Friday, September 16, 2011

6 and counting...6∞

he is The One

who always listen & tries to understand
(even when i'm not making much sense!)

who Laughs with me, not at me
(unless, of course, i do something really silly!)

who encourages mai crazy dreams, share mai dreams and make it his too
(come to think of it, having to stay in japan for the next 6 or 7years is indeed a crazy thing,no?)

who makes ordinary days seem extraordinary
(or at least not so boring! even just pergi kedai beli roti :))

who picks me up when i'm feeling down
(also carry me to bed when i'm pretending to sleep in the couch ;))

and cares, and shows it in soooooo many ways...

korekaramo ganbarou!

kokoro kara arigatou!!


Tiqah said...

happy anniversary Mai.. :)

Ina said...

happy anniversary mai! kita plak turut rasa terharu baca entry mai ni. i wish d best to u n ur family. btw mai n family nk migrate sana for 6 7 years ke? when ur family will come along?

mysara said...

tq tiqah!

ina,insyaAllah semuanya masih dalam perancangan...kalau Allah izinkan kami sekeluarga akan 'pindah' kejap ke sini..the kids will come along after i finish my 6months course here in urawa...doakan kami ye :)