while browsing things for adek at a baby store last week, we found cloth diaper(cd).hehehe.. i still remember wanting to use cd for rayyan onichan
here!, tp niat terkubur sbb kurang study & xde maid..hehehe,nampak sgt mak nyer pemalaih.. oleh sbb skg nih dah ada maid, boleh la mommy bukak balik niat nak cd'ing.. ohh, i love it! apatah lagi ada geng mommies yg dah expert bab2 cd nih..senang nk rujuk..
pn fith onegaishimasune~... emir was hesitating about these cds at first.. he once bought a cd from one of his friends but it's not really practical,too big and bulky that lost his trust in cd.this time dia kata nnti mommy tak istiqamah..betul ke bb selesa.. kalau poop camne..ect.. ehehhe.. i explained a bit and manage to convinced him into buying 2sets of cds for rayyan.. kita test kat abg rayyan dulu..as toddlers pees less and it's easier to see if he's in discomfort with it... we bought 1 lunatots and 1 from autumz...
hari ni, waktu shopping2 brg adek sorang2 kat mv, ternampak cd and sgt la teruja nk beli... brand MyEcoNappy..quite pricy.. 1 nappy and 1 insert for rm99.. mau pengsan emir kalau aku beli nih..tp nk try! satu lagi brand,xigt pulak.pon harga mahal,rm89.. we bought lunatots for rm51 with 1 insert and autumz rm46 with 2inserts.. dlm hati kata, sabar2.. tahan nafsu...nnti2 boleh beli lagi..slow2.. skg nih mix cd n disposable diapers..lgpon,stok diapers rayyan byk lagi..mmg sekali beli berbeg2..
this is rayyan with his 1st cloth diaper
wah.., rayyan pun dah stat pakai cd yer..? erm Aisy pun org pakai kan dari dalam hari..! mmg comey sangat..! nnt boleh pakai kan baby cd..! mmg kiut miut sangat n syok tau cd kan dorang nie..!
beli kat blog la bebaloi sikit rase..! kat bawah nie ade link satu blog yg jual cd n agak berpatutan harganya..! selamat ber cd.., ehehehe
wah2 rayyan pun dah ber-cd,comel!
betul kata zura tu mai,beli kat online shop lg murah.daitai org byk beli lunatots,fith pun puas hati beli yg tu.
masa beli utk raziqh dulu,11cds+22inserts,fith habis almost rm700.tu semua jenama biasa2 je,kalau beli jenama uk/us,1set pun dekat rm100 dah,garu kepala laa kan,haha
slmt ber-cd!go go green
thank you for the link! aku dah usha sket2,mmg murah beli online... tp, rambang mata beb, semua aku nak!! any suggestion brand mana better?
kalau beli sekaligus mmg terasa kan? tp lps tu dah lepak,xyah pk nk beli pampers disposable.mai pon suka lunatots..tgh usha yg ada printed tu.hehehe
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