Saturday, September 29, 2012

sew in LoVe~

been up to sewing things lately since i put up mai little working's a share room with emir's work space which of course mostly consist of boxes of car parts..heheh..we get to have half of the room each...i'm happy because i love this room soo soo much. cozier and lotsa windows to take my mind away while doing my work.
alhamdulillah, since i started sewing back, i'm getting more organized and productive. been eager to sew something new, learn new tricks and feels like i'm falling back in love :)
and then, i started this passport holder wallet for maiself as now i have 4passports to take care of.. last trip with mil and emir's aunt, i have to hold a total of 6passport at one time and it was not cool to have to search all over my big bag to search for passports..that includes immigration papers and all.. i thought, how easy it would be if everything is in one place when you need it...and then, i came across i not a happy lady? hehehe
then,rezeki Allah nk bagi, friends and family are ordering and i'm making bunch of them... i love chosing n mixing the fabrics for them... for those who're wondering, the prices are rm48 for 4pockets & rm52 for 6pockets.backed with interfacing to make it sturdy and completed with snap closure :)

 this one i made for maiself, but then i decided to give it as a surprise gift for my sister.. i think she can use this everytime she go to pasar :))

and then, i made this lovely dress for lil maryam
now, i'm making my way on a new project.. a quilt.. hope to be a big one..been making the blocks since last week..i want these heart blocks in mai 1st quilt but i don't know how to arrange them just yet.. been on that these few days and can't really decide.. i really need my cutting mat and omnigrid ruler..pleaseee~

that's it!
sewing is indeed therapeutic for me!

 it's already autumn n i'm in love!


Tiqah said...

Oh those are so lovely Mai! Nak order 1 boleh? Passport holder with 4pockets! Comel sgt! tp postage nye cemana pulak ek>?

mysara said...

tq tiqah! postage will be made from malaysia sbb mai pos byk2 terus sekaligus ke msia dgn brg2 lain..postage around rm12 aritu sbb pakai poslaju.maybe nnti mai bole tgk mcm mana nk bg murah lagi..pos ekspress mcm murah sket lebih kurang camtu la harganya :)kalau direct postage dr japan nak yg murah lmbt sket sampai..around 2~3weeks camtu rm10 jugak :)

Tiqah said...

ooh lambat sampai pon xpe.. tungguk adek kluar dulu baru boleh fly ke mana2.. tahun ni berjalan dalam malaysia je.. hikhik.. suka la tgk mai jahit comel2..rasa nak belajar menjahit pulak..

mysara said...

ok tiqah..nnti mai buatkan..any colour preference?

bestnya nk dapat bb lagi...teringat zaman preggy dulu..rindu pulak..

tiqah mesti senang je nk tangkap kalau belajar sbb cikgu suhailah pon kreatif orangnya..belajar la tiqah :))

tiqah said...

nak tapi skrg masa tak cukup, balik kerja dah lepak sgt.. tgklah nanti kalau dah nak pencen.. hehe.. mana tahu dapat pencen lagi setahun dua.. boleh la berjinak2 dgn menjahit.. skrg nak belajar menjahit guna youtube pon boleh Mai.. Hehe.. Mai tgh relax2 tu tambah la lagi.. Suka tgk kain yg ada eiffle tower tu..