i'm currently reading this book,another story from cecilia ahern.i love her novel,'P.s i love you'and now i'm dying to watch the movie tambahan bila cik ida kata dia nangis beriya tgk cite tu dlm flight..ihihih... i don't know where i was when the movie came out that i missed it.. i knew the movie was coming, i just have no idea when.. can someone lend me the dvd? cik ida,pinjamkan la dvd ur friend...please? anyway,i haven't finish this other novel of her..everytime i lay my eyes on the book, read a few pages, i end up dreaming throughout the night.. don't blame the book neither the story.. it was my body that's too tired n my stomach that's full with dinner... there you go, tired body+full stomach+story book=good sleep! a good combination..hehehe..
this morning went to the clinic for rayyan check up.. he manage to put on some weight (9kg)..at last! selama nih berat 8kg tak naik2,sampai naik risau..masa tu dia tgh asyik belajar nk berjalan n bila dah pandai jalan kemaruk nk jalan sana sini..skg nih baru stabil sikit..doktor bagi ubat cacing.. i don't know if there's any cacing inside his tummy.. tp bg je..coz,i think i ate it too when i was young..but the major prob about having him for check up is the place.. i mean the clinic..since it is located at an area were traffic jam never ceased, not enough parking space,too many people+kids+babies+pregnant people... i reached there 830am n we finished at 11am.. i pay the fees with my time,i guess... macam ni la keadaan kat klinik kesihatan kerajaan..yer laa, mostly free kan.. makes me think about going to some other place.. but,since we didn't need the regular check up that often anymore.. i don't know.. nanti la fikir. masa pregnant dulu check up kat private,tp bersalin hospital kerajaan..kesian tgk wanita2 yg pregnant kena tunggu giliran lama2 just untuk simple check ups.. ramai juga yg kena berdiri pagi td.. seram juga kadang2 tgk perut yang dah besar,mcm tunggu masa je nk keluar baby..mesti penat(cakap macam tak pernah pregnant..tp dulu i'm strong..maklumlah muda..tenaga byk..bole lari2 lagi)..no wonder i once heard a story from one friend of mine(guy) yg takut tgk pregnant lady..dia takut akak tu meletup.. heheheh..

okay,enough about that.let me tell you something about the picture here.this is a picture of my ''famili kecik"+2of my frens(ida & naz..dua2 single n sedang mencari..kalau sape2 ada calon,bole la rekemen..heheh)+family nishimura san. ida n i met nishimura san at the airport.we're going home for good with loads of luggage at that time.we even missed our actual flight..hahaha..our last flight out..we flew the next day and that's the day we met this couple.they're very friendly and they're staying in malaysia for their 2nd home programme.since that day,we became friends.so,last sunday they invited us to their kondo somewhere in shah alam..they love golf so much and rent a kondo with golf course at their backyard..the rent is more than what i make in a month.. they are not working so basically they spent their days doing things they wish to do.. anything.. besh kan? bila dah tua2, spent quality time with the one u love doing stuff you love together..huhuhu.. insyaAllah!
btw,hari tu kami dijamu dgn 'nabe'.mentang2 la skg ni tgh autumn kat nihon ..sejuk2 mmg sedap mkn nabe.. tp kalu selalu kat nihon dulu buat nabe selalu tak aci..buat ala2 malaysia..letak perasa tom yam laa..masuk kiub ayam maggie laa.. kali nih mmg kow2 nihon style.. sedaapp!! siap buat syabu2 lagi..selama 4thn duduk nihon,tak pernah mkn syabu2..lps tu,ada juga kara age..maki zushi..kuew tiow pon ada tp dia beli kat pasar mlm..ehehhe.takut ada yg nak makan pedas2,katanya..for desert,ada kek pisang,ice cream and yogurt buatan sendiri..fyi, i drink milk but my throat can't take yogurt but this yogurt is different..amazingly,i love it!! mixed it with honey and add in any fruits you like n you'll love it! no smell n tak masam..cik ida siap dapat 'tane'(benih) utk buat yogurt sendiri..huhuhuh..lps nih,bole la dia buka bisnes yogurt...hehehe..lupa pulak nk amek gmbr yogurt tu..kita tunggu yg versi cik ida kita la nanti..
ok laa.. that's all for today..
esok jumaat..i love friday!!coz the next day is holiday!!!
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