of myself and good food,take enuff rest(i over-rested i think..),exercise..bla..blaa..blaa..(the old information for both of us..ihih).

ermm..what else i wanna say?so far,this weekend..nothing special.just the ordinary routine of wasting time sleeping till noon..jalan2..nyanyi2..the old fashion friendship stuff that is so "lapuk" to talk blood did go upstairs though.but,hey..maybe that's the hormone talking!YES!!..always blame the malas dah nk pk..mommy don't wanna ruin you..u're too 'young' to know all this..heheh..don't 'eat'(read as:inherit?) that from me ok..take only all the good things..aahhh...dah ngarut dahh..

..maybe it's hard to tell 'where u are' in this pic..but,gambatte!kalu xtau nnti mommy tunjuk.and along with it is a pic of the book dad bought for u.yes..your 1st book.but we'll write it for u.heheh..also 母子健康手帳(mommy and baby diary)..buku note wajib bawa everytime gi check up.

mommy got to stop here,angel.

we love you! ummuuahhss!

note:my belly-69cm
blood pressure-119/50

Monday, January 8, 2007

gone the holidays

lamanyer x update..sorry baby.bila xpegi check up..xtau lak mommy nk update apa kat check up will be on this wednesday 12pm.daddy nk ikut tp timing mcm xkena..

puas betul mommy berjalan sepanjang holiday ni.fukui-mie-tokyo..jauhnyer.sempat shopping kat nagashima outlet.mommy beli sunglasses,fukubukuro body shop n a jacket.besh betul shopping.mentang2 ada org layan..and not to forget,thank you to cik iza(she said,she dont want u to call her auntie..hihih..) for the warm treat there.cik iza masak sedap2 utk kitorang(esp mommy..).kebetulan,ada jamuan hari raya haji kat situ,kami pon tumpang sekaki menjamu sate,nasi impit,pulut kuning n rendang..sedap!!lama xmkn pulut kuning. puas hati!

lenkali leh la selalu dtg tpt cik iza..=)

balik from mie,mommy n daddy naik shinkansen ke tokyo for our new car.mommy's fav Honda Stream!

so,what do u think?nice?mommy prefer black colour though..but,all in all the car is perfect..with sunroof,navigation n tv,md n cd player..good condition.

so,esok daddy is back to work and mommy back to school..huhuhu..hampir terlupa i have BIG exam in less than a month.snow pon xteruk mcm last,xde la taihen sgt nk jln ke sejuk Subhanallah!heheh

ok laa..sampai sini dulu.nnti lps check mommy will come up with ur new pic ok.stay healthy n strong! baibai dear..lots of love from mommy..mmmuuahhs!

dedication:hepi birthday to auntie ida(5th jan),auntie yus(8th jan).may u all have a wonderful year ahead.