Friday, December 31, 2010

Penghujung 2010

2010 tinggal lagi satu hari... 2011 pulak bakal membuka tirai..

cepattnyerrr masa berlalu..cliche huh?? but it really is... imagine, i gave birth to rifqi in May this year and now he's almost 8months old..another 4months and he'll turn 1... belum puas lagi amek gmbr baby dia... belum puas lagi main2, agah2 dia... and rayyan, he's 3.5years old... couldn't believe i have a son who is soon going to school already... well, play school of course... but, hey ..that counts rite? i guess, i better hurry and get my hands on these babies... (hahah, alasan baekk punya!)

canon 50mm... dah lama mengidam.kalau boleh nak f1.4, tp mak datuk harganya..dah hebat amek portraiture boleh la beli nnti kat nihon... hehehe... so, kali ni amek yg f1.8 ... will go lense hunting tomorrow :)
don't know why, but i have the instict saying that 2011 is gonna be a great year for us... me going to nihon for 6months on sept 2011 till march 2012... dunno how i'm gonna survive that but, let's not think about that just yet,shall we... everything is gonna be great for emir too... some 'anjakan paradigma' i can say... and i'm so very much am a proud wife... proud that he's brave enough taking all the risk and ready to overcome all those challenges to make a change in his life... and be it black or white or even blurr, i'm always gonna be there for him in think and thin! we'll have 2soldiers supporting us...they are our strength...and insyaAllah, we know that He always give us the best!

the joy is always with us!!


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