Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tokyo Visit

pictures taken during Tokyo Visit 23rd September 2011

浜離宮恩師庭園(Hamarikyu Onshi Teien)

after lunch with Dasya

mai 3rd time @ Tokyo Tower

must-do-pose here

view of tokyo city from tokyo tower @ 330m high

Friends from 30countries

waterbus to Asakusa

indonesia,malaysia,america & madagascar ambassadors :))

on boat with friends from egypt,brazil n sri lanka

sky tree at the back n that gold thing that i don't know what.. huhuhu

in front of asakusa

people at asakusa...

the temple

the entrance gate

saw this couple pushing the stroller.. and saw there's dogs inside it instead of baby :)


Tiqah said...

hehe, hari2 bukak blog Mai.. Update la selalu.. Suka baca.. :) Bila the kids nak dtg Jepun?

mysara said...

insyaAllah..thn depan :)

nawarrah said...

seronoknye :)