MaiRayyan is 1year 3months

been sooo bz all week long..since last week actually.schedule was so packed with things to be done..this week makes no much different..still struggling to get things done on time or best before due. but, before i manage to settle one thing at a time,another work came... errrhh.. packed! packed! hate it when my class ends at 6pm.the traffic,the long drive and the stress! it all add up to my tiredness..
sampai rumah langit dah gelap,dah maghrib.masuk rumah,hugs n kisses for rayyan..main2 sat lepaskan rindu seharian, solat and terus masuk 'kilang'.half an hour later baru has been my routine everyday... for rayyan's next day supply.skg nih dah tak dapat nk simpan stok dlm freezer sbb ebm cukup2 je untuk bekalan satu hari... pernah juga tak cukup 'bekalan', rayyan kena bersabar dgn air putih or milo or air soya.. my maid said he's okay during the day,eventho supply dah habis.. tp siapla, bila balik kerja je, nampak muka 'kilang',dia terkam..kadang2 tu kena tahan dia suh papa dia ajak main2 dulu,sbb nak tunggu lps pam baru nk bagi..kalau tak,xcukup supply utk next day..hehehe.. sometimes i wonder,kalau dah pam kuar sampai 8oz..ada ke lagi susu dlm 'kilang'? tp tgk rayyan ok je bergayut,takde ngamuk2..ada la tu kot ;)
dah selesai semua utk rayyan,baru siapkan diri sendiri.mandi,makan,kadang2 tgk tv...lps tu mata mesti dah ajak2 tidur.. baru pkl 9.. tp mmg surrender... selalu je tertidur and end up tido sampai pagi.. kadang2 bgn tgh mlm nk smyg isyak..mesti sbb badan dah sedap lps mandi+perut dah kenyang dpt nasi.. sungguh nikmat tido.. kalau nk tidokan rayyan sambil baring,mmg comfirm maknyer pon tido sama... esok paginyer mesti ckp ngan emir, rugi rasa mlm td tertido..rasanyer each time tido awal cakap mcm tu kat dia..dia tanya kenapa? i said,"sbb tak puas nk spend masa dgn awak..." yerla,laki bini keje siang,jumpa malam je..kalu dah tdo awal,semua keje tak jadi..dia tahan pulak tak tido awal...kdg2 pkl 11 baru tido..anak bini dia dah tergolek dlm bilik..hehehe
sebab itulah,kami kalau weekend mesti berdua sokmo.bila2 dan ke mana2... bukan weekend saja,bila2 ada masa boleh bersama,mmg berdua...last friday,emir's company held a family day at S*W*Y Hotel and we got a room for the nite..he also got tickets to S*W*Y Lagoon too but sadly had to give it away to his collegue because we can't make it on that day..well,we thought we can't because we have class on early saturday morning and later have to go survey hotel for AA* annual dinner...apparently,during last minute the hotel can't make it on that day and re-schedule the appointment to next day.owwhhh... mak encik sgt angin.. kalau tak,bole la bawa rayyan mandi-manda+main air.. rayyan loves pool.. suka sgt main air,splash2.. apa nk buat,dah xde rezeki..dah jadi rezeki org lain.. maybe next time. i brought him to the hotel pool tho and bought him a pelampung yg bole tak berapa besh.. i love the one i saw at B*G*S*R Village more.. that one,he can move his arms and legs freely.
so,ptg sabtu tu..lps kelas kami lunch and terus balik rumah and tumbang.penat sangat sbb rushing sana sini..ptg jumaat meeting seminar(abis pkl 430)->bergegas ke hotel(5pm)->cari pelampung(6pm)->mandi kat hotel pool(7pm)->mandi+solat-> dinner at the mall (9pm)->bawa rayyan main kat play area->balik bilik(10pm)->preparation for tomorrow's class(11pm onwards sampai dlm mimpi..hihi).. while we're doing those things,emir was having fun with his collegues at dinner..balik2 terus buat class preparation and tido dgn kertas2 skali..syiann+comel~ .. heheh
ahad pulak,pagi2 pkl 6 rayyan dah bgn.sibuk kejut kami suh bangun..ngomel bahasa dia.tak paham..mcm tau je arinih nk bawa dia jalan.pkl 650pg dah keluar rumah ke AA* untuk hantar student thn 2 to their big exam.we were there to wish them luck and give some support.tengok muka derang,felt like i'm the one who had to sit for the papers..teringat kembali perasaan when it was my time 5years back.cuak beb.. the exam that's gonna decide our next journey... so,basically just saying,hi2+gambatte+bye2... i wish them all the best.. (may u all get what u wish for~)
lepas babai kakak2 & abang2 yg nak pergi amek exam,kami pon pergi mengisi perut yg kosong.plan asal kami(me,Kak F & Kak K*)nk mkn kat C*W*N.. tp tak sempat sbb later we have to go for the hotel thing.we just had breakfast at the cafe..
these are the pictures along the events for last saturday & are courtesy from Kak K*.. she loves pictures.. no matter rayyan senyum,lari,panjat sana sini,tergolek or nangis, she kept on capturing rayyan's actions.. always busy with her camera at each and every kalu ada jurugambar mcm nih selalu..heheheh.
HaPpY ViEwiNg!!
mereka2 yg nak pergi berjuang..."minna,gambatte ne!"

Rayyan & my Boss

perbincangan antara 2org dewasa dan sorang BabyRayyan..(siap dgn gaya..huhu)
My 2 Big Bosses & 1 lil' cute baby Boyfriend
Rayyan & Kak KB
Rayyan & Kak Fuza
Rayyan & Fazian Sensei
ini lah dia bila dah dapat kaki.. laju je!
lari2 pastu jatuh...
Cried for half minute........
and play summore... and you just can't say 'no'
he got some scratches on his knees and elbow... but he's okay :)
and yess... the best pictures are the ones where the 3 of us are in 1 frame...
no matter if we're side by side..or a bit far from each other.. as long as it is in 1 frame :)
aahla, nape ek en hubby kite leh tahan mata tido lambat dr kite. kite time tidokan anak tula mate sudah takleh nak buka, pastu bgn pagi nyesal takleh spent mase sesama.. tapi esok tido awal gak, hihihi
gmbr kt um kan. isk rindu lak um. dh bape kurun tak jejak. alamak teringat pasar malam kerinchi ;P
my!! i didnt know u have a blog, patutla tgk fp tak gerak2, dia ada kat sini rupanya. i tot ure still i japan. bila balik? wahh babyrayyan dah tak baby lagi dah, all grown up already! mmwahh mmwash
sekarang nih wabak tido awal mmg tak dapat dibendung..smlm pon tido awal..maybe sbb letih sgt keje+megharung jln jam 2,3 hari hari ni mak encik nak balik awal!! heheheh
gmbr yg atas2 tu sume kat kolej 12.. ina dulu 11 kan? heheh.. skg nih warung2 yg buruk kat kerinchi tu semua dah kena pasar mlm still ada kot.. balik msia nnti singgah la ;)
mai dah lama bersara drpd fotopages. xlarat update,skg semua gmbr n cerita masuk satu tpt.jemput la singgah jenguk rayyan kat sini selalu :)
lupa pulak nk jawab soalan.. mai balik sini 2hari b4 raya arituh..heheh n as u notice,rayyan is a growing very fast but he'll always be a 'baby' to us ;) ihihhi.. tunggu la cikyamx dpt baby nnti.. seronott!!
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