lately,been reading about cloth diapers.mmg teruja la tgk diaper nih..kekadang ragu2 juga,btul ke dia mcm disposable diapers yg selalu pakai..kalu ikutkan mmg la save on money for the long term and not to mention,environment friendly..but does it worth it? i mean,not just the money,but time and baby's concern(rashes and discomfort)? daripada pengalaman other mums,i'm sure this thing is good..
nak mencuba pon,i don't know where to start.just reading it from the internet from mums who's been using it..but still no confidence.nnti bila pergi baby shop nak try tgk laa..kalu before nih mmg la i got the idea of using the old style cloth diapers yg square shape tu..but mana larat nak tukar everytime he poops and pees..bila dah terbaca about this modern cloth diapers,bole la give it a try..but tunggu ibu balik sini dulu laa..why?because i don't have to do all the washing thing..biar bg ibu keje lebih lg..plus,dia mmg pernah suruh guna pon the old style tu..it's just me who refuse to waste time on washing those kain... alang2 dah ada yg canggih,apa salah mencuba
so skg nih,i'm gonna seek as much info as i can ..after that,tell my hubby about it...
i really loveeee this cloth diapers idea and really hope i can use it one day...
who don't wanna save the world,rite?ekekkeke
esok dah bermula la bulan ramadhan..alhamdulillah,diberi kesempatan menyambut bulan mulia ini dgn ditambahkan nikmat lagi..that is,kehadiran rayyan.semoga syawal nnti lebih meriah..heheh..posa lom lg sebuk nk raya..almaklumlah,this year dgn org baru..hopefully,baju raya utk rayyan nnti ada...kaler merah tema thn nih..merah mak ngah gitu..
ok laa...selamat menyambut ramadhan..selamat beribadah.may we all be under His blessing to gain the strength during this month.till then...c ya!
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