we just got a not-so-very-good news from the doctors...my personal doctor n the doctor from the gov hosp. honestly, i'm insanely worried and can't stop from thinking about all the possibilities... astaghfirullah!! i'm in 36weeks and unfortunately adek is still not engaged..not even in a head-down position.adek is in breech condition. breech extended is what they named it.the truth is i'm still not sure how it looks like, coz everytime i look at the screen, i can't tell what is what... i just remember the name and thinking of googling it once i sat in front the com..but today was full of things to be done in the office... don't have the time to dig for more info regarding that... i can't help myself from crying on my way back from the hosp..the picture of having to go through c-sect is something i'm very least expected as rayyan came out normal.
next week, the specialist will do ECV to try turning the baby into the right position.. if they made it, i might be able to go for normal..if not, they're gonna set a date for c-sect, which is a nightmare for me... there's also possibilities adek might be born on that day if something goes wrong...
seriously, tell me to be positive on this!! demmit, i'm scared!!
Salam mai...aku doakan semoga semuanya dipermudahkan Allah. Semoga ko beroleh kekuatan kembali dan selamat semuanya insyaAllah. Ko harus kuat, kerana aku sendiri dapat kekuatan dari ko. Ingat tak aku banyak tanya ko soalan2 about breastfeeding etc? U've helped me a lot my friend. Many many thanks mai. So keep up with the positivity. InsyaAllah Allah will help you as He always would.
mai.. sad to hear that, tapi mama rayyan harus kuat specially time2 da dekat ni..
maybe aku salah, tapi aku penah baca time preg aku dulu, in the 2nd pregnancy, most probably baby engage mmg lambat sket, sometimes 38th week baru dia nk turun.. and it is normal if 2nd pregnancy, kepala tu lmbat engage.. kalau salah article tu, aku salah la jgk.. hopefully u n baby will be safe.. kuat & positive dear
it's hard to be positive bila tetiba dpt berita yg mengejut that we least expected. apa2 pun be calm. mmg susah but u got no choice cz u still have to go through it until d end. sabar n doa byk2 ye mai. insyaAllah everything will turn out fine. i pray that everything will go on smoothly n easily for u n adik. yg pnting dua2 sihat n slamat. amin. ~hugs!~
doakan semoga Allah permudahkan semua.
selalulah bersangka baik dengan ketentuan Allah,insyaAllah my akan rasa lbh tenang dan selesa.fith doakan semuanya akan berjln lancar,yg plg penting both u and adek selamat...
psl tak engage tu it's normal.mcm fith dgn raziqh dulu till week 39 pun dia still tak engage.cuma utk kes my,berdoa laa moga2 doc berjaya betulkan blk position adek.
take care,be strong k!
It's okay to be scared.I hope you take strength in knowing that there are a lot of people out there praying for you and adek's safety.InsyaAllah everything will go well. Take care.
mai, gambare & all the best. everything will be ok. InsyaAllah.
gambatte mai.. doa byk2
thank you all for the prayers... insyaAllah, i'll be strong!
thank you all for the prayers... insyaAllah, i'll be strong!
salam my.., erm ape yg jadi pada kau hari nie same dgn ape yg jadi pd aku dulu mase preggy aisy..,
mmg sedih giker rase time tu.., tapi alhamdulillah berkat doa n sabar semuanya dipermudahkan..! kau kena selalu fikir positih.., lagi satu ade org suh aku minum air zaffran n selalu sapu kat perut lepas solat.., dengan kuasa Allah.., alhamdulillah semuanya dipermudahkan..! doa banyak2..
jgn stress k dear..
mai jangan stress okay..ada jugak baby yang last minute dia pusing...try la cakap2 dengan adek mintak dia pusing...kena banyak sabar ye..setiap dugaan ada hikmah nya...
jangan outus harapan ye mai..kami tutur mendoakan moga semuanya mudah, lancar dan selamat :)
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