Friday, October 1, 2010

Pangkor Island Beach Resort Part 1

so, here's some pictures as promised. xsempat nk upload semua..ini pon, curi2 masa edit, upload... ada lagi seketul kelas lps nih..esok lusa confirm bz.sudah ada agenda menanti... insyaAllah, gmbr2 yg lain akan menyusul kemudian...

 feri yang kami naiki untuk ke pulau pangkor... diberi nama 'Naik Selalu' ..huhuhu..comel kan?

Rayyan & Papa on board

Leka tgk kapal2... mula2 nak naik ferry dok menjerit,'Tak nak naik boat'...

Rifqi & Papa, sebelum feri bertolak

kami yg seronok tgk laut

Sampai sudah di jeti khas utk tetamu Pangkor Island Beach Resort & Teluk Dalam Resort

kenderaan yg belah kiri warna putih itu ialah bas hotel..foc :)

View from our room... i wish i could have this view everyday

that night, i woke up at 5am( it was my alarm clock that woke me)... couldn't went back to sleep...amazed by the sound of the wave ..maklumlah, dok bandar mana nk dgr bunyi2 alam... we spend the next nite sitting at the balcony together chit-chatting till 4am..

more pictures coming...

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