tomorrow u'll be 13months.. wow,time really flies,huh?
just a brief update about you;
ur weight= 8.5kg(last weigh was last week at Ebina)
ur height= 77cm
others= one tiny-cute tooth,
= able to walk for about 10steps without falling on ur own,
= lots and lots of talking @ cute sounds
= fall and bump more often
= love to climb and are able to climb stairs on ur own,
= love to slide and playground(once naik gelungsor,xmoh balik dah)
= good at imitating mommy n daddy's actions.. sume org pegang dia nk jugak
last night,an incident occured.luckily,u were okay.i even cried,scared to death.daddy pon cuak abis.luckily,there's no severe injuries but i really felt the blame on me. that incident made me realize how i feel or how a mother felt when their child is hurt in any way. it's not easy raising a second lack of caution can cause a lifetime regret... (suddenly, i miss Mak kat kampung.. terima kaseh Mak)
okays,next time.. pay more attention! no more careless,mommy!
so,back to the title of today's entry.this time,i'll let the picture speaks for itself adorn with some words..and here you go,another pile of pictures of us last summer holiday at Fukui Terchenta.. =)
Holiday starts from 9th August~13th August '08
1st and foremost, representing the ride. New Demio, a compact car very economical on gas. easy drive and cute too~
The weather was quite cloudy but we're fortunate to see Mount Fuji while crossing Yamanashi

The scenic view along the way.. mountains, streams, lakes, dams, fruits farms(grapes,pears,peaches..etc).. and many more

in front of Fukui Station - 1st place i met ur daddy :)

The all-time-favourite Soba, Eki Soba.(no chairs n tables provided.just bars where u stand n eat...huhuh)

Himawari @ Sunflower farm at Kaga Fruitsland.accompanied with mizot,hafiz,moqa & linda

bunga2 sume segan jumpa Rayyan.. tunduk je.. hehhe

August 11th, Mikuni Hanabi Taikai.

payah sungguh nk suruh Rayyan pandang kamera,asyik sgt tgk hanabi =) it's great that u enjoyed the festival,dear...

we took over 100pieces of pictures on this single event.. this is one of them. something different about this hanabi taikai is that most of the firecrackers were fired from the middle of the beach.. plus,u get to enjoy both the sky n the beach as the stage.. nice rite?

firecrackers above the water

The troop to Mikuni Hanabi Taikai.. unfortunately,mommy xbawa yukata..Yukata kitakattanaa~

Mizushima Island Mandi2 Trip.about 2hours drive from Fukui City. A small deserted island at Tsuruga City. crystal clear water and a perfect place to bring children along.. 

Rayyan.. loves beaches!
playing eyes with auntie mizot enticingly... 

geng baru :)
ramai betul coast guard Rayyan

seronok berendam.. xmoh naik

Rayyan crying on the boat while leaving the beach... 

spent some time with Okasan before leaving Fukui. makan soba lagi sambil borak2...

went to game center during our last night there with some of the Fukuians

and finally....
3 of us 1st Purikura... Rayyan's 1st Purikura =)

pheww... at last... that's all dear. wait for the next post about your 1st Disneyland.. =)have a nice day!!
lots of love
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