before that, jom layan Lenka...currently loving this song and Lenka too
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
siapa yer?
someone i wish i didn't know -> that person i mentioned in Day 08
someone i need to let go
i can't believe i'm saying this but it's true. there are these times in my life when i have to let go of the person that meant the most to me. something comes up, misunderstanding and jealousy caused the pain and letting go is the best solution. they're my 2 bestfriends... well, at least they used to be. i don't know what went wrong but i lost 2 of them... people say, it's better to stay friends with people rather than to be bestfriends. if i get the 'bestfriends' word translated right, they are friends who gonna be there through your ups n downs and be frank with you with whatever things that is happening...
at one point if felt like....

i guess...
and ...
but again,
how i wish we can talk endlessly about stupid things and end up laughing at each other without no one getting hurt or feeling bad...
how i wish i can turn back time
and maybe make this M.O.U
apart all that, please know something
that i still care for you!
now, i miss my bestfriends, imfeen!!
rasa mcm tau je 1 of that persons,'s ok mai,org yg cari musuh hidupnya takkan bahagia,dia yg sgt2 rugi sbnrnya,kan kan...
oh i miss imfeen too,hehe...
Rindu2 gak...bila agaknya boleh kumpul and semua org ada.
fith, segalanya hanya kerana cemburu dan tidak mahu berterus-terang... each party tak tau apa terjadi at the other and easily made up assumption that end up hurting each other. distance n time add up to be among the reason. sad!!
korang jgn la dok nihon lama2 sgt!! balik bleh gather anak2 sekali...hehehe
Nice entry mai.. Yg mou tu cam best. Imfeen nyer mou xder la ek..hehe. Aku pun rindu korg. Baca entry ni terus berair mata teringat kat korang..huhu
imfeen nyer mou kena suruh fith draft sbb fith paling jiwang..hehehe...jgn marah fith
tapi betul laa, aku rindu kita gelak giller2 mcm dulu.gelakkan ko yg kelam kabut, gelakkan elah dgn bm xbetul pastu mkn betik xkupas kulit, mcm2 lagi laa.. teringat mlm syukatsu xtido borak sampai pagi...pergi ryokou ramai2... rindunyer!!
saya rindu nak makan lamb chop..haha..tapi saya tak makan kambing..hahahaha
fith, elah..balik la mesia bulan 11 nih..
hahaha...siapa lah org tu kan? xmkn kambing tp order lamb chop...hahahaha
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