Thursday, April 19, 2012

9years and counting

~Rayyan is 4years 8months 3weeks old~
~Rifqi is 1year 11months 2weeks old~


9th year knowing each other...
been with each other ever since and growing old wiser together...
with 2beautiful boys and planning to have more babies in future insyaAllah
ups n downs... good n rainy days...
alhamdulillah, we're better than who we are before in many ways, i believe...
and we're still improving insyaAllah..

as for the boys,

rayyan has just recovered from fever last 2days...after he regained his strength rifqi vomitted quite bad and having slight fever.. but he's recovering now.he's showing good sign wanting to smile n tease his big brother... but still weak to run like he usually does.. and this morning, our maid is not feeling well... i let her rest for the day... right now, when i have to handle almost everything by myself..i really, really miss my other half... i even dreamt of him last night... well, for a few nights actually... we're facing some challenges being away from each other but we know the day will come when we'll be one small happy family again soon!! i hardly can't wait for that day...

Mai wish,
semoga anak2 semua sihat dan Allah permudahkan segala urusan...

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