Monday, December 20, 2010

Peluang atau Rezeki

i don't know how to put this into words... really, i can't describe how i'm feeling.. happy, excited, worry, scared..ok, all of them are in one package based on one decision. last friday, me n 2others of my colleagues are told to decide that one of us have to go to Japan for the short course( is 6months count as short for mothers??) next year..we have to give our answer, a name before 3pm today... gilla apa nak decide in few hours..kena call laki, mak, call semua2 laa.. hehehe,mcm la nk pergi perang kan? eh, come to think of it..mmg macam perang pon..kena perang dgn perasaan sendiri...duduk berjauhan dgn laki n anak2 .. bukan main2 maa...

mmg nak pergi dr dulu lagi, tp hati nih terasa berat nk tinggalkan anak2... tapi tadi dah call papa, ummi and timbang tara(lebih kurang), they all encouraged me to go..and so, i gave them my answer... i'm going!

insyaAllah, tahun depan i'll be going to Japan for 6months to study more on Japanese language education... other matters, insyaAllah Allah akan bukakan jalan... yang penting sekarang tetapkan niat untuk timba lagi ilmu dan majukan diri setapak lagi dan keluar dr mai comfort zone.

siap ada org sudah offer diri nk jaga rifqi for that 6months.. heheheh.. i'm happy to know. the kiddos insyaAllah kena tinggal dgn ummi and hopefully by that time our maid is here to help ummi... mungkin boleh pertimbangkan juga cadangan sahabat yg nk jagakan rifqi.. seriously i wouldn't mind because i know them pretty well... rifqi will be in good hands. but it is not a  for me to make alone.

i just sent the form today... fiiling forms is one of the things i hate to do... isi form pon byk masalah...fax rosak laa..lupa minta tandantangan pengarah laa...but, negativity aside...i'm glad it is all settled. i need some time to take a deep breath and relax... if u ask me, i don't really know if this is for the best.... i still have doubts and i'm trying to concentrate about the good things it has to offer... insyaAllah.

doakan juga semoga urusan papa dipermudahkan..papa tgh berusaha study untuk amek exam insyaAllah next month... semoga papa cemerlang with flying colours...natsukashii tgk papa bangun pagi2 study... ganbare papa!!

and so,

i'm chasing my dreams



Fith said...

hidup ni mmg penuh dgn 'pengorbanan'.my berkorban keluarga dan anak2 utk mengejar impian my dan fith pulak berkorban impian untuk keluarga.insyaAllah semuanya akan dipermudahkan.
btw congrates ye!dtg nihong nanti duk area mana?tokyo?

mysara said...

urawa tokyo fith..jauh la nak gi yamaguchi..hehehe..insyaAllah mana tau ada rezeki bleh jumpa...