last check up,i saw u moving ur hands like playing with something.aktif betul anak mommy..pandai posing pulak mommy's eyes i attached along your're 55mm long..mommy dunno ur weight,tp berat mommy naik sket walaupon mommy xmkn apa2 before the check up,45.3kg..0.3kg(i tot i didn't eat enuff..)but the doc warned me not to gain too much weight.not good for me n you.
another new news;my blood test.actually,i'm really looking forward for the result.i never knew my blood type all my life..also wanna know if there's any complications with my pregnancy...well.u know what??turned out i'm B type(rhesus+)..just the same blood type as your dad..guess u'll be having the same blood type choice,sorry.hehehhe..
other test turned out fine and my pregnancy is normal.the doc said,there's nothing to worry.i just have to take care of myself and good food,take enuff rest(i over-rested i think..),exercise..bla..blaa..blaa..(the old information for both of us..ihih).
ermm..what else i wanna say?so far,this weekend..nothing special.just the ordinary routine of wasting time sleeping till noon..jalan2..nyanyi2..the old fashion friendship stuff that is so "lapuk" to talk blood did go upstairs though.but,hey..maybe that's the hormone talking!YES!!..always blame the malas dah nk pk..mommy don't wanna ruin you..u're too 'young' to know all this..heheh..don't 'eat'(read as:inherit?) that from me ok..take only all the good things..aahhh...dah ngarut dahh..
..maybe it's hard to tell 'where u are' in this pic..but,gambatte!kalu xtau nnti mommy tunjuk.and along with it is a pic of the book dad bought for u.yes..your 1st book.but we'll write it for u.heheh..also 母子健康手帳(mommy and baby diary)..buku note wajib bawa everytime gi check up.
we love you! ummuuahhss!
note:my belly-69cm
blood pressure-119/50
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