Sunday, May 20, 2012

Impiana Resort Cherating part 1

ohisashiburi!!some pictures during our holiday @ Impiana Resort Cherating 03.05.2012. it was a 4~5hours drive.didn't know it was that far because in the website they stated only 2.5hours from kl..but it was all worth it.seriously i was about to cancel the trip because of the long drive...but he convinced me that it's gonna be fun, so after i asked him to give me 10reasons we should go..i agreed!! and we had fun BIG time! hehehe..thanx dear!

some of the photos i managed to play with today.. after my exam this morning, playing with pictures is all i wanna do(besides tempting to sew soooo many in-the-list items). the pictures taken are like hundreds a usual n selecting the best is not an easy, uploading one by one is sooo boring...editing takes time but it also kinda, i'm now so addicted to instagram... if only instagram are able on pc,life would be so much, i did some editing with photoscape intead. i used it once for my photobook n didn't know there's a lot to discover from it... give photoscape a try n maybe you too will fall in love with it..enough said, let's move on to the outcome...

PART 1 :)

playing hide & seek around the cozy room with this lil boy is fun

Rayyan loves playing with sand by the beach but is afraid to get into the water...

Rifqi didn't dare go there too..he ran awayyyy..hik3

there's a swing near the beach n rayyan loves does papa ;p

making them happy is one of my mission..papa,we wanna have fun some more!!

we miss you,papa!! rayyan said, he can't wait to go to Japan!



Tiqah said...

Cayalah Mai, pandai ambik gambar!! I've been there last year, stayed kat Impiana gak, mcm bilik yg sama je.. hik2.. Best gi Cherating kan? Kitaorg gi masuk Terengganu sekali sbb dah tak jauh dah dari Impiana tu..

mysara said...

tq tiqah,

mmg best nnti bebila nk gi lagi.kitorang bilik 228 dekat je dgn pool.kitorang pon masuk terengganu..dinner kat sana..hehehe..dekat sgt dah kan?

Tiqah said...

Haah dekat betul, Impiana tu kira dah sempadan nak masuk ke Kemaman. Kitaorg pulak gi breakfast masuk Kemaman kat Kedai Kopi Hai Peng. Bestnye tgk hero2 Mai. Bila ntah dapat jumpa Rifqi hensem tu.