please flash back or rewind your memory to this date---> 31st december '08 & 1st january '09
what were you doing on these days? to end memorable full of year and to welcome another new promising year... is there anything special u might wanna share? ;)
yes, i've got mine to share... although it's almost half way through 1st month of 2009, i still wanna share and keep this story in my 'story chamber' before i postpone it again.
okay,let me start.eventhough i was born and raised in Johor, i never had the chance to step my feet into Singapore. i don't even mind about's not necessarily a must to visit Singapore when u said u're a truly pure Johorian,right?(adakah semua org kelantan pernah pergi ke siam??) tetapi, tiba2 dikala usia menjejak ke ambang 26 nih (asek2 nk khabar pasal usia je..excited ka naa??) mommy berjaya juga ke Singapura walaupun trip ini tidak dirancang and was a last minute plan. actually, this sudden trip was to visit a relative who's not well and being admitted to hospital. semua orang amek emergency leave and went to Singapore early 31st Dec '08 at noon. we reached there around 6pm and straight away went to the hospital.NUH(National University Hospital) if i'm not mistaken...let's just skip the details on the 1st day because mainly we spent the rest of the day at the NUH.owh,btw we didn't actually wait for the countdown to 2009 that nite as we're extremely tired because of the long hours drive.although,we're not the 1 who's driving and still manage to catch a sleep along the way...hehehe.
the 2nd day,the 1st day of 2009.. a new day of a new year..but our 1st stop is the hospital still...nama pun melawat orang sakit kan...dah sangap duduk hospital, our hosts invite us to have a quick visit around singapore... masa nih hati rasa serba salah,maklumlah tujuannyer nk melawat orang sakit, tak sedap pulak nk pergi jalan2... but they insist we go apatah lagi bila dia tahu mommy nih tak pernah dtg, we went to Arab Street...had our lunch,nasi beriyani and teh tarik. after that, went to Geylang (betul ke eja nih?) best jugak pasar tu.lps tu ke tpt yg ada singa tu..ala singa yg ada keluar air dari mulut dia tuh..hehehe... mommy teringin benor nak amek gmbr kat situ.walaupun dlm keadaan rushing tu sempat jugak la snap some pictures..posing pon ala2 posing express..senyum pon xsempat.. ;p lps tu terus balik semula hospital..stay for a while and headed home.reached alor gajah at 830pm,dinner and drove back to KL.sampai rumah pkl 1130pm camtu,terus tergolek+pengsan tiga2... :D
so.. that's how we spent our new year.although it was a quick visit, and my 1st stop was the NUH..heheh...i was glad coz at last i made it to Singapore after all my friends complain i should went there ages ago. but all in all, i think Singapore was nice.cantik jer bandar dia...kawasan perumahan bersih, xde jam2(or we're just lucky??) the food was great and i think i wanna go there some other time. nk abiskan pusing kat tpt singa tu and try more foods...hahaha. ok,that's all about our new year..
actually, maybe it's just a coincidence or something but we've celebrated new year at many different places these 5years..
2004- Tokyo Tower ( a visit to Tokyo & Disneyland)
2005- Fukui ( at the top of a mountain somewhere in Hokuriku playing snowboard & broke my wrist )
2006- Seoul,Korea ( during our pre-honeymoon breakaway accompanied by Cik Ida )
2007- somewhere in Japan... can't recall
2008- Malaysia terchenta
2009- Singapore
best jugak kalau sambut new year at different places nih,isn't it?? so, ayang...where to for 2010? :D
here comes the pictures~
where we stayed... i love the neighbourhood

Masjid Sultan,Singapura
akhirnya dapat juga jumpa pakcik singa ni, The Merlion (ignore the sememeh faces..huhu)

gigantic durian? it's the Esplanade, Theatres on the Bay

the glimpse of Singapore i'm gonna miss

suke gak ngan singapore. bersih jek kan..
sou2..bersih jer..jalan raya pon cantek :)
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