how are you?hope u're doing fine in there? keep active and healthy..
lately,berat bdn mommy semakin i'm, 47.7kg..heheh..belly also getting obvious..maternity pants is a must now..kalu x..nnti xleh mkn byk2..=)

so,this is ur pic during 2nd last visit.17 weeks..we had u on video too..did u see that ur hands are both near ur eyes?hehe..mcm2 gaya ada baby mommy ni.. u're 10.3cm long..
the last visit was the time when i suffered stomach ache..the pic with me lying in bed and cik ida beside me making jokes...huhuh.i've told u on previous post about it rite..the nite when the doc had to rush to the hosp to check on me..
so,after all my thesis n presentation were over..i wanna make this leftover time in japan counts..for us of course..
i've made plans for holidays..short trip..etc..
last weekend we had a really great time.friday nite,we went bowling just mommy n daddy..bowling date! daddy kalah with us.guess i'm not doing so bad in sports even with the day,we went shopping at kanazawa..jln2 doraibu sambil dating2..mlm nyer pulak gi karaoke with the boys..and sunday morning,drive all the way to a strawberry farm at Gifu.mkn strawberry sampai xlarat nk mkn..but,mommy really loves strawberry..xpernah bosan..kalu la that farm was mine..tiap2 ari mkn fresh strawberry.. beshnyer... plus,strawberry kaya dgn folic acid..good for u too..
this coming 1st n 2nd Mac,we'll be off for ibaraki by flight dgn sensei n kawan2 lab.lawatan sambil belajar melawat nuclear energy plant kat sana. saje je nk jln2 skali sbnrnya.balik tu kalu sempat nk menyinggah ke tokyo.sensei dah bg green light utk amek last flight..yeahh!cool huhokay la..sampai sini dulu..till next post.
love u u love u..and endless love for my big baby,emirr! u rock my world,dear...
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