Sunday, September 25, 2011

2 as 1

i still remember
a dear friend of mine said that
 she can't imagine me being without him...

i was touched by her words... never knew she cares that much

and i admit she's true!

she really knows me..thank you,YOU!

and now, he's here in Japan with me
being by my side chasing dreams

he arrived safely yesterday
spent the last 24hours together.. jalan2 shinjuku! went to H&M, ZARA, Banana republic ect..every shop had sale..but we didn't shop a lot..tgk baju budak2 teringat Rayyan & Rifqi..baju sume comel2!
rindu 2RA!!

walking by the busy streets.. talked a lot about lots of things.reminiscing memories.
laughed a lot esp about 'my' sorry dear!
next time remind me yg dah macam maknenek ni eh..heheheh
bila igt balik serius rasa nk nangisss!!
but we both agreed that we'll both laugh at the story in future..hahaha..serious lawak!!

during breakfast this morning..

he's now in shinkansen on his way to soon-to-be our new home,insyaAllah...
both of us are chasing dreams

different district
350km apart
i'll always love you with all mai heart!



Ina said...

350km apart je mai. setakat naik shinkansen tu zasss je dh sampai hihi. xpe pejam celik je 6 bln tu kan nnt both heroes menyusul. all d best for u n ur family :)

mysara said...

heheh..betul tu ina.skg nih cuma masa la cabarannya...insyaAllah,a rezeki pasti jumpa :)