Sunday, September 16, 2012

7years & forever

16.09.2005 ~ 16.09.2012
Our life together isn’t always easy. We made hard choices together, we don't know what's waiting for us..nothing is for sure but we know everything's gonna be alright as long as we have each other!
It's our 7th year anniversary but i don't know why it feels like yesterday falling for you... Loving you was always so easy, being loved by you was a dream come true.
This year, situation changes. A brand new year in our marriage in the country where we met for the 1st time..with the kids to cheer our life, what more can i ask? sometimes we might take 'us' for granted to give spaces for the kids, but let’s get back to basics… to you, to me, and our love. The one thing that’s lasting and true.

Because after all, that’s where we started, and that’s where we should always be.
Thank you for all the yesterdays,
I cherish your love today,
and look forward to all the tomorrows
Happy Anniversary, sayangg!

our song for this year

'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz



naz said... :)

Semoga berbahagia hingga akhir hayat..insyaAllah.

naz said...

Semoga berbahagia ke akhr hayat..insyaAllah.

mysara said...

Tq NaZ! Amiiinnn~