Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rindu itu nikmat

~  Rayyan is 4years 1month 3weeks old  ~
~  Rifqi is 1year 4months 2weeks 3days old  ~

browsing over their pictures... i'm missing them
miss their laugh, their smile, their talk and everything

i leave them knowing that God will take a good care of them

170days to go~


alyamohsin said...

alala comelnye anak sensei^^
insyaAllah..mereka dlam jagaanNya..
anak2 sensei pun akan belajar nikmat rindu itu:)

Ina said...

gambatte mai. InsyaAllah byk hikmah nya. mai kuat kan? anak2 mai pun kuat juga :)

mysara said...

thank you alya & ina for those beautiful really helps :)