- dah pandai meniarap (yeyayy!) - but wouldn't want to stay in that position for long.kejap je. tp bila betulkan balik position dia nk meniarap balik..agaknyer dia suka the challenge from telentang ke meniarap
- pandai dah gelak besar.kalu dulu riak muka mmg macam gelak besar,tp suara xkeluar.sekarang nih dah meriah rumah dgn bunyi2 dr mulut comel tuh...suka!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Rayyan 5months
Monday, December 10, 2007
along the way..
Friday, November 30, 2007
memory of a mother...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
rayyan 2months young
- smiling(of course you got the sexiest smile i've ever seen..hehhe)
- making noises(so much noises esp when you wake up from sleep n when you're full)
- able to hold your head steady for few seconds(walllaa!)
- able to focus on object far from you and track them as i move it side by side
- always glance at your own hand as if examining it(experts says this activity is the first stage in reaching out and grabbing things)
- hugging me when i hold you...or during breastfeeding..(love it..love it..loveee it!)
seems like my lil guy is growing fast...you weigh 5.5kg yesterday.ketinggian xukur lagi...
bila dah masuk kerja nih,masa yg mummy dpt spend dgn rayyan mmg terhad..kalu 2months back i got to see you 24/7..sekarang nih rasa sekejap sgt bole main sama2.i don't wanna miss your every "firsts"..i want to be on the front seat to watch you grow..to watch you achieve every new things...to be the one who tells the story,not the one who hear it from others...insyaAllah
may my lil guy have the best from this poor mummy...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
mana ada baby tak chommelll...ye tak?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
cloth diapers

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
rayyan 48days

Monday, September 10, 2007
susu oh susu

weekend baru nih balik ke bp..everybody was happy to see rayyan..i'm happy too..for being able to give them the little happiness...so sweet to see my mom sleep together with rayyan..everybody surround him and play with him..many people to "dodoi" him..i feel just happy... inilah nikmat adanyer anak..alhamdulillah
kalu sebelum nih semangat utk exclusively bf rayyan agak merudum,skg nih dah naik balik..bila dah jumpa geng yg ada matlamat yg sama..berforum(eventho i only read their experiences),semangat ada sikit UP..heheh..tp ada a few probs still..
1)xcukup tpt nk simpan stok ebm(expressed breast milk)
2)kadang2 malas nk pump sbb xde tpt nk simpan
3)nk beli fridge baru,xde tpt pulak nk letak
hmm..satu lg yg merisaukan is that xlama lg puasa..bulan puasa nnti cukup ke susu nih?
story about your delivery kena postpone lagi..*sigh*
Friday, September 7, 2007
wish for boy or gal?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
10 prinsip sayangi diri
Friday, August 24, 2007
my lil prince

isnin nih Ibu nak balik endon..mommy kena survive alone without her..taking care of rayyan alone..mama ada..tp i know she'll be bz..hope she can give some help and don't stress me with the household works..i really can't manage the house when i have to take care of you alone..sape la nk masak mkn tgh hari utk mommy? sape nk basuhkan baju rayyan? kalu sweetie n boboy(kuceng2 mama) poop or pee,sape nak handle..definitely not me..awal2 lagi dah sound..
anyhow,mommy n rayyan kena help each other..rayyan xmoh la asyik nangis2 je..cuba dok diam2 main ke..tdo nyenyak2 ke..lately,rayyan selalu aje nangis,esp kalu dibaringkan..asek2 nk didukung je..tu pon lom tentu rayyan diam..waduh2!
xperla..let's try our besh dear!
daaa...selamat jln ibu..jgn lupa balik sini semula tauuu...mommy xnk anta rayyan gi nursery..huhuhu
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
mommy's back..not really on track though
Thursday, July 19, 2007
overdue blues
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
mommy recent update
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
32weeks and counting..
minggu nih dah masuk minggu ke-32 we've been together.so far,mommy is fine..you're doing fine..actually byk menda nk share,byk masa nk share(if i want to..)it's just that bila masa byk terluang nih jadi malasss je..nape yek?dulu sibuk2 masa kat nihon rajin pulak nk menulis every single detail.bila dah balik msia nih makin malas jadinya.dah la kerja2 rumah semua diuruskan oleh ibu(soon-to-be-my maid..now,she's mom's).kerja mommy the first months masa balik tu,mmg merelakskan diri..tgk tv..makan..makan..dan makan lagi.disebabkan dah ada kerja menunggu mommy pon xde la risau2 pasal xde keje.as far as i'm concern,i should enjoy this one month.
and back to you dear,
baby macam mana kat dalam tu agaknyer ye?dah masuk minggu ke-32..makin aktif nampak anak mommy yg sorang nih..pusing2 kat dalam tu..tendang2 sampai benjol2 nampak kat perut..tp mommy enjoy u doing that..feel the bonding...makin lama rasa makin xsabar nk tunggu baby kuar..eventho.makin dekat dgn labour nih,macam2 perasaan ada..bercampur baur..takut,risau,gembira,excited..everything was blend and making me more eager to hold you in my arms..insyaAllah..baby stay healthy okay..sayang anak mommy yg duduk baik2 je dlm perut nih..xmenyusahkan mommy..hopefully,bila dah kuar nnti pon jadi anak yg baik ye..i love you with every beat of our heart!

gambar mommy n daddy naik pelamin,again!with u in my tummy...heheh

gambar daddy dgn sepupu dia,maisarah khairunnisa..jgn jeles ek,daddy dukung dia jap je..
Monday, May 28, 2007
- masa contraction dah kuat tuh byk igt kat baby jer ...dah 9 bulan tunggu just a few push..i can see my baby
- Bykkan baca doa nabi noh dlm perut ikan tu. Laa..ilaha..illa anta ..subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin..
- dah peknen sampai nk bersalin,mesti la kena hadapi..semua org bole buat..so do i!
- try to be as relax as possible.think about the baby who also struggling to see his mommy and daddy
- must bring camera @ video camera..
- tgh fikir
Thursday, April 26, 2007

can't wait to see you in person...ummuuahhxx!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
welcome home to me,hubby and baby!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
baby 1st kick..
leftover life as a student...

okay la..sampai sini dulu..till next post.
love u baby..love u love u..and endless love for my big baby,emirr! u rock my world,dear...
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i carry your heart with me..i carry it in my heart
Friday, February 9, 2007
kuatkan aku utk menjaga amanah-Mu
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
as bz as a bee
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
hit list
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
i miss you..miss you..
Sunday, January 14, 2007
my baby diary..not mine
last check up,i saw u moving ur hands like playing with something.aktif betul anak mommy..pandai posing pulak tu..hehehhe..in mommy's eyes laa.here i attached along your pic.you're 55mm long..mommy dunno ur weight,tp berat mommy naik sket walaupon mommy xmkn apa2 before the check up,45.3kg..0.3kg(i tot i didn't eat enuff..)but the doc warned me not to gain too much weight.not good for me n you.
another new news;my blood test.actually,i'm really looking forward for the result.i never knew my blood type all my life..also wanna know if there's any complications with my pregnancy...well.u know what??turned out i'm B type(rhesus+)..just the same blood type as your dad..guess u'll be having the same blood type too..no choice,sorry.hehehhe..
other test turned out fine and my pregnancy is normal.the doc said,there's nothing to worry.i just have to take care of myself and you..eat good food,take enuff rest(i over-rested i think..),exercise..bla..blaa..blaa..(the old information for both of us..ihih).
ermm..what else i wanna say?so far,this weekend..nothing special.just the ordinary routine of wasting time sleeping till noon..jalan2..nyanyi2..the old fashion friendship stuff that is so "lapuk" to talk about..urghhh..my blood did go upstairs though.but,hey..maybe that's the hormone talking!YES!!..always blame the hormone...hahahah.tp malas dah nk pk..mommy don't wanna ruin you..u're too 'young' to know all this..heheh..don't 'eat'(read as:inherit?) that from me ok..take only all the good things..aahhh...dah ngarut dahh..
..maybe it's hard to tell 'where u are' in this pic..but,gambatte!kalu xtau nnti mommy tunjuk.and along with it is a pic of the book dad bought for u.yes..your 1st book.but we'll write it for u.heheh..also 母子健康手帳(mommy and baby diary)..buku note wajib bawa everytime gi check up.
we love you! ummuuahhss!
note:my belly-69cm
blood pressure-119/50
Monday, January 8, 2007
gone the holidays
puas betul mommy berjalan sepanjang holiday ni.fukui-mie-tokyo..jauhnyer.sempat shopping kat nagashima outlet.mommy beli sunglasses,fukubukuro body shop n a jacket.besh betul shopping.mentang2 ada org layan..and not to forget,thank you to cik iza(she said,she dont want u to call her auntie..hihih..) for the warm treat there.cik iza masak sedap2 utk kitorang(esp mommy..).kebetulan,ada jamuan hari raya haji kat situ,kami pon tumpang sekaki menjamu sate,nasi impit,pulut kuning n rendang..sedap!!lama xmkn pulut kuning. puas hati!
lenkali leh la selalu dtg tpt cik iza..=)
balik from mie,mommy n daddy naik shinkansen ke tokyo for our new car.mommy's fav Honda Stream!
so,what do u think?nice?mommy prefer black colour though..but,all in all the car is perfect..with sunroof,navigation n tv,md n cd player..good condition.
so,esok daddy is back to work and mommy back to school..huhuhu..hampir terlupa i have BIG exam in less than a month.snow pon xteruk mcm last years.so,xde la taihen sgt nk jln ke sekolah.tp sejuk Subhanallah!heheh
ok laa..sampai sini dulu.nnti lps check mommy will come up with ur new pic ok.stay healthy n strong! baibai dear..lots of love from mommy..mmmuuahhs!
dedication:hepi birthday to auntie ida(5th jan),auntie yus(8th jan).may u all have a wonderful year ahead.