Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Monbukagakusho Exam

alhamdulillah, telah selamat menduduki peperiksaan monbukagakusho 2minggu yang lalu.mmg agak kalut nk amek exam ni, maklumlah dah lama xmenduduki exam english..japanese tu boleh la cari buku rujukan melambak kat ofis ni(tp cxukup masa pulak nk mentelaah).. that's why i went to the univ library to borrow some english revision books preferably IELTS or TOEIC books..but sadly, most books look like they are on the shelf for hundred years... i manage to find 2books n to my surprise i can borrow it for 3months.clearly i had not been to any library for like hundred years too as the last time i remember myself borrowing books were for only 2weeks or 1month tops..3months? i might forget where i put them..hehehe

so, my intention of writing this was to give a brief idea about the monbukagakusho exam for postgraduate students applying for monbukagakusho scholarship.i don't know about others, but as soon as i find out i'm accepted to sit for the exam, i search for kakomon(previous years exam papers).. i hope someone out there, is kind enough to leave some hint or tell me what kind of questions are gonna come out...experience from anyone..and lucky enough, i found a link that enable us to download the previous exam papers but sadly the latest was 2010.. well, good enough.better than nothing right?  you can get it from here. it really helps but the format for japanese paper this year(2012) differs from the 2010.. it's more like the 2008 Qs. for english, i'm really bad at finding the grammar mistake questions.everything seems to be OK..i should study more on that ..hehehe

candidates waiting to register

anyway, hope this helps for those who's taking the monbukagakusho exam in next coming years.. of course there are possibilities that they might change the format..but like i said earlier, this is better than nothing...

wish you all the best of luck!!

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