Monday, October 18, 2010

Taiwan for 4days

in less than 24hours we'll be apart..for a be precise, 4days!
alaa..4 hari jer.. kejap jer..pejam celik dah jumpa balik...

is it???

ask anyone who had experienced long distance relationship.
has it ever been easy?
well, maybe i'll keep myself busy with all the work loads in the office and at home
although we'll most probably be staying at in laws for that amount of days
so that i can use some hands to handle 2boys
..and at the same time keep me sane

yeay, i can go crazy without him around
because he's my other half
it's challenging to survive with my other half 2004.10miles aways from home

or am i just being childish?
did i hear someone say,'oh please, grow up!'

deep in my heart,
i feel that it's fine to feel this way..i'm allowed to be childish when it comes to him

so, ayang
can i get a new pair of shoes to at least feel happy wearing one to work on that 4 long days?


Elah said...

Susah oo berjauhan.Aritu blk kenduri belah germ pun rindu giler but nasib jugak dok sibuk setel2kan brg plus webcam every night.
Nnt blk bersalin ni pun lama gak...sabar jelah huhuhu.

sYana said...

faham sgt. you are normal to feel like this. haku dulu 2 minggu macam org gila dibuatnya.

harap2 sibuk dengan kerja, mungkin boleh occupied dengan benda lain selain teringat kat husband.

:) kami dekat sahaja if you need anything.

ida desu said...

cik mai..go for kasut biru or purple tuh..yang tuh cantik..hehe..baru gembira nak pegi keja walaupun stapak takde..hehe

mysara said...

elah, mmg kan? sehari pon dah xsenang duduk..hence, balik keje lmbt pon hati dah gusar..muahaha..ganbare elah! nnti balik nk bersalin kat sini kita lepak sama2 eh..

thank you for the offer..korang mmg terbaek! nampaknyer aku kena pk8juta kali la nk pergi urawa 6bulan tu? mati kering gue..hihihi

yup! aku pon berkenan yg itu..wanna accompany me for shoes hunting?? hehehe