Thursday, December 23, 2010

Building Fajr(subuh prayer) Discipline

sometimes, when we miss fajar(subuh prayer) we feel disappointed... we'll feel disappointed if performing fajr is our daily routine and missing it once makes us feel bad all day... isn't it.. but, i admit it is challenging to wake up for a 2rakaat prayer, washing ur faces with cold water and then trying to get back to sleep...  that's all syaitann...

let's hear a nice advise from khalid yasin which speaks really good tips on waking up for fajr prayer...
i got goose bump when i see, hear him speaks... deifinitely like msian ustaz... subhanallah...
Islam is really syumul..

among the words that i adore
  •  fajr is for soldiers... because we have to fight to wake up and perfom that 5mins prayer and sacrifice our sleep...
  • put your alarm clock across the room..and you'll be a fool to put it off and then go back to sleep
  • niat the night before that you want to perform fajr
  • syaitan ties 3nuts behind our ears and whisper to us to sleep that the night is long...when one of you wakes up and say subhanallah, then 1nut came loose, another when you take wudhu, and the last loosen when you perfom solat
  • when u built up that fajr discipline, when you miss one fajr you'll feel disappointed...
  • when you did fajr, you know your day is gonna be great..coz you've ask Allah for His blessing through the day...even if something goes wrong, you won't be much in misery,insyaAllah

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