syian Rayyan..since dtg Japan ni xde geng nk bermain.mengadap la muka mak dia 24/7..papa pulak bila weekends n malam je la ada masa nk bermain. now Rayyan have fixed schedule.. sleep 2times during the day around 2hours,eat 3times a day and snack when he wants.. Rayyan is not interested with tv i can see.. only certain CM or songs that will catch his attention.. for example, that "Ponyo-ponyo" song from Miyazaki kantoku latest movie "Gake no Ue no Ponyo".. the song is sooo damn cute.. i myself love it.. nak nyanyi kat karaoke la nnti =)
ok.. so,this is the pictures i promise during our picnic by the beach last sunday.. enjoice!
very warm(actually hot!) welcome... =)

"mama... x join skali?".. cett!

membenamkan Rayyan dalam pasir.. (parents yg otai ;))
tp xpuas lg.. sibuk tunjuk laut nk berendam lg..

Rayyan yang kepenatan berendam

Inside ferris wheel @ Cosmo World

Papa did get a toy for Rayyan(after 4 times of failure..hehhe). arigatou Papa! gambar toy tu mommy letak nnti la ye..
busy planning for a week of holidays next week.wanna make full use of it! =)
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