hari ni berat rasa hati nak tgk mir pergi keje..rasa mcm nk suruh je dia cuti..tp malangnyer cuti suamiku dah hampir habis..asek2 cuti je
weekend baru nih balik ke bp..everybody was happy to see rayyan..i'm happy too..for being able to give them the little happiness...so sweet to see my mom sleep together with rayyan..everybody surround him and play with him..many people to "dodoi" him..i feel just happy... inilah nikmat adanyer anak..alhamdulillah
kalu sebelum nih semangat utk exclusively bf rayyan agak merudum,skg nih dah naik balik..bila dah jumpa geng yg ada matlamat yg sama..berforum(eventho i only read their experiences),semangat ada sikit UP..heheh..tp ada a few probs still..
1)xcukup tpt nk simpan stok ebm(expressed breast milk)
2)kadang2 malas nk pump sbb xde tpt nk simpan
3)nk beli fridge baru,xde tpt pulak nk letak
hmm..satu lg yg merisaukan is that xlama lg puasa..bulan puasa nnti cukup ke susu nih?
story about your delivery kena postpone lagi..*sigh*
weekend baru nih balik ke bp..everybody was happy to see rayyan..i'm happy too..for being able to give them the little happiness...so sweet to see my mom sleep together with rayyan..everybody surround him and play with him..many people to "dodoi" him..i feel just happy... inilah nikmat adanyer anak..alhamdulillah
kalu sebelum nih semangat utk exclusively bf rayyan agak merudum,skg nih dah naik balik..bila dah jumpa geng yg ada matlamat yg sama..berforum(eventho i only read their experiences),semangat ada sikit UP..heheh..tp ada a few probs still..
1)xcukup tpt nk simpan stok ebm(expressed breast milk)
2)kadang2 malas nk pump sbb xde tpt nk simpan
3)nk beli fridge baru,xde tpt pulak nk letak
hmm..satu lg yg merisaukan is that xlama lg puasa..bulan puasa nnti cukup ke susu nih?
story about your delivery kena postpone lagi..*sigh*
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