"If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud.
Otherwise the moment just passes you by."
~from movie; My Best Friend's Wedding~
Here's to the prettiest, here's to the wittiest,
Here's to the truest of all who are true,
Here's to the neatest one, here's to the sweetest one,
Here's to them, all in one - here's to both you
again..i wanna congratulate this couple for their wedding and wish them a life full of love
alhamdulillah, majlis Yat telah selamat berlangsung and i'm there to share her happy day.although the previous night i'm not feeling very well, as i promise i'm gonna make it to her big day..amazingly, i felt better during the reception... made an attempt to shoot some pictures although sweat are running like a stream i can feel underneath my kebaya.that's my old kebaya. i planned to wear a red kebaya but i forgot to put it in the car before leaving.that's not all,i even forgot the present! hampeh.. Yat,please accept apology for my silliness..
anyway,she's very beautiful that day..some said she looks like a bollywood heroine.. people said the same thing during my wedding too.. bollywood tak bollywood,she's stunning! i met some of my primary & secondary school friends and teachers.. lama tak dengar cerita ttg derang.. natsukashii~
mlm lepas balik tu,badan mula rasa lain macam.. the fever came back along with bad cough and cold. unfortunately, rayyan caught my fever too. both of us 'tumbang'.. we headed back to kl last night and rayyan is feeling better i can see..it's just me..still having that pain cough.. i don't think i can do class for tomorrow.. but, i just caused trouble last week and i feel bad of causing another one tomorrow. my voice is barely there.. so, how am i gonna handle a class? anyway, i'm going to work tomorrow.. kalau mmg dah tak larat, i'll come home...
so,here's some of the pictures i took during the wedding. tumbang2 pon, larat lagi edit gambar =)
she's gorgeous isn't she?

Johor dan adat 'tol'

pakatan membuat sekatan

kami mau duit 'tol'

tepung tawar

sesi baling gula2

The Girls

well, before i proceed with my babbling..just for the record, i don't mean to ruin yat's happy day's entry.but somehow,today has been my bad 'tudung' day. ditambah dgn my health disorder.. i just had my hair cut yesterday..sbb tension dgn demam tak tau nak buat apa..pegi gunting rambut..ringan sikit kepala.. a good haircut can sometimes gives a relief,i believe! and maybe the way i wear my tudung is like makcik2 atau akak jual goreng pisang..tudung murah2 pulak tu(tudung yg my sis belikan when i was in form 4)..so dah outdated,but i wanna wear it still. a bit short at the back, that need to be fix once in a while... tak macam akak2 'comey-loteh' yg pakai tudung kelip2,batu sana sini, jaga kaunter F* kat K*K*P*K*D..( ini bukan entry banding2 tudung sape lagi cantek.. it's just i'm having a bad 'tudung' day,that's why..eheheh) or, is it the way i'm dressing?? naaahh... i think it's their brain that's losing something near the moral section..
but,truly i mmg nyampah dgn org yg keje bg service tp tak pandai bg service dgn baik.. senyum pon kedekut..apa kess??errrhh..mana hilangnyer sopan santun orang melayu kita? or do we have to have those titles in front of our names to be treated well? to receive a warm smile from a stranger during a hard day? apa nak buat..mak encik nih blom ada rezeki lagi nak dpt Datin, Datuk ,Puan Sri,Dr. Ir..etc. insyaAllah,sikit hari lagi..mana tau.. huhuhu..
back to the story. as far as i'm concern, they're doing nothing when i came.. i saw one talking to a kid(anak one of the staff i assumed).the other one,main pusing2 kerusi.. and yet,when i ask for help, they answered as if i'm no one. the way they answered was sooo arrogant.. ( kalau tak sakit tekak ni,mmg nak je aku sound sekali! ). kalau tgh2 busy tu, bole la paham lagi..service mcm apa... senyum pon senyum menyindir.. kalau senyum ikhlas, sejuk sikit hati neh..tunjuk arah pon mcm nak tak nak. bila tanya, dia sendiri tak sure dgn jawapan dia. baru masuk keje ke? is there any reason for being rude? i wonder how they treat student there? errrhhh...tension!! sakit boleh jadi bertambah sakit camni.. i wanna go home,get mc, sleep.. and fix my sanity
p/s: maybe i'm being too sensitive due to the fever and cough.. excuse the anger part,please =)
1 comment:
hopefully by now dah sihat. mmglah mood mcm hape je kan if not feeling well. btw nak jugak ckp... mcm kembar lah korang... u n ur besfren mcm sama... whilst ur hubby n ur besfren's hubby pn mcm sama... even xserupa hehe. have a nice weekend dear :)
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