last weekend, after saturday class we rushed back to Melaka for emir cousin's wedding.we reached there 3:30pm.. not many guests left..and the bride & groom were busy posing in front of the camera.. masuk semak samun, naik buai, duduk atas jalan bagai..huhuh..
lepas makan2, borak2 kejap with their parents.. we hurried back to alor gajah to meet Rayyan. He was doing okay without me.. huhuh.. but i missed him and kinda felt a bit worried letting him went 'far' away without my company.. although when i think of it ,it's just like me leaving him for work like daily routine.. only the distance laa.. it's melaka and not our home.. i kept wondering, does he eat well, can he sleep with all the other kids running around, has he had his ebm.. and now that he really loves to wonder around with his unstable walking style.. i hope he didn't fell and if he does, i hope there's someone around to help him... hahaha.. hari2 biasa kalau kat rumah, takde la risau sangat.. but the distance somehow matters..
fyi, since his birth, eventhough me n emir always jalan2, having to go to work, sometimes outstation.. pegi jauh.. there's never a night, me and rayyan were apart. maybe the main reason is the breastfeeding part.. and i don't think i can sleep without him kicking me,moving around 360 beside me in bed every night. i hope we don't have to go through night without Rayyan ever.. eventhough he's gaining more height and size, i still don't mind having to squeeze my side or emir's side of the bed for Rayyan to feel comfortable.. kadang2 bila bangun pagi, tengok he conquered most of the space.. with arms and legs wide open.. it all doesn't really matter to us especially when he gives us his cute smile on that cute face each time he wakes up feeling all energized and happy.. we might not even care if we have to give him all the space.. alahai, anak... anak...
we spent the rest of the day kat kampung.. petang2 tu, i took rayyan outside of the house.. rimas tgk dia duduk dlm rumah je.. lgpun, kat kampung.. i should set him 'free' and let him play with nature..eheh, kononnyer.. so, i put on his army shoes ( a present from aunt ida ).. ala2 nak masuk hutan gitu.. and let him walk around the house.. kalau kat rumah kitorang, xde tanah..yg ada pun jalan, kat kampung ni,bagi dia chance main2 daun, tanah, ranting2 and ayam?? ahhaha.. naseb la ayam nih lari lg laju daripada dia.. xsempat dia nk tangkap dan buli..kalu kucing dlm rumah moyang dia tu especially Tiger, selalu kena dera.. dia tarik ekor kawan tu, cucuk mata laa..tarik telinga laa.. huhuh..naseb la Tiger nih tak garang.. dia serah diri je. bila dah tak tahan dia lari..
back to the ayam2 moyangnyer pulak.. emir took out some jagung ayam and parade all the ayam in front of rayyan.. he was sooo excited to see so many small moving creatures around him.. trying to catch one but failed.. emir taught him how to pour the jagung ayam and bait them to move closer but apparently semua ayam tu dah xnak kawan dgn rayyan.. hahaha.. i'm soo happy seeing him playing like a real child should play..which is not only with plastic toys and gadgets that we buy from stores but also to let him experience what it is like to play with the nature.. i let him play with the sand.. i don't mind him sitting on the ground, picking the twigs, hunting around the chicken, falling and bringing himself up.. i just patrol and encourage him to do this and try that.. i'm having fun myself too..
here's what it looks like...
surrounded by so many interesting 'things
Rayyan's new toys
the closest distance a chicken dare to come
try that!
go on, try it!
there you go...
lepas nih nak bagi dia main apa pulak ye??!
i have more pictures to put here, but aritu sementara tunggu gambar tu nak upload,i felt asleep and flew to my wonderland..then, emir switched off the laptop before it's uploaded. a picture of Rayyan yang 'jambu'.. i'll get my hands on it later,kay!
till then, have a nice blooming day!
p/s: ina dear, i'll answer ur tag later yeah.. takde dateline kan?hehehe
panjat tangga
say cheeeessse!! no?

inilah Rayyan yg jambu 
or 'ayu'?
bagusnye main kat kg. me pun tak kisah kalo anak men pasir ke batu ke asalkan tak bahayakan die. kite dulu lagi teruk siap main dlm semak samun agi..
xde dateline... buat pekasam ke jeruk ke dlu pun xpe hehehe :D
mai dulu siap masuk parit,panjat pokok,main khemah2 sume masa tu umur 5thn ke atas laa.. mmg otai.masa umur setahun tak igt main apa.nnti nak tanya akak mai balik.. tp rasanyer suka main tanah la masa kecik2. =)
ok jugak tu.. mai mmg minat jeruk n benda masam2..baru ada 'power'..heheh.. (sambil2 tu bole pk jawapan)
suka sgt gamba rayyan yang bertenggek kat tangga tuh. classic! plus sexy! hehehe
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