Rayyan-chan,otsukare samadeshita!!
today's diary,
at 11am we went to Jusco as every 20th and 30th of every month Jusco is having 5% discount for every item. we went by bicycle.. well it's really challenging(for daddy) carrying you and riding a bicycle at the same time.. bila lagi nk rasa kan? kalu kat msia jgn harap la nak naik beskal.. here's the picture;

gambar nih masa belum shopping2,lps shopping byk la barang nk bawa.. beg plastik kanan kiri handle... tp takpe,mommy terrer naik beskal..heheh.. at 4pm we went somewhere near Tsurumi Onsen as we were invited to have dinner with daddy's boss,Wachi-san and his lovely family and also their neighbour who're very2 friendly. we talk and ate a lot;
-Takoyaki(something like 'cekodok' which consist of cabbages,onion,ginger and of course cuttlefish as "tako" means cuttlefish).. it was 'grill-it-yourself' style.. i'm thinking of bringing the takoyaki maker back home.. heheh ,
-Okonomiyaki(consisting of a pan-fried batter cake and various ingredients. Okonomi means "what you like" or "what you want", and yaki means "grilled" or "cooked"),
-also had Pancake which in Japan they called it "
Hotto-keki" cooked in takoyaki maker(this is for Rayyan actually..),
-Kabocya-soup(pumpkin soup), -Mugicya(roasted barley tea), -Potato Salad and cakes.. i forgot to bring my camera.. but Wachi-san did took some photos of us.. might get them later.. Rayyan was being a very good boy.. everybody loves you.. we had our dinner while you played with Wachi-san's son Taisei-kun.. you were so occupied playing the block game.. nnti kita beli yer syg.. =) ok,that's all the story about today.actually mommy just wanna wish Atuk,Ummi,Ibu and family kat Batu Pahat and anyone who's reading this ;
yep..it's not raya yet but Rayyan dah main bunga api.. hehehe,his 1st bunga api(13months-old)
tomorrow mommy ada shopping-date with my ex-classmate.. i'll be leaving you with daddy for half-day,i guess(if i'm not crazy shopping and lupa daratan..heheh).daddy risau u can't nap without me..hehehhe..bg dia rasa jaga anak sorang2..
be good! and sure,i'm gonna miss u!!
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