hari ini saya sangat gembira kerana dah boleh tukar balik layout nih..tiba2 je dia jadi 'sehat'.. yeayy... senang sikit hati ni,tengok cantik je teratur semua benda n all my favourite songs is there and of course the precious previous entries... this blog is gonna celebrate its 3rd birthday this coming november.. of course i treasure everything in it.. it's like a diary..an open diary.although i don't really write every details of my life..because sometimes something is better left unsaid,rite? and sometimes,people write what they can't say out loud..
this coming holiday..deepavali holiday..i'm going home! balik kampung( Batu Pahat ) to attend my best(est) friend's wedding.. she's my very best friend since primary school.we have a lot in common. we share many things especially private & personal things. she's very sweet,beautiful in her own way, kind at heart and understanding.she's very hardworking and has a very good motivation too.. sometimes she inspires me.. (heheh..puji baik punya)..dulu orang selalu kata kami nih adik beradik.. sampai sekarang pon.muka kami kan ala2 anak mami gituh.. heheh..her parents are very nice to me..rasa mcm parents sendiri..
after many obstacle and hard days she went through..i'm happy that she's now married to the guy she love..they tied the knot on the 2nd hari raya and the reception is gonna take place this 25th oct. i told her,i can't make it to her big day because i have class that day.i can see that she's not happy with that and insist me to come even if i reach there late..(she said she's gonna spare her 'nasi minyak' for me)..it breaks my heart too.. but luckily, my bosses change the schedule and postpone the classes to next week during last minute... i'm glad i'm gonna make it!! hey girls, i'm coming!!! (i haven't mention this to her though..i'm gonna surprise her..sshhhh)
this is her with the man who stole her heart

this picture was taken by my best friend too..ely! =)
that's all for today.. god, i'm really glad this blog is back to normal face.. :)
have a nice deepavali holiday!!
aah sama la mai muke ngan bespren tu.
hi mommy rayyan... tq for dropping by my blog :) actually u looked very familiar to me. i guess we passed by each other a lot during ur years in aaj um. i was in 11th coll asasi um back then. anyway i have just finished reading all ur entries started from the 1st entry ever towards the latest. really enjoyed reading to ur stories. btw, 1 thing i spotted that we have in common is we share the very exact birthday date! :D
sama kan? kalu mai letak gambar masa nikah mai pon,mesti sebijik.sbb cara kitorang dressing sama masa nikah.
wahhh..jumpa lagi sorang birthday-mate..hehe,seronoknyer!!dulu asasi ke? sama ngan syana la ek? mai satu workplace dgn husband dia..=)
thankx for dropping by too..byk mengarut je dlm blog nehh..
sure enjoy kan mengajar kat tmpt dlu mai blaja :) haah dlu 1 kelas dgn syana masa asasi. nway keep up blogging! gonna stalk ur blog jugak lepas2 ni :D
seronok tu mmg seronok.tp budak2 zaman sekarang ni,suka tanya pelik2..tak terjawab kadang2...
hopefully,bole la jadi kawan walaupun hanya di alam cyber ni.. nice to know you!
hey..dats my name on ur blog ..hehe..teruja pule
Eh sedapla lagu jepun ni..
Jumpe kamu di bp ye, saya dah jd penetap bp yg setia..
haihh.. dah tak surprise dah! aku dah tau.. hahahhaa... ok la, ok.. syhhhh.. (zipping my mouth).bg yati heart attack sket.
by the way, nice blog layout! aritu aku br nak kutuk blog ko pasal aku susah nak baca. tapi seb baik time tu laptop aku abis bateri b4 aku smpt leave comment. hehehe..
ok, take care. see u this weekend!
i shud mention ur name more often n put up ur link here so that more people can see ur art work.. reception yat kali nih pon,awak jd 'shooter'juga la ye? nnti kita nak menyibuk skali..interframe!
jgn la bg yat heart attack..nak duduk atas pelamin tu pon,sure dia penat control jantung.kalu pengsan,apa cite?hahah
aku mmg dah lama tak senang hati dgn layout lama tu..skg nih biar je dia putih bersih suci..senang hati mak encik..
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